good morning | VocalWriter Andy Original
noriaki(nure)SPOILER the song is about climate change, it's real. An old-ish thing I found on one of my hard drives :) I know I said recently that I was gonna be slow with music now but this one was already finished so I just whipped up a quick drawing and boom Music: noriaki(nure) Vocals: Andy (Robert, Sarah) Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8p1r3x Rumble: https://youtu.be/H3yRsv1n_-A SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/noriakinure/good-morning Instrumental: https://soundcloud.com/noriakinure/good-morning-instrumental TRK/Midi & Inst: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgZljPU836NwnfUmMU8I9NoF8SAicg?e=d1mQVP 15% slowed down version: https://rumble.com/v3xzxdd-good-morning-15-tempo.html Support me on Ko-fi!: https://ko-fi.com/noriakinure Lyrics: A beloved light Whispers "Good morning to you" Warming up the walls of every house and mind The flow of gray sound Gets stronger by the minute Just like yesterday, the world Comes back to life Resting overnight 'till the sky gets back its hue Hear the songbird calling for a love to find The flow of green sound Gets weaker by the minute Just like everyday, the world Unaware Wake up, get up Ticking, ticking Speeding away Cannot hold on To the edit any longer Singing loudly for everyone to hear No matter what, don't forget how the scene Could be beautiful The winter I once knew, was so white and bright The summer just enough to keep me warm Uh, Tiny, fuzzy friends I grew all too fond of Stopped visiting a while ago, where did they go? Stop pretending, take a stand We'll have good mornings again12 views -
azure treasure //MD Ver. | VocalWriter Andy Original
noriaki(nure)Just a little Mega Drive-y variation of an older song of mine ( ´ u ` ) Now time to sleep.. Music: noriaki (nure) Vocal: VocalWriter Andy (+ Tracy, Robert) SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/noriakinure/azure-treasure-md-ver Dailymotion: https://dai.ly/x8p1pia YouTube: https://youtu.be/NyksguDE860 TRK and Inst: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgZljPU836NwnfUHFKgJuKv9KwIxPQ?e=Va8DfI Support me on Ko-fi!: https://ko-fi.com/noriakinure Lyrics: Dull cessation Detestation Clarifies my Wasting senses Submerging censure All what I ‘ve endured Wont explain why The stained dresses Azure treasure Bemoan never I can’t say why Keep our kisses Bitter winters Silence whispers Fluorescent dye Stain our wishes18 views 3 comments -
sad mac | VocalWriter Robert Original
noriaki(nure)I've had this one laying around for aaaages, and now that I found VocalWriter it felt like the perfect time :.) This song is made up of I'd say 85% Mac sounds (+ 3 Windows sounds but they're hard to hear). Who knew OS sounds make such nice instruments? PSA: BACKUP YOUR DATA COMPUTERS ARE FRAGILE Song: noriaki (nure) Vocal: Robert (VocalWriter) SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/noriakinure/sad-mac Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8p1pbk YouTube: https://youtu.be/j9e6Bc5TiZA Support me on Ko-fi!: https://ko-fi.com/noriakinure14 views