Super Soldier Talk – Christy Campbell – Psionic Super Soldier
supersoldiertalkSuper Soldier Talk – Christy Campbell – Psionic Super Soldier Christy trained as a monarch starting at age 5, for George Bush Senior for honey pots and as an assassin. She has done a 20 year and back mission in which she was trained as a psychic assassin around the age of 6. She was then bought and lived in a mansion from the age of 6 to 10 and used in honey pots to black mail. From 11 to 14 she lived in a mother of darkness castle with two other girls where she underwent ritualistic abortions. From 14 to 16 she worked in a hangar with James’s training to resist psionic attacks. After that she graduated and taken to space where her memories begin black out. Today Christy will be sharing information about James Arc Ships in Orion, her future aspects with James as Brock and Christy as Jennifer, Tomas at the mars castle, Dirk and Christy on Mars, as well as her shared memories with James’s training to withstand psionic attack with a tall grey inside an underground hanger bay. You can email Christy at: christy.campbell.11@gmail.com Original Record Date: May 31, 2023 Be sure to subscribe to this channel and on rumble to see uncensored videos: https://rumble.com/user/supersoldiertalk If you like to learn more about super soldiers and milabs please visit: http://www.supersoldiertalk.com Support us by purchasing a book or meditation device at: http://www.neologicaltech.com Consider purchasing a Super Soldier Talk Herosquad T-Shirt: https://teespring.com/stores/super-soldier-talk YouTube has demonetized us please support us with your tax-deductible donations: http://www.healingsoulsurvivors.org Super Soldier Talk, James Rink, and Neological Tech does not necessarily vouch for the validity of any of the views expressed in this video and shall be held harmless by all third parties. Information provided here is offered to treat for entertainment purposes only. Discernment is always required.9.55K views 35 comments -
Starseed Galactic Alien Talk
SSche3067various topics of energy work and stories of working in the higher realms. Discussing our connections with et races69 views -
Super Soldier Memories Part 1 – Christy, Angie, James, and Steve
supersoldiertalkToday we will be speaking about magic schools, performances, Montauk, SRA and more. Steve will be joining us about halfway in. Christy is a Lyran Sirian Warrior sent to battle the Draco Reptilian and Greys in the Underground Wars. Targeted by the SSP at age 5 and put into the Monarch Programming, Honey Pots, Spy Assassin and has completed 4 twenty and back missions. Christy was subjected to Satanic Ritual Abuse. She is trained in Advanced Remote Viewing, Psionics with a Tall Grey and Reptilian at an aircraft hangar military base with James Rink as her teammate. Her and James graduated at the highest level at age 16. GHWB took her to Mars and the Moon for cloning. He was awarded 10 clones with hers and his own genetics to make into Ultra Soldiers. Christy has many memories with James Rink as Brock on Canis Major, Dirk on Mars, James on a martial arts training center in space. Her and James is also an Alpha Squad Super Soldier. She feels he is a part of her Soul Family. Sent to Earth with similar missions. You can learn more about Christy at : https://www.youtube.com/@ChristyCC33 You can email Christy at: christy.campbell.11@gmail.com Angie Dollar is a QHHT Hypnotist, and SRT therapist, today she will be presenting her clairvoyant findings on the secrets of Antarctica, as well as a discussion she had with the late Admiral Byrd in astral. You can contact Agnie at: https://futurelifetoday.com Steve is a super solider in the Alpha Squad, serving in the resistant movement to free members and slaves of the SSP. After his kundalini awakening, and regression work; his awareness of higher dimensions awoken him to many realities. He was brought on to ships receiving activations, healings, and missions to dismantle heavy fields that needed to be cleaned out. He has connections to Toth, Ptah, Odin, and ISIS. He has a sound energy therapy that recalibrates the bio field that can bring up old trauma that needs healing. His email is : Sche3067@gmail.com His YouTube handle is: https://www.youtube.com/@scherer321 Original Record Date: Nov 14, 2023 James will be presenting April 11-14, 2024 at the Sonesta Los Angeles Airport Hotel, in Los Angeles. CA. Get your tickets here. https://alchemyevent.com/ Be sure to subscribe to this channel and on rumble to see uncensored videos: https://rumble.com/user/supersoldiertalk If you like to learn more about super soldiers and milabs please visit: http://www.supersoldiertalk.com Support us by purchasing a book or meditation device at: http://www.neologicaltech.com Consider purchasing a Super Soldier Talk Herosquad T-Shirt: https://teespring.com/stores/super-soldier-talk YouTube has demonetized us please support us with your tax-deductible donations: http://www.healingsoulsurvivors.org Super Soldier Talk, James Rink, and Neological Tech does not necessarily vouch for the validity of any of the views expressed in this video and shall be held harmless by all third parties. Information provided here is offered to treat for entertainment purposes only. Discernment is always required.12.7K views 13 comments -
Ep. 6 Part 1. Christy Campbell, Psionic Supersoldier
Prime_Declassified_PodcastChristy shares her memory of Project IBIS along with recollections of The House of Darkness and the nefarious Lady A.779 views -
Prime Declassified Episode 10 Christy Campbell - Part 2
Prime_Declassified_PodcastChristy shares her experiences with the Serigat Program and off-world brothels.680 views 3 comments -
Ep. 14 Christy Campbell Part 3
Prime_Declassified_PodcastMontauk-Stranger Things & the Occult Christy does a reading for Eve & the conversation turns to MKUltra, Stranger Things, and Montauk.676 views -
Ep. 17 Christy Campbell 2nd half of Part 3
Prime_Declassified_PodcastContinuation of Part 3-The House of Darkness, Stranger Things & The Montauk Project561 views 1 comment