Paranormal Activity
11 videos
Updated 6 months ago
The paranormal and unseen, occult.
Third Eye Spies - full documentaire
Free HumanityThird Eye Spies ,full documentaire, Declassified ,Psychic Technology, soviet union, cia, mossad, china, psychic, third eye spies, secret programs , omar samson, free humanity, ancient technology, telepathie, telekinesis , teleportation, remote viewing, mind control, conspiracy , mystery, truth, technology175 views -
Is your phone a demon? All communication run trough Daemon A.I. and Wizards trough a black cube\mirror
Free Humanityphone ,demon, communication ,Daemon A.I. ,jinn, remote neural control, emf, human battery, artificial intelligence, summoning the demon, satanism, wef, who, aliens, extraterrestrial technology, technology, technocracy, dictatorship, ai apocalypse, age of the robots, android, smart devices, 5g, 6g, phone is a weapon, lucis trust, united nations, israel , jews, zionists, communists, bolsheviks, omar samson, free humanity, wizard, demon, black cubes, saturn, solomon, seal of solomon , numerology, coding, magic mirror, reflecting screens, precious metals, energy, vibration , light , sound, mind control, psy ops, portals, hell, law of the sea, ports, sata drive, satan,i phone, eye phone, all seeying eye, siri, iris293 views -
The Dead Internet Theory (Parts 1-4) Complete Edition - Documentary
Free HumanityThe Dead Internet Theory ,Parts 1-4 ,Complete Edition , Documentary, artificial intelligence, ai, dead internet, omar samson , free humanity, conspiracy, mystery,internet, lucis trust, united nations, satanists, jews, communists, bolsheviks, data centers The internet doesn’t exist. It’s dead. It stopped existing 5 years ago. According to the Dead Internet Theory, sometime between 2016 and 2017, the internet as you know it was replaced with a fake, a fraud, a simulacra, and all the “people” you see posting to social media—they aren’t real at all. The Dead Internet Theory Post ➤ https://bit.ly/3tCvTlG Google Is A Potemkin Village Post ➤ https://bit.ly/3AM5e8N Internet Archive & Wayback Machine ➤ https://bit.ly/3CPoGlA Artificial Intelligence Study ➤ https://bit.ly/3JjGB7f183 views -
|Manwich presents| Be Informed... Ep #36 The John Todd Tapes Vol. 2 WITCHCRAFT |forever STREAM edition|
TheManwichShow=====FOLLOW FULL EPISODES OF THE MANWICH PODCASTS ON SPOTIFY, iHeartRADIO, RUMBLE, GOOGLE PODCAST, YOUTUBE, TikTok, TWITCH, & CASTBOX===== John Wayne Todd (May 19, 1949 – November 10, 2007), also known as "John Todd Collins", "Lance Collins", "Kris Sarayn Kollyns", and "Christopher Kollyns", was an American speaker and conspiracy theorist. He claimed to be a former occultist who was born into a 'witchcraft family' before converting to Christianity. He was a primary source for many Chick Publications works against Dungeons & Dragons, Catholicism, Neopaganism, and Christian rock. In his public appearances, Todd made a variety of claims about witches, Satanists, and the Illuminati, who he alleged were conspiring against Christians. These purported conspiracies often included government officials and leaders of Christian organizations. Investigative reports in magazines and books said there were many inconsistencies in his statements about anti-Christian conspiracies and his own past. Follow The Manwich Show on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAu7... Follow The Manwich Show on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheManwichShow Follow The Manwich Show on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themanwichshow Follow The Manwich Show on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7xpiAPg... Follow The Manwich Show on iHeart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-th... Follow The Manwich Show on Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/search/th...3.83K views 1 comment -
The Black Awakening: The Spirit Realm Demons, Fallen Angels, Spiritual Warfare
Free HumanityThe Spirit Realm Demons, Fallen Angels, Spiritual Warfare, and The Black Awakening Apr 19, 2024 The Spirit Realm: Demons, Fallen Angels, The Black Awakening and Spiritual Warfare This is from my interview with Ruzz Dizdar on his book entitled "The Black Awakening" Thanks for watching! God Bless you all!!!! The Black Awakening: The Spirit Realm Demons, Fallen Angels, Spiritual Warfare, Demons, jinn, archons, ghosts, poltergeist, shadow people, psychology, humanity, deities , angels, demons, God, bible, Quran , thorah, scripture, truth, phantoms, evil, satanism, satan, lucifer, Jesus the son of the holy mother Marry peace and blessing be upon them, may God protect us., Omar samson, free humanity, OmarSam, Eph. 6. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.107 views -
Demons 🔥 documentaire by Love4God
Free HumanityDemons, jinn, archons, ghosts, poltergeist, shadow people, psychology, humanity, deities , angels, demons, God, bible, Quran , thorah, scripture, truth, phantoms, evil, satanism, satan, lucifer, Jesus the son of the holy mother Marry peace and blessing be upon them, may God protect us., Omar samson, free humanity, OmarSam, Eph. 6. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.90 views -
Paranormal activity part 1 (personal experience)
Free HumanityShadow figures, deamons, phantoms,poltergeists, faires,kabouters, emotions, glutony,sodomy,greed,hatred,anger,dispoiler,satan,evil,dispair ,fesr,archons,watchers,annunaki,fallen ,angels, lizard people, aliens,cosmos,meditation,light body space,nirvana ,technology,truth will prevail! God is real , the devil is real, deamons are real and angels are real! i do not fear the judgement of people, i do fear the judgement of God141 views -
Paranormal activity part 2 (personal experience)
Free HumanityVisible light spectrum, dark matter , cern, portals, Shadow figures, deamons, phantoms,poltergeists, faires,kabouters, emotions, glutony,sodomy,greed,hatred,anger,dispoiler,satan,evil,dispair ,fesr,archons,watchers,annunaki,fallen ,angels, lizard people, aliens,cosmos,meditation,light body space,nirvana ,technology,truth will prevail! God is real , the devil is real, deamons are real and angels are real! i do not fear the judgement of people, i do fear the judgement of God120 views -
Paranormal activity part 3
Free HumanityCrosses flying from walls, possessed by anger, importance of prayer, jinn, ghosts, aliens, deamons,Omar Samson,Free Humanity, Djinn not always evil, jinn can be the protectors of humans, jinn can be real muslims.79 views -
Jewish deamons caught on camera(real footage)
Free HumanityJewish deamons caught on camera(real footage)94 views 5 comments