Stage 3 Islamization of Bangladesh - mainstream media is ignoring this.
Perspectives on Islam - Elaine EllingerLearn more about the doctrine that drives it here: https://perspectivesonislam.substack.com/p/whats-the-difference-between-a-civil34 views -
What is the basis of Islam - and why does it matter if you're not Muslim?
Perspectives on Islam - Elaine EllingerMore than half the foundational doctrine of Islam is about the 'unbeliever'. Do you know where to find out what it says? Find all the doctrine and a tutorial showing how to search it on the homepage of this website: https://www.poi-nps.com/ Substack: https://perspectivesonislam.substack.com/39 views 1 comment -
Surprising Beliefs About Music in Islam
Perspectives on Islam - Elaine EllingerCertain famous people may not have to follow the rules but others are required to. Consequences can be severe. This website links all Islamic the foundational Islamic doctrine and a tutorial - check it for yourself: https://www.poi-nps.com/26 views 2 comments -
At School Its Called Culture...
Perspectives on Islam - Elaine EllingerWhen employers are taken to court - hijabs are called religion - but in public schools where promoting any religion is not permitted - it's called 'culture' Learn more in this article: https://perspectivesonislam.substack.com/p/what-does-the-future-hold-for-little Foundational Islamic law and other resources can be found on this website: https://www.poi-nps.com/ My book, with recommendations: https://www.amazon.com/dp/106887601830 views 1 comment