'WARNING!!! Disney sexual subliminal messages' - 2013
Info WormPublished on Jul 26, 2015 "WARNING!!! Disney sexual subliminal messages ► Click Here To Download your FREE BOOK : http://www.brainpower360.com/ disney illuminati frozen illuminati sexual programming in disney movies in the walt disney movies there is subliminal messages this video exposes subliminal messages in the lion king illuminati in the little mermaid illuminati disney easter egg hidden messages aladin subliminal messages disney is full of satanic antichrist programming disney is satanic. Scripture warns us to love not the world neither the THINGS THAT ARE IN the world or the love of the Father will not be in us . Disney is of this world it owns marvel illuminati star wars illuminati which preaches new age mysticism and spirituality through the force Pixar illuminati . All the princess mickey mouse Donald duck goofy illuminati scene Disney trailers the whole company from disney toys to Disney channel programming Mickey mouse clubk ultra Britney spears brainwashed Christina aguleira illuminati myley Cyrus exposed smiley is now the illuminati princess and her programming was conducted by Disney ► Click Here To Download your 2 FREE SUBLIMINAL ALBUMS : http://www.brainpower360.com/" If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691 Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)1.17K views 1 comment -
Demonic Video Game Industry Exposed: War Against Young Minds
BigbyLupoSubliminal messages placed in video games can change the way you think. Support StrangerThanFiction on Patreon. patreon.com/StrangerThanF1ction YouTube: youtube.com/c/StrangerThanFiction11/ Website: thestrangerfiction.com/51 views -
WARNING - Dark Side of Disney Exposed
The Dark Side Of The Entertainment IndustryDisney productions have pedophilia and sexual subliminal messages, which is not suitable for children.146 views -
BREAKING: SHOCKING VACCINE DEATH TOLL EXPOSED! - Disabilities Up 55% Among Women! Cancer Skyrockets
MyCatholicRedPillMirrored – Fair Use (share) 💉 “WE WILL NOT COMPLY” ☠️ January 9th, 2024. World Alternative Media Josh Sigurdson reports on the shocking vaccine death rate we're only just beginning to see. New reports are coming out showing that disability claims have skyrocketed 55% among women since the rollout of the injections and immune systems are destroyed and heart and cancer deaths become so common they're normalized. People continue to beg for restrictions, masks and injections in the face of hundreds of vaccine related studies, peer reviewed and not. The CDC has acknowledged much of this. Pfizer and Moderna's own patents show they knew it would cause cancer and heart failure. The FDA, HHS and CBER acknowledged that gene editing tools were sure to cause cancer death among many. In this video, we go over MANY studies, we expose the trolls and we talk about solutions to this global genocide. https://www.bitchute.com/video/s8iNWcRbn1Yw/ (Note: Excerpt from Ep. 3237b - X22report. See 3:50 “Proof of a Demonic Hive-Mind and they [DS] are not human – COVID is a bioweapon – Ivermectin denied” (link just below) – How do you explain ALL world-wide governments, the Vatican, Hollywood and all the MSM in cahoots in a devised scheme to deny available treatment of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to force the emergency authorization act? How do you explain the world-wide immigration invasion scheme and WOKE agenda against our families and children, all orchestrated seamlessly and fully approved by both Pope Francis and the Vatican? How is this not a demonic hive-mind? Humans do not act or behave like this. The fact that the DS players are still pushing this narrative and actually want to still jab you with their death jab explains everything. Only demonic psychopathic nutjobs without a soul would act like this. Remember it was Biden that took full responsibility for the COVID jab. It was these DS player that stole the 2020 USA election and projecting all blame on Trump. It was Trump that pushed for the alternate treatments and recommendations for Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. All those supporting doctors were silenced, only the controlling demonic hive-mind is allowed to exist and this hive-mind is NOT human. Over 90% of this hivemind are a CLONE, a synthetic robotoid or a soul scalped person. Time to wake up. Marcum) Proof of a Demonic Hive-Mind and they [DS] are not human – COVID is a bioweapon – Ivermectin denied https://www.bitchute.com/video/5qEd0sFnF7fN/ https://rumble.com/v41zmtb-proof-of-a-demonic-hive-mind-and-they-ds-are-not-human-covid-is-a-bioweapon.html ‘Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/zvyz8cis5jduudpotms5pialdjrsenfp CLONING(MyCatholicRedPill).pdf https://app.box.com/s/y8i431ybcj4wxp15qwi5oqdc8muyx10r Trump: To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY https://www.bitchute.com/video/oT5G1jnrg48I/ https://rumble.com/v3e6p8m-trump-to-every-covid-tyrant-who-wants-to-take-away-our-freedom-hear-these-w.html The Pride-Woke Agenda - info and links .pdf https://app.box.com/s/yr3q14gzwy07mq9x6ob8yyiah1om5k8b 2024: The Year to Cancel Wokeness https://www.bitchute.com/video/FoSDNrQg6v7x/ https://rumble.com/v45qs3k-2024-the-year-to-cancel-wokeness-related-info-and-links-in-description.html WikiLeaks: Clinton, Obama, Soros Overthrew Pope Benedict In Vatican Coup https://thenewamerican.com/us/politics/foreign-policy/catholics-ask-trump-to-probe-soros-obama-clinton-conspiracy-at-vatican/_pdf/ Catholics Ask Trump to Probe Soros-Obama-Clinton Conspiracy at Vatican https://www.bitchute.com/video/evIxzzX9BKkF/ https://rumble.com/v43jrgm-catholics-ask-trump-to-probe-soros-obama-clinton-conspiracy-at-vatican.html Heretic Pope Francis and the Illuminati Freemason Globalist Depopulation Agenda -V2.pdf https://app.box.com/s/cn8lce1e26yax5edw5xd6rg402h6c4ml EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD IS HIDING THIS DATA FROM PUBLIC VIEW (Why? Because 90% are not human and they want you either a controllable/possessable cyborg or dead.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/14YJJXAC3Igv/ https://rumble.com/v413vrq-every-country-in-the-world-is-hiding-this-data-from-public-view.html Donald Trump Unleashes on "Corrupt" World Health Organization https://www.bitchute.com/video/g3IB5WSBDGAD/ https://rumble.com/v3r60ps-donald-trump-unleashes-on-corrupt-world-health-organization.html Joe Biden took all of the credit for the COVID vaccines https://www.bitchute.com/video/ja1Jatz68y9v/ https://rumble.com/v40q0h5-joe-biden-took-all-of-the-credit-for-the-covid-vaccines.-reminder-re-post.html (CORRUPT AND COWARDLY BISHOPS, BETRAY CHRIST, AND THE FAITHFUL! How long do you think before God cleans house, especially if children were involved? How does a known practicing homosexual become a priest in the first place or is made a bishop or a cardinal? How do we know if Francis was installed instead of elected through the graces of the Holy Spirit in an orderly conclave? Who controls this hivemind? How do we know if the Vatican has been infiltrated by the smoke of Satan? Would you notice? Wake up! Pray! – Marcum) “I am glad that everyone is now seeing the light on what I have been saying loud and clear for the last two years, that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged and stolen by a combination of Democrats, Big Tech, “law enforcement,” and other bad actors. Sadly, we have become a corrupt Country, perhaps one of the most corrupt anywhere in the world. We MUST right this horrible wrong, and take our Country back!” … Donald J. Trump (Note: Talking about “bad actors”, how is it acceptable that Francis embraces 100%, fraudulent Biden/Trudeau and the NWO/WEF/Commie world genocide agenda and the total destruction of the moral ethics of the church, our children and our future? Marcum) Heretic Pope Francis and the Illuminati Freemason Globalist Depopulation Agenda -V2.pdf https://app.box.com/s/cn8lce1e26yax5edw5xd6rg402h6c4ml (Note: The secret is out. Soon they will not be able to walk down the streets (including pro-genocide Catholic leadership/priests). The mainstream media (MSM)/Vatican are all complicit in design, not only for hiding the reality of child trafficking (adrenochrome), but supporting the C19 genocide narrative. They are all demon-controlled MK-Ultra/Clones or demon possessed shapeshifting reptoids or blackmailed for their deeds. Humans do not act or think this way. Once you know this fact everything fits. The lizard-brain mentality trait is now easy to spot, plus those possessed cannot deviate from the exposed demonic global hive-mind narrative. Proof- Total systematic cancelling of the good Priests/Ministers and anti-vaxx doctors/nurses. They need us, but we sure as hell do not need these psychopathic nutjobs or the Soros/Antifa/WEF/UN/NWO/Commie/Francis agenda and the Great Reset global hive-mind BS, plus there are more of us. Think! How else could this evil plan been orchestrated if not through a single global coordinated satanic hive-mind? Pray for all the removed/canceled good priests, doctors and nurses! Marcum) Matthew 5:37 – “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” Notice Trump operates in absolutes unlike the rest of the corrupt Dems and RINOs. When has the current pope and Vatican speak anything other than politics? Francis hardly ever mentions, Christ Jesus, and never answers any questions or concerns with a simple “Yes” or “No”. This speaks for itself. Time to wake up. Marcum Constitutional Law Does Not Exist in US Courts. The United States of America was actually crafted by the Khazarian Mafia as the Crown of England, the Pagan core of the Vatican with Jesuits, and Secret Occult Societies. All levels of the US Inc. are corporations under control of the Vatican, which owns and operates the King of England per Treaty of 1213. https://rumble.com/v2cfce4-situation-update-3823.html “Everybody you see on TV, World Governments, the Elite Globalists, Hollywood and recently the Vatican/Pope(s) were installed, about 90% are either a disguised reptilian, a clone, a synthetic robotoid or a soul scalped person ALL systematically controlled by demons. Trump forced them to accelerate their plans (failed ongoing COVID scheme etc.) which now exposes all their devious plans including depopulation (agenda 2030). They are ALL 100% liars and 100% incapable of telling the truth even if a noose was placed around their necks (because a demon has taken their soul and will totally abandon you at the point of your death and usefulness). The promises of power, riches and fame are only an illusion, a deception from the father of all lies. The cabal are now exposed and in a deep panic. Symbolism will be their downfall. All countermeasures are in place. God never abandons His children, yet honors freewill. Love your neighbor (if human!), no amnesty for the rest of these psychopaths. Let God judge them. Only then can we heal. Pray!" Marcum (Agenda 2030 - One world currency, one religion (if any), one military, no private property, no family units, mandatory vaccines, microchips for everyone, Social Credit System, 5G monitoring, and the government raising your children and controlling all the schools. People would not be able to own cars or businesses as everything will be managed either by corporations or governments. Remaining DNA altered controlled slaves eat bugs while the demonic elite eat our children. Basically, we become a power source (battery) or a food source for the underlying demons. Time to wake up!) Pope Francis urges people to get vaccinated against Covid-19 Pope Francis launches a powerful appeal for people to get vaccinated with approved Covid-19 vaccines, calling it “an act of love.” https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-08/pope-francis-appeal-covid-19-vaccines-act-of-love.html Pfizer Insider Admits mRNA Set To Kill BILLIONS Within Months https://www.bitchute.com/video/xW6bapPbgtEq/ https://rumble.com/v45inof-pfizer-insider-admits-mrna-set-to-kill-billions-within-months-related-info-.html (Note: I recently uploaded quite a few videos and info regarding loosh energy, Predictive Programming, Adrenochrome, Reptilians, and the demons controlling our world. By subconsciously showing us the truth while systematically controlling us through conquer and divide schemes, keeping us in the dark and endless wars, these evil controllers avoid karma, skirt accountability and divine law (Contempt of Court). I added this topic of “Frazzledrip” and recently “Smocking” because they are directly related. Please see my updated pdf download of Sleep Paralysis (directly below) to see the relationship of all these topics. Both the cabal and the MSM hide all this from you. In fact, only from my own experiences am I fitting pieces together. Piecing all this stuff together for over 2 years and over 5 years of research not one fact had I needed to change while further research and making connections only confirms these facts. Researching the hidden facts and depths of pure evil only strengthens my faith as a Christian verifies the existence of divine creator and the sovereignty of freewill. Problem is, evil must deny and be in complete contempt of our freewill to exist in our realm. Pray! Marcum) Sleep Paralysis, Loosh Energy, Predictive Programming, Adrenochome, Reptilians, Demons, Smocking, Frazzledrip, Courts of Heaven and all related info and links.pdf https://app.box.com/s/ab2km70mfqj1p4tn6h9a7apws3qpdlp3 Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court! https://www.bitchute.com/video/to9OBCrB1XYj/ https://rumble.com/v3upthv-gene-decode-and-team.-cabals-contempt-of-court-related-info-and-links-in-de.html Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf https://app.box.com/s/scxzf22gki3fcizltdpee2prz2mj30ba The Pride-Woke Agenda - info and links .pdf https://app.box.com/s/yr3q14gzwy07mq9x6ob8yyiah1om5k8b MUTILATED FOR LIFE (NO WONDER THEY COMMIT SUICIDE SO OFTEN) | SPIRITUAL WARFARE https://www.bitchute.com/video/LoslwOPF96qy/ https://rumble.com/v2n2dwu-mutilated-for-life-no-wonder-they-commit-suicide-so-often-spiritual-warfare.html Leftist Professor INSULTS Candace Owens, Instantly REGRETS it https://www.bitchute.com/video/pwkdRqG0OXXS/ https://rumble.com/v45u638-leftist-professor-insults-candace-owens-instantly-regrets-it-related-links-.html (Note: Pope Francis makes no sense with his globalist views or his “new humanism”. I guess besides being onboard with global genocide with a killer vaxx, resulting changed DNA through these mRNA injections could be defined as a “new humanism”, it wouldn’t be in the image of God, but Klaus Schwab’s controllable demon possessed cyborgs. Mother Miriam has a better explanation of Francis’s so-called “new humanism”. See link just below. Marcum) Pope’s proposal for ‘new humanism’ would ‘wipe out Christianity’: Mother Miriam https://www.bitchute.com/video/lNiWeAu8xYLT/ https://rumble.com/v23we7m-popes-proposal-for-new-humanism-would-wipe-out-christianity-mother-miriam-r.html The End Game | Transhumanism - Brilliant speech by Laura Aboli https://www.bitchute.com/video/MT3U5VsG7XO1/ https://rumble.com/v457zar-the-end-game-transhumanism-brilliant-speech-by-laura-aboli.html FL SURGEON GENERAL: GOD'S CREATION HAS BEEN POISONED https://www.bitchute.com/video/0CxKpUJBDXhd/ https://rumble.com/v460sfl-fl-surgeon-general-gods-creation-has-been-poisoned-related-info-and-links-i.html TUNNEL CHILDREN - TORTURED KIDS - GENETIC EXPERIMENTS - HELL BENEATH OUR FEET https://www.bitchute.com/video/LcVUyoADzq3P/ https://rumble.com/v457z5i-tunnel-children-tortured-kids-genetic-experiments-hell-beneath-our-feet-re-.html DO FALLEN ANGELS WALK AMONG US DESTROYING HUMANITY? https://www.bitchute.com/video/Dq3gXMAueKO0/ https://rumble.com/v44z1a3-do-fallen-angels-walk-among-us-destroying-humanity-new-show-hiding-in-plain.html REPTILIANS Elizabeth April https://www.bitchute.com/video/vXwHyEFndnoJ/ https://rumble.com/v44s57l-reptilians-elizabeth-april-related-info-and-links-in-description.html The pope says the presidential hopeful's ideas are "not Christian", yet Francis states that pro-abortion criminal and election stealing, Biden, is a “good Catholic”, as well as pedophile Trudeau who also was illegitimately installed. No Holy Spirit inspired Cardinals or conclave elected Francis; he was installed by the cabal as their globalist puppet. Remember the story/parable, "The Emperor Has No Clothes", well our pope is naked and no one wants to speak out. Time to wake up! Marcum Full Transcript Pope Francis: “Thank God he said I was a politician because Aristotle defined the human person as 'animal politicus.' At least I am a human person. As to whether I am a pawn, well, maybe, I don't know. I'll leave that up to your judgment and that of the people. And then, a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the Gospel. As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt.” BISHOP ATHANASIUS SCHNEIDER: “It is Your Catholic Duty To Resist Heretic Popes!” (Note: Especially a pope that wants billions of us to suffer, die or alter our God-given DNA to save a planet from a fake climate change agenda. Time to wake up. Pray! Marcum) Welcome to the demonic psychopathic (open-border) Liberal [Francis] Hivemind. So, who is more Christian, one’s that supports the following (Francis) or those (Trump) who oppose the following? Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill. - Slaughtering children - Grooming children - Indoctrinating children - Raping children - Arming Nazi military forces in Ukraine - Bioterrorism - Forced medical experimentation - Orwellian censorship - Brainwashing and propaganda - Racism against white culture - Sexism against men - War on Heterosexuality (Normality) - Abolishing the Right to defend yourself - Abolishing local and state police - Open borders to access undocumented children (Adrenochrome, rape, slavery) - Election fraud - Higher taxes - More government - Less freedom - Woke corporate baby killing assistance programs - VICTORIAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM - 10YR OLD STUDENTS ASKED TO ASK THEIR FATHERS ABOUT HARD PENIS AND EJACULATION - SB 871 – would require all children 0-17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine to attend childcare or school without FDA approval. That bill also takes away any personal or religious belief exemptions, - SB 866 – would allow kids 12-17 to get COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent, - SB 1464 – would allow law enforcement officials to enforce public health orders, - AB 2098 – would reclassify the sharing of COVID-19 “misinformation” by doctors and surgeons as unprofessional conduct that would result in disciplinary actions; and - AB 1993 – would require all CA employers to require the COVID-19 Vaccine to work in the state, including independent contractors. And big penalties for companies who do not enforce it. - Tens of thousands of world-class men and women across all five US military branches facing dishonorable discharge for refusing to take the experimental vaccine - The tyrannical Trudeau government requires the Ottawa Police/UN (those assimilated into the cabal) to remove all our freedoms so that Trudeau is free to follow through with the Global Reset. - Guy Brummel (also known as Agent Margaritaville) has been locked up in PRISON because he has a list of PEDOS living in CANADA AND the USA, who occupy KEY positions of power. - Klaus Schwab predicted the erasure of 4 billion “useless eaters” by 2050. - These criminals are all pedophiles and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret! They are all pedophiles and demonic psychopaths. - Includes (RINOs) ‘In Name Only’ hivemind infiltrators. (Francis???) - They are afraid of us and panicking. What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity? - Pope Francis is on board with all these Biden/Pelosi/Trudeau liberal policies that he pronounces are “good Catholics”. BTW – get VAXXED with the death jab! - This weird wacko pseudo - medical cult religion is after our children! Their crazy pseudo-science allows them not to wear masks in their delusional minds, but mandates us for genocide jabs and harmful masking in contrary to actual scientific evidence. These elite scum are the ones who are crazy and devoid of humanity. Let's pray, especially for the children! Marcum) Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf https://app.box.com/s/scxzf22gki3fcizltdpee2prz2mj30ba (This evil hive-mind agenda can only be explained by a hidden invading demonic/alien takeover that want control over your God-given soul.) Transhumanism: (See 41:50 - Early Fallen Angels needed to morph us into not being human in order to steal our souls) SGT REPORT - ALIEN SPECIES - Dave Hodges https://www.bitchute.com/video/6mgGvF1JxtVr/ https://rumble.com/v4465yo-sgt-report-alien-species-dave-hodges.html (Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Everything becomes inverted or good becomes evil and evil is now good. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good, drawing our energy for their soulless existence. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclQ - DEFINE ANUNNAKI: WE NEVER LEFT. STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU ... YOU JUST CANT SEEave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill)1.69K views 1 comment -
Xposing The Truth---Please Follow us on X---https://x.com/99EdKori This video Right Here Will Reveal How Our Children Are Being Programmed to STUPID and Hypnotized by the Subliminal Messages and Moving Circles on the TV. And the Higher your Refresh rate is, The More Programming your being Subjected to. Our So Called "LEADERS" in Washington, Who WE Elected to SAFEGUARD Our CONSTITUTION, ARE THE BETRAYERS!! And That BEHIND THEM Are a Comparatively Small Group of Men, Who's SOLE Objective is to ENSLAVE the WORLD Of HUMANITY in Their Satanic Plot, of ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT! All Credit and Rights For This Video Belongs To ODD TV (Matt P.) I Have Obtained AUTHORIZED USE as well as FAIR USE215 views -
Disney's Wicked & Perveted History Exposed (The Occult Gets Cute)
Amos37Disney The Occult Gets Cute: Images are powerful! Movies are images on steroids. Walt Disney was a 33rd-degree Mason. He uses subliminal messages in his cartoons, movies, and advertising. The themes of most of his movies tend to focus on the children, and the parents are conveniently left out (most of the main characters are orphans). This demonstrates that Disney is not pro-family. Disney also has a strong interest in “magic” (an occult religious concept) See Full Article: https://amos37.com/the-disney-deception/ So, I take it that all of you survived Monday? Good, and I hope that my post yesterday helped bring a bit of enjoyment to the start of the workweek. Now, I have a new optical illusion that I’m going to share with all of you. An Optical Illusion post showed you what would happen if the logo was simply inverted. Well, today’s post is going to be in a similar fashion. I love these types of posts because it just shows you that simply turning a logo upside down can change the whole image entirely and even give it a different meaning. This optical illusion is known as the “Mickey Mouse is Wicked Optical Illusion.” Just the name alone probably has you scratching your head. I mean, how could a lovable character like Mickey Mouse be wicked? Well, you will find out! About Optical Illusions https://www.moillusions.com/mickey-mouse-wicked-optical-illusion/2.26K views 8 comments -
Willy Wonka Exposed - KIDS2CANDY (Predictive Programming and the hidden evil)
MyCatholicRedPillSleep Paralysis, Loosh Energy, Predictive Programming, Adrenochome, Reptilians, Demons and all related info and links.pdf https://app.box.com/s/pz82f1ch87yyn4z0aov9likj5beirbdg Mirrored – Fair Use (share) 💉 “WE WILL NOT COMPLY” ☠️ shootingskittles https://rumble.com/v1rbwvm-willy-wonka-exposed-kids2candy.html PROOF Our Elections Have Been RIGGED Since 2000 https://www.bitchute.com/video/YJL47ctmjw2O/ https://rumble.com/vtervu-proof-our-elections-have-been-rigged-since-2000-mirrored.html 🚨 BREAKING 🚨 Sep 24 2023 - Patrick Byrne > 'Biggest News Since Nov 3rd 2020' https://rumble.com/v3lv8ad--breaking-sep-24-2023-patrick-byrne-biggest-news-since-nov-3rd-2020.html Q 4966 Nov 27 2022 20:06:20 (EST) What is coded in your DNA? Who put it there? Why? Mankind is repressed. We will be repressed no more. Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Information is power. How do you protect your DNA? There is a war for your DNA. Protect your DNA. Ascension. Q WE (the people) WILL NOT COMPLY! Catholic Archbishop Vigano - the vaccine is a gene altering bioweapon and that it's satanic! https://www.bitchute.com/video/kaFsHB2dGRJu/ https://rumble.com/v3gp720-catholic-archbishop-vigano-the-vaccine-is-a-gene-altering-bioweapon-and-tha.html 🚨Important🚨 (Attention: Catholics!) https://www.bitchute.com/video/KQHMwSfEGEqu/ https://rumble.com/v3gofne-important-attention-catholics-marcum-please-see-related-info-and-links-in-d.html Dr David E Martin - Covid Was An Act of War Against The Human Race https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y9BahEckzOEl/ https://rumble.com/v3ppe84-dr-david-e-martin-covid-was-an-act-of-war-against-the-human-race-related-li.html DNA CONNECTED TO YAHWEH YET THEY TOOK A VAXX FOR A DONUT! https://www.bitchute.com/video/rjoGrVvpI3SV/ https://rumble.com/v3g8y3u-dna-connected-to-yahweh-yet-they-took-a-vaxx-for-a-donut.html DR DAVID MARTIN: TIME TO DESTROY THE WHO (World Health [Death Cult] Organization) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2GXcH50Qx3PL/ https://rumble.com/v3j5woi-dr-david-martin-time-to-destroy-the-who-world-health-death-cult-organizatio.html Dr. Peter McCullough Addresses Committee On The Dangers Of The Covid Jab https://www.bitchute.com/video/S2x7qbFlpf2T/ https://rumble.com/v3kpefk-dr.-peter-mccullough-addresses-committee-on-the-dangers-of-the-covid-jab.html The Greatest Human SECRET 🤯 https://www.bitchute.com/video/cfWVq6lB3gMF/ https://rumble.com/v3r2s41-the-greatest-human-secret-please-see-description-for-related-info.html AUDIO AFFIDAVIT: “DEAD PEOPLE” “BODY PARTS” PLACED IN CASPER, WYOMING AREA WATER & (HUMAN HUNTING) https://www.bitchute.com/video/IpwvG7ebiE5z/ https://rumble.com/v3qrzta-audio-affidavit-dead-people-body-parts-placed-in-casper-wyoming-area-water-.html Donald Trump Unleashes on "Corrupt" World Health Organization https://www.bitchute.com/video/g3IB5WSBDGAD/ https://rumble.com/v3r60ps-donald-trump-unleashes-on-corrupt-world-health-organization.html "If I was the Deep State"(all lying demonic psychopaths) https://www.bitchute.com/video/q15WH5E6VB8y/ https://rumble.com/v34b5c5-if-i-was-the-deep-stateall-lying-demonic-psychopaths-please-see-related-lin.html The Plan to Save the World! https://www.bitchute.com/video/stata9brDc39/ https://rumble.com/v3cp76y-the-plan-to-save-the-world-a-reminder-the-end-is-not-for-everyone.html Filth Avenue https://www.bitchute.com/video/LE57XOYZfIBJ/ https://rumble.com/v3csafq-filth-avenue-revisited.html Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023) https://rumble.com/v3l4tf7-documentary-the-greatest-show-on-earth-2023-related-links-in-description.html COVID MANDATES- Rumble version.pdf https://app.box.com/s/xeo9rifd03tyx1r067dd45e10lqxpane The Great Reset - info and links.pdf (new!) https://app.box.com/s/jnr6l7by15foc17cdtor5c2lq2hk766x Ex Men in Black -“Wipe out humanity to 800 million by 2030!” (Sound familiar? Schwab/WEF/NWO) https://www.bitchute.com/video/vdgr3bAgsLJU/ https://rumble.com/v3gp42a-ex-men-in-black-wipe-out-humanity-to-800-million-by-2030-sound-familiar-sch.html Election Fraud Info and Links.pdf https://app.box.com/s/tcoklxgmjrg3e9ehvgsvag7yuyvmaivy Why Trump Pushed the Vaccines ~ Election Fraud Links.pdf https://app.box.com/s/qu08qbto39p1cgs6wfm87c2wmjxbk4ge ‘Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/zvyz8cis5jduudpotms5pialdjrsenfp ‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/scxzf22gki3fcizltdpee2prz2mj30ba Once you know the truth, you’ll never watch these movies the same way (Adrenochrome) – All parts search results https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=mycatholicredpill%20once%20you%20know%20the%20truth&kind=video&sort=new or https://rumble.com/search/all?q=MyCatholicRedPill%20Once%20you%20know%20the%20truth%2C%20you%E2%80%99ll%20never%20watch%20these%20movies%20the%20same%20way%20%28Adrenochrome%29 Black Sun Draconian Agenda https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Black_Sun_Program ‘THE BLACK SUN.pdf’ (info & links – Marcum) https://app.box.com/s/a8sruyh2p2nvkvdfyi2tpbjjv50fmunc CLONING (MyCatholicRedPill).pdf https://app.box.com/s/y8i431ybcj4wxp15qwi5oqdc8muyx10r Deep State Clones Expire After Three Years, Cloning Scientist Tells Military https://realrawnews.com/2023/04/deep-state-clones-expire-after-three-years-cloning-scientist-tells-military/ ‘Mandela Effect Links.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/0ocyu7fq7uct9ykkfecvutvw0ta91dkr David Icke Dives Deep Into The AI Astral Plane Of Existence https://www.bitchute.com/video/bx6EMIDT1HlD/ https://rumble.com/v3o0bjn-david-icke-dives-deep-into-the-ai-astral-plane-of-existence-related-info-an.html Laptop From Hell links.pdf https://app.box.com/s/juka82ewwpr14zwr1wcgq59pgxurgg54 Report on the Hunter Biden Laptop – Marco Polo https://www.bitchute.com/video/fmCPjhRZXYXi/ https://rumble.com/v2y0kri-report-on-the-hunter-biden-laptop-marco-polo-related-links-in-description.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=49 The Pride-Woke Agenda - info and links .pdf https://app.box.com/s/yr3q14gzwy07mq9x6ob8yyiah1om5k8b MUTILATED FOR LIFE (NO WONDER THEY COMMIT SUICIDE SO OFTEN) | SPIRITUAL WARFARE https://www.bitchute.com/video/LoslwOPF96qy/ https://rumble.com/v2n2dwu-mutilated-for-life-no-wonder-they-commit-suicide-so-often-spiritual-warfare.html FALLEN ANGEL TEMPLATE TRANNY CLONE TAYLOR SWIFT AND HOLLYWOOD PIZZA ! https://www.bitchute.com/video/0LMokYQjT9Pc/ https://rumble.com/v3q0qfy-fallen-angel-template-tranny-clone-taylor-swift-and-hollywood-pizza-.html ISRAEL/PALESTINE - SPIRITUAL WARFARE - 10D STARGATE - GALACTIC HISTORY - THE FINAL BATTLE FOR EARTH https://www.bitchute.com/video/fnzC5gS8ZKvB/ https://rumble.com/v3rermg-israelpalestine-spiritual-warfare-10d-stargate-galactic-history-the-final-b.html Sleep Paralysis, Loosh Energy, Predictive Programming, Adrenochome, Reptilians, Demons and all related info and links.pdf https://app.box.com/s/pz82f1ch87yyn4z0aov9likj5beirbdg (Note: Pope Francis quote: “We are all children of God”??? Maybe, but since around WW2 that human reality has changed. Are clones or demon possessed psychopaths that sold their souls to the devil considered “children of God”? If there is no soul there and these creeps now systematically hide the fact that they ritually torture, kill and eat our children (or kill for adrenochrome) in secret are considered “children of God” and deserving of forgiveness and redemption? I say, once your God-given soul is given up, any humanity is totally gone and their hearts are so hardened that they will curse and hate God to no end. There is absolutely no way that both Francis and the Vatican are ignorant to these hidden facts, that includes the complicit MSM and the tyrannical nut job illegitimate governments and politicians that were installed by the cabal, plus all the psychopathic doctors and big pharma knowingly pushing the death jabs (kill off 95% of humanity). Ultimately God judges all, but I draw the line on innocent children. Absolutely NO amnesty for these psychopathic monsters. Please check out my Pride-Woke Agenda, Adrenochrome and Cloning links and information and then decided for yourselves if, “we are all children of God”? How can Francis make this statement unless he is protecting someone or some thing? Pray! Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill) NOTE: Clearly the position with Covid-19 restrictions and ever tightening mandates our not in our interest, especially our children, and we have to fight back and demand our leaders act. As of today, I have gotten no response from our Chancery Office or any of their supporting documentation (including informed consent info) I requested. Of course not, there is absolutely no medical evidence whatsoever in favour of the Covid-19 vaccine or mandates. Both of these downloadable documents, ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’ and ‘Ultimate Proof Covid-19 links.pdf’ are also presented in my (MyCatholicRedPill letter to my local Chancery Office and Bishop with no response to date. – Marcum) Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/7nrv0z5pb46b89q4w22t46ukbe2xxmxk Share ‘Ultimate Proof Covid-19 links.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/smaf7joohs8odtyklprt6ejdxk6tr2yj This is really happening, They are re-writing your DNA You ARE THE THIRD TEMPLE! https://www.bitchute.com/video/k0HPsVVauxMl/ https://rumble.com/v1edwol-this-is-really-happening-they-are-re-writing-your-dna-you-are-the-third-tem.html ‘COVID MANDATES.pdf’(Bitchute version with links) https://app.box.com/s/35srbf1swd5xinysln3iimlz9du2kn7d Catholic Related Videos (my initial playlist) MyCatholicRedPill https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/6pmL9pEx54kF/ Trump: To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY https://www.bitchute.com/video/oT5G1jnrg48I/ https://rumble.com/v3e6p8m-trump-to-every-covid-tyrant-who-wants-to-take-away-our-freedom-hear-these-w.html COVID-19 vaccine Depopulation https://www.bitchute.com/video/8LH8axsMgLkj/ https://rumble.com/v3ky084-covid-19-vaccine-depopulation-we-will-not-comply-.html 15 Minute Cities https://www.bitchute.com/video/MMG2E0kP4vL8/ https://rumble.com/v3ku3g7-15-minute-cities-joel-sussman-related-info-and-links-in-description-you-wil.html Tom Renz: COVID Coverup Lawsuit Update & Pandemic Origin Evidence w/ Dr Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew https://rumble.com/v3audmg-tom-renz-covid-coverup-lawsuit-update-and-pandemic-origin-evidence-w-dr-kel.html ICYMI -Dr. David Martin: Dropping the Bomb....BOOOM! (See who the psychopath murderers are!) https://www.bitchute.com/video/P16QXPPNms6c/ https://rumble.com/v3c4g92-icymi-dr.-david-martin-dropping-the-bomb....booom-see-who-the-psychopath-mu.html Dr David Martin: Patently Obvious – The 2002 Danish EU Presidency Warned of COVID Crimes https://www.bitchute.com/video/A0VMLGWbPNpO/ https://rumble.com/v3stk04-dr-david-martin-patently-obvious-the-2002-danish-eu-presidency-warned-of-co.html EXPOSED: THE CRIMINAL W.H.O NOW PROVED COVID IS A BIOWEAPON! https://www.bitchute.com/video/e0xkoyLx4ux7/ https://rumble.com/v3igt7s-exposed-the-criminal-w.h.o-now-proved-covid-is-a-bioweapon-with-charlie-war.html CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: 'Billions Will Die in 2024' https://www.bitchute.com/video/JAsSRdA2fCXS/ https://rumble.com/v3hsnqc-cia-agent-confesses-on-deathbed-billions-will-die-in-2024.html THE UNVACCINATED "Nobody is Safe!" https://www.bitchute.com/video/g9ulgXAC5RQy/ https://rumble.com/v3e8wnq-the-unvaccinated-nobody-is-safe-related-info-and-links-in-description.html A must see for Catholics! Can Pope Francis love us to death? https://www.bitchute.com/video/EfghIHqU3kOf/ https://rumble.com/v27t6u7-a-must-see-for-catholics-can-pope-francis-love-us-to-death-marcum-mycatholi.html Doctor Testifies Under Oath of Perjury That They Created COVID as a Bioweapon https://www.bitchute.com/video/qKAyQMXVFc91/ https://rumble.com/v3ed60p-doctor-testifies-under-oath-of-perjury-that-they-created-covid-as-a-bioweap.html PLANDEMIC PART 1 - DOCUMENTARY - THE HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND COVID 19 https://www.bitchute.com/video/CvkMqDndhDyB/ https://rumble.com/v3evy4u-plandemic-part-1-documentary-the-hidden-agenda-behind-covid-19.html PLANDEMIC 2: INDOCTORNATION full documentary https://www.bitchute.com/video/2QDZr8NaNr5i/ https://rumble.com/v3evkx8-plandemic-2-indoctornation-full-documentary-related-info-and-links-in-descr.html Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening (Full, Unedited Documentary) https://www.bitchute.com/video/WoleDj1jL53G/ https://rumble.com/v3eip5x-plandemic-3-the-great-awakening-full-unedited-documentary.html 923 The Big Picture! (See related "Freemason Code Broken" links in description) https://rumble.com/v3g8xuw-923-the-big-picture-see-related-freemason-code-broken-links-in-description.html Freemason Code Broken (Parts 1 to 3) links and reference links PDF downloads Freemason Code Broken (Part 1) (Bitchute & Rumble) https://www.bitchute.com/video/RRLlNCSY7Ueu/ https://rumble.com/v2dpwdm-freemason-code-broken-part-1-modified-from-original-2016-video.html Freemason Code Broken (MyCatholicRedPill).pdf https://app.box.com/s/17z7x2mhpt57awv8ravlq7zpwzbjnnb5 The Cabal 2016 Plan If Hilary Won Was To Murder All Christians In The USA.pdf https://app.box.com/s/i63ylbmqqqqhkgbulmauxxqwj2l8odo1 Freemason Code Broken (Part 2) AntiChristPyramid1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Vbax3mMBwBbH/ https://rumble.com/v2dtprq-freemason-code-broken-part-2-antichristpyramid1.html Freemason Code Broken (Part 3) Symbolism in Hollywood Movies https://www.bitchute.com/video/2rAv1RWS6SLH/ https://rumble.com/v2e3rpe-freemason-code-broken-part-3-symbolism-in-hollywood-movies.html (Note: I disagree with a lot of David's viewpoints (Freemason Code), for he is all over the map, however his research and knowledge of some of this hidden knowledge is very interesting and worth investigating. You can look him up on YouTube, but again I don't subscribe to most of his positions taken. He also deleted a lot of his content. I hope you find my modified content useful based on his research. So based on Fair Use Policy enjoy my video version and the related PDF documents download links above. Thank you, Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill) Soul Analysis: Who is In Power in a specific Nation - Draconian, Lizard or Human Soul Leaders? (Gary Peter Carlson) https://www.bitchute.com/video/dHUFiwuFUGKC/ https://rumble.com/v2fwzzq-soul-analysis-who-is-in-power-in-a-specific-nation-draconian-lizard-or-huma.html ‘Soul Analysis - Who is in Power.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/tm2x8i8faw39o9x8hc7rbwzso7xexj9m THE DULCE PAPERS: BROWN GREY ALIENS, STAR MAPS & INSECTOIDS https://www.bitchute.com/video/aMCM7RLRCdj6/ https://rumble.com/v37uiwr-the-dulce-papers-brown-grey-aliens-star-maps-and-insectoids.html “Everybody you see on TV, about 90% are a clone, a synthetic robotoid or a soul scalped person.” (From my archive of censored or banned videos) Hint: Think Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Trudeau, RINOs, woke (pope?) [Note: I believe the Vril parasite clip section was faked – Marcum] https://www.bitchute.com/video/n2RA0aPUbqoD/ https://rumble.com/v1e8dkt-soul-scalping-possesion-taking-over-human-bodies-please-see-description-for.html The Donald Marshall Show: Episode III - Cloning Centers & Chipheads https://www.bitchute.com/video/nBbqRvIUfJgO/ https://rumble.com/v3si03s-the-donald-marshall-show-episode-iii-cloning-centers-and-chipheads-related-.html (Note: Pope Francis quote: “We are all children of God”??? Maybe, but since around WW2 that human reality has changed. Are clones or demon possessed psychopaths that sold their souls to the devil considered “children of God”? If there is no soul there and these creeps now systematically hide the fact that they ritually torture, kill and eat our children (or kill for adrenochrome) in secret are considered “children of God” and deserving of forgiveness and redemption? I say, once your God-given soul is given up, any humanity is totally gone and their hearts are so hardened that they will curse and hate God to no end. There is absolutely no way that both Francis and the Vatican are ignorant to these hidden facts, that includes the complicit MSM and the tyrannical nut job illegitimate governments and politicians that were installed by the cabal, plus all the psychopathic doctors and big pharma knowingly pushing the death jabs. Ultimately God judges all, but I draw the line on innocent children. Absolutely NO amnesty for these psychopathic monsters. Please check out my Adrenochrome and Cloning links and information and then decided for yourselves if, “we are all children of God”? How can Francis make this statement unless he is protecting someone or some thing? Pray! Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill) Globalist Agenda, Digital Currency & the Catholic Church Takeover with Br. Bugnolo https://www.bitchute.com/video/cLn1krMhIH3P/ https://rumble.com/v2mkw9m-globalist-agenda-digital-currency-and-the-catholic-church-takeover-with-br..html …is nuremberg 2 coming? (About time to put these demonic psychopaths to trial towards full justice) https://www.bitchute.com/video/axF2ZMDk4pyB/ https://rumble.com/v2ttlgi-is-nuremberg-2-coming-about-time-to-put-these-demonic-psychopaths-to-trial-.html SATANISTS AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP https://www.bitchute.com/video/OnlYxDcCRlzg/ https://rumble.com/v2jfl5i-satanists-against-president-trump-please-see-related-links-in-description.html Relevant research document download “links” (MyCatholicRedPill – Marcum) ‘Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/zvyz8cis5jduudpotms5pialdjrsenfp Adrenochrome (links) Bitchute & Rumble ‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/scxzf22gki3fcizltdpee2prz2mj30ba ‘Adrenochrome harvesting facility at 720 Fifth Avenue.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/o9xp7rw4a8wo8w960bu76w86i4nwyqgg ‘The CYM. Corp Main Detention Centers Inmate Report - 520 Fifth Ave.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/8rt3g1610u5xcsqjgq06ssxh5ybl6jfj ‘The CYM. Corp Main Detention Centers Disposal Report - 520 Fifth Ave.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/f8vmp8464s30nq4uqbfvcfj4xc7u3czx ‘Gene Decode WHO Decode - 5.31.22.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/rp3qrmg805m7xvawot2hidihfqkmzpe0 Elite Banker Blows Whistle on Child Sacrifice: "Satanic Pedophiles Run the World" https://www.bitchute.com/video/EMvSif4ujyBG/ https://rumble.com/v2tkrhq-elite-banker-blows-whistle-on-child-sacrifice-satanic-pedophiles-run-the-wo.html 15 MINUTE DIGITAL PRISONS IN CANADA MORONS WHO GOT VAXXED ! https://www.bitchute.com/video/jozHjXd8vkdO/ https://rumble.com/v2kklzg-15-minute-digital-prisons-in-canada-morons-who-got-vaxxed-wake-up-canada.html (This is what your Cabal installed governments are doing!) Wake Up! https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca//sc-vi/map-applications.php DOCTOR FINALLY ADMITS THAT AMERICA WAS LIED TO ABOUT COVID 19 - IT WAS ALL A SHAM https://www.bitchute.com/video/MvuO4UTWu31A/ https://rumble.com/v2tpt5w-doctor-finally-admits-that-america-was-lied-to-about-covid-19-it-was-all-a-.html ‘Alta Vendita video.mp4’ https://app.box.com/s/89stjtwin056yxsznh0ptc7fv3zc7zlq ‘Alta-Vendita.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/mrpg2v51ggnd9ptq6ub1a7i1zgnwya67 ‘602018346-Archbishop-Vigano-s-Letter-to-the-Holy-See-18-Oct-2022.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/ui1sll1xvn9dr9dmhpwxixpvh60wer53 Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/7nrv0z5pb46b89q4w22t46ukbe2xxmxk CLONING(MyCatholicRedPill).pdf https://app.box.com/s/y8i431ybcj4wxp15qwi5oqdc8muyx10r Deep State Clones Expire After Three Years, Cloning Scientist Tells Military https://realrawnews.com/2023/04/deep-state-clones-expire-after-three-years-cloning-scientist-tells-military/ ‘Mandela Effect Links.pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/0ocyu7fq7uct9ykkfecvutvw0ta91dkr Lizard People Meet in Davos ReeEEeE Stream 01-18-23 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Paivz4c8UpQg/ https://rumble.com/v26c28a-lizard-people-meet-in-davos-reeeeee-stream-01-18-23.html The Lizard People Conspiracy | Inside Job | (Wow! Predictive Programming or Plausible Deniability?) https://www.bitchute.com/video/g3Q3QNOP0IEt/ https://rumble.com/v2jm366-the-lizard-people-conspiracy-inside-job-wow-predictive-programming-or-plaus.html Laptop From Hell links.pdf https://app.box.com/s/juka82ewwpr14zwr1wcgq59pgxurgg54 Report on the Hunter Biden Laptop – Marco Polo https://www.bitchute.com/video/fmCPjhRZXYXi/ https://rumble.com/v2y0kri-report-on-the-hunter-biden-laptop-marco-polo-related-links-in-description.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=49 31-Side By Side Video Shows Hunter Biden Smoking Crack, Joe Biden Gives Anti-Crack Crime Bill Speech https://www.bitchute.com/video/gQSIB0rDzQzL/ https://rumble.com/v2juj36-31-side-by-side-video-shows-hunter-biden-smoking-crack-joe-biden-gives-anti.html 33-Hunter Biden is seen in unearthed footage - [re-post] Joe Biden, “Russia plant” https://www.bitchute.com/video/QtcCApfWfpWq/ https://rumble.com/v2jzkiy-33-hunter-biden-is-seen-in-unearthed-footage-re-post-russia-plant.html UN Global Takeover Plan Wickedness From Pit of Hell – Alex Newman (Must Watch!) https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fl7fY5MIVcvx/ https://rumble.com/v2k8w9u-un-global-takeover-plan-wickedness-from-pit-of-hell-alex-newman-must-watch-.html The only thing we need to fear – is fear itself - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Michael Yeadon and more https://www.bitchute.com/video/cAX7Q94C0IhY/ https://rumble.com/v2k9pd4-the-only-thing-we-need-to-fear-is-fear-itself-dr.-reiner-fuellmich-michael-.html MUST WATCH! New David Rodriguez & Lt Scott Bennett: Most Explosive Interview of all Time! https://www.bitchute.com/video/PGicnm2RFLYk/ https://rumble.com/v2kagh8-must-watch-new-david-rodriguez-and-lt-scott-bennett-most-explosive-intervie.html Dr. Byram Bridle Dismantles (Demonic Psychopath) Bonnie Henry (MUST SEE!) https://www.bitchute.com/video/cGk1DVxbVOaD/ https://rumble.com/v2kkdj0-dr.-byram-bridle-dismantles-demonic-psychopath-bonnie-henry-must-see.html NEVER FORGET THOSE WHO WERE EXEMPTED FROM BEING GRAPHENATED WITH THE CONVID BIOWEAPON! https://www.bitchute.com/video/VwFtNZ0fgDHy/ https://rumble.com/v2lt6ic-never-forget-those-who-were-exempted-from-being-graphenated-with-the-convid.html CIC Trump Comms and US COG | Russian Spec_Ops In Caribbean | WW Ops Entering Next Phase | SKY FALL https://www.bitchute.com/video/LlOzq31KPRe0/ https://rumble.com/v2n5bso-cic-trump-comms-and-us-cog-russian-spec-ops-in-caribbean-ww-ops-entering-ne.html ANOTHER - MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Adrenochrome links and related info in description) https://www.bitchute.com/video/gKBKIjMMk8RN/ https://rumble.com/v2n6l7s-another-must-watch-adrenochrome-links-and-related-info-in-description.html “I am glad that everyone is now seeing the light on what I have been saying loud and clear for the last two years, that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged and stolen by a combination of Democrats, Big Tech, “law enforcement,” and other bad actors. Sadly, we have become a corrupt Country, perhaps one of the most corrupt anywhere in the world. We MUST right this horrible wrong, and take our Country back!” … Donald J. Trump (Note: The secret is out. Soon they will not be able to walk down the streets (including pro-genocide Catholic leadership/priests). The mainstream media (MSM)/Vatican are all complicit in design, not only for hiding the reality of child trafficking (adrenochrome), but supporting the C19 genocide narrative. They are all demon-controlled MK-Ultra/Clones or demon possessed shapeshifting reptoids or blackmailed for their deeds. Humans do not act or think this way. Once you know this fact everything fits. The lizard-brain mentality trait is now easy to spot, plus those possessed cannot deviate from the exposed demonic global hive-mind narrative. Proof- Total systematic cancelling of the good Priests/Ministers and anti-vaxx doctors/nurses. They need us, but we sure as hell do not need these psychopathic nutjobs or the Soros/Antifa/WEF/UN/NWO/Commie/Francis agenda and the Great Reset global hive-mind BS, plus there are more of us. Think! How else could this evil plan been orchestrated if not through a single global coordinated satanic hive-mind? Pray for all the removed/canceled good priests, doctors and nurses! Marcum) Matthew 5:37 – “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” Notice Trump operates in absolutes unlike the rest of the corrupt Dems and RINOs. When has the current pope and Vatican speak anything other than politics? Francis hardly ever mentions, Christ Jesus, and never answers any questions or concerns with a simple “Yes” or “No”. This speaks for itself. Time to wake up. Marcum Constitutional Law Does Not Exist in US Courts. The United States of America was actually crafted by the Khazarian Mafia as the Crown of England, the Pagan core of the Vatican with Jesuits, and Secret Occult Societies. All levels of the US Inc. are corporations under control of the Vatican, which owns and operates the King of England per Treaty of 1213. https://rumble.com/v2cfce4-situation-update-3823.html BQQM: You thought Epstein Island was bad, wait until people find out about the Getty Museum – a pedophile fortress with more than 12 floors underground. Two million women and children were there until 2018. There are elevators and practically a city down below with thousands of sex slaves. Only people on the List could walk all over this place. The elevators lead to a tunnel system. It’s guarded with high security. It’s a Hell created within another Hell. Epstein Island is just the tip of the Iceberg. ARCHBISHOP CARLO M. VIGANÒ: THE GLOBALIST NEW WORLD ORDER HAS THE MARKS OF THE ANTICHURCH OF SATAN https://www.bitchute.com/video/srWNSZzi1iyI/ or https://rumble.com/v2andwu-archbishop-carlo-m.-vigan-the-globalist-new-world-order-has-the-marks-of-th.html Laptop From Hell links (Exclusive) https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=mycatholicredpill%20hunter&kind=video&sort=new Breaking News! Watch out! Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden is actually… – GNEWS https://rumble.com/v1yia74-breaking-news-watch-out-joe-bidens-son-hunter-biden-is-actually-gnews.html https://www.bitchute.com/video/JROlpcLiEujy/ Todd Callender & Maria Zeee on Infowars - Humans Now Programmable For the Final Takeover!!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/WDOi1OJcP022/ https://rumble.com/v2cl98c-todd-callender-and-maria-zeee-on-infowars-humans-now-programmable-for-the-f.html Radical Muslim Operation Warp Speed Architect Hanged at GITMO https://realrawnews.com/2023/03/radical-muslim-operation-warp-speed-architect-hanged-at-gitmo/ The Wacko Pseudo Medical-Science Environmental Religion Cult Fake Climate Change Narrative Explained https://www.bitchute.com/video/EjtezyjiTMX0/ https://rumble.com/v2ctahy-the-wacko-pseudo-medical-science-enviromental-religion-cult-fake-climate-ch.html JAG Sentences Janssen Vaccine Scientist to Death https://realrawnews.com/2023/03/jag-sentences-janssen-vaccine-scientist-to-death/ Putin Orders Destruction of All Covid-19 Vaccines in Russia https://realrawnews.com/2023/03/putin-orders-destruction-of-all-covid-19-vaccines-in-russia/ Military Arrests Vaccine Scientist on Charges of Accessory to MASS Murder https://realrawnews.com/2023/02/military-arrests-vaccine-scientist-on-charges-of-accessory-to-mass-murder/ ⚠️FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever⚠️ https://odysee.com/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0/fluoridefreepeel.ca-FOIs-reveal-that-healthscience-institutions-around-the-world-211-and-counting-have-no-record-of-SARS-:1 Special Forces Seize Deep State Cloning Lab in Alaska https://realrawnews.com/2023/01/special-forces-seize-deep-state-cloning-lab-in-alaska/ Military Arrests Deep State “Cloning Scientist” https://realrawnews.com/2023/01/military-arrests-deep-state-cloning-scientist/ Special Forces Destroy Deep State Cloning Lab https://realrawnews.com/2022/12/special-forces-destroy-deep-state-cloning-lab/ Human Cloning 2022 Pt 2: Narrated by Yash Qaraah (cloning links in the description) https://www.bitchute.com/video/vVnlZETTfCk9/ Think! What consciousness (entity) or hive-mind controls the clone? Marcum ‘Mandela Effect Links.pdf’ (All my Mandela Effect Videos and info) https://app.box.com/s/0ocyu7fq7uct9ykkfecvutvw0ta91dkr (Note: All cabal members of this weird wacko pseudo – medical cult religion are exempt or faked getting their jab, while we are coerced or forced to get the death jab! These criminals are all pedophiles (mostly controlled MK-Ultra clones) and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret! The goal is global genocide and transform our children into (sub)-human 3.0 to allow demonic possession through nano-tech. This is the sickest and most diabolical plan devised in this spiritual battle. As Q posted, "protect your DNA" as that is the God-given fortress of protection. https://qposts.online/?q=4966&s=postnum Children have next to zero risk against so-called Covid, yet they are pushing this experimental drug under the guise of a vaccine. Think! why? Please see the following video link or see my letter I wrote to my local bishop back in 2019 (both links below). They are all pedophiles and demonic psychopaths. Trump forced them to accelerate their plans which now exposes all their deceptions. Mostly all political and church leaders are now possessed demonic psychopaths. They are now exposed, trapped, afraid of us and panicking. "Children", are what will unite and wake up humanity to these soulless psychopathic nutjobs. What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity? Pray! Marcum) This is really happening, They are re-writing your DNA You ARE THE THIRD TEMPLE!!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/k0HPsVVauxMl/ Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’ https://app.box.com/s/7nrv0z5pb46b89q4w22t46ukbe2xxmxk https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/index/legal/vaccines-and-the-law/ Military Tribunal Convicts Former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn A military tribunal on Friday convicted former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn on charges of treason and accessory to murder after he admitted that he and other members of Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force had deceived their president into believing untested Covid-19 vaccines were safe and effective, pushing Trump to launch Operation Warp Speed. https://realrawnews.com/2023/01/military-tribunal-convicts-former-fda-commissioner-stephen-hahn/ Operation Warp Speed Architect Arrested https://realrawnews.com/2023/03/operation-warp-speed-architect-arrested/ Putin Destroys Adrenochrome Lab in Ukraine https://realrawnews.com/2023/01/putin-destroys-adrenochrome-lab-in-ukraine/ Putin Intercepts Adrenochrome Shipment Headed to United States https://realrawnews.com/2023/02/putin-intercepts-adrenochrome-shipment-headed-to-united-states/ Jessie Czebotar Interview #3 (Note: The cabal uses sex magic as a substitute to open certain spiritual gates (see 1:14) they couldn't open otherwise, hence why they target children and why they are ALL pedophiles.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/g4MkPjZYb1pO/ or https://rumble.com/v281ih5-jessie-czebotar-interview-3-please-see-related-info-and-links-in-descriptio.html The Golden Ratio - Evidence of God (Everybody Hurts 432Hz – Marcum) https://www.bitchute.com/video/4C4uIO7I9aXp/ or https://rumble.com/v28ty2o-the-golden-ratio-evidence-of-god-everybody-hurts-432hz-marcum.html JAG Sentences Jerome Adams to Death https://realrawnews.com/2023/02/jag-sentences-jerome-adams-to-death/ Shocking Maui Fire Updates -(Problem/Reaction/Solution) Build Back Better - The Great Reset (links) https://www.bitchute.com/video/VkLs0qjj8V2A/ https://rumble.com/v389zhh-shocking-maui-fire-updates-problemreactionsolution-build-back-better-the-gr.html The Covid-Scam Vaccine Brainwashing Psyop Propaganda Commercials Ads Covid- 19 Mandates Lockdowns https://www.bitchute.com/video/PbMaiYOs5FNr/ https://rumble.com/v3adki2-the-covid-scam-vaccine-brainwashing-psyop-propaganda-commercials-ads-covid-.html 🏥 Write To Your GP, Healthcare Professional Or Pharmacist To Remind Them They Must First ‘Do No Harm’ [Template Letter]🏥 https://odysee.com/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0/Letter-8-GPs-and-Pharmacists:4 …how evil is this cult? (Please see related info and links in description) Viewer Discretion Advised https://www.bitchute.com/video/DUUmMSS3wG57/ https://rumble.com/v3awg0o-how-evil-is-this-cult-please-see-related-info-and-links-in-description-view.html DUMBS Lab Experiments – GMO & the JABBED Babies - Draconian Children & VRIL Worms https://www.bitchute.com/video/NkTRT1A1C9Py/ https://rumble.com/v3b7mqq-dumbs-lab-experiments-gmo-and-the-jabbed-babies-draconian-children-and-vril.html Warning, watching & listening to the following may give you an aneurism (Links in description) https://rumble.com/v3bkcnq-warning-watching-and-listening-to-the-following-may-give-you-an-aneurism-li.html Nobody can patent your god given natural DNA, however .... (mRNA drugs do change DNA - All Liars) https://rumble.com/v3bkuos-nobody-can-patent-your-god-given-natural-dna-however-....-mrna-drugs-change.html They ate the child! https://www.bitchute.com/video/5elXhzwIjKJY/ https://rumble.com/v3bm4zc-they-ate-the-child-see-adrenochrome-pdf-download-link-in-description.html The Pope Deceiver - Mass Genocide is an Act of Love https://rumble.com/v3bmsji-the-pope-deceiver-mass-genocide-is-an-act-of-love.-related-info-and-links-i.html Humanity REVOLTED Over The Extermination Of Our Family Members; 'Vaccine' Carnage Piles Higher https://rumble.com/v3bsokm-humanity-revolted-over-the-extermination-of-our-family-members-vaccine-carn.html Ricardo Boss & Reiner Fuellmich Discuss Hanging Freemasons, Prosecuting Globalists & Defeating China https://rumble.com/v3bxv30-ricardo-boss-and-reiner-fuellmich-discuss-hanging-freemasons-prosecuting-gl.html CIA Agent Confesses: We Created 'Adrenochrome Farms' Where MILLIONS of Kids Are Sold to VIPS https://rumble.com/v3bzonk-cia-agent-confesses-we-created-adrenochrome-farms-where-millions-of-kids-ar.html (Note: Notice at all these inquiries (political or medical) you never get a straight answer and endless indictments against Trump. Proves that these psychopathic nutjobs operate as a singular demonic hive-mind across the entire global sphere. Incapable of telling the truth and only deception and lies come from their mouths. A trait of this demonic hive-mind cult is they always project their hatred of themselves onto their enemies and whatever crimes they commit are also blamed on their opponents. This characteristic is globally inherent just as they are all psychopaths and systematically hide their crimes and pedophilia. Normal humans do not act or behave this way, but a soulless clone, a synthetic robotoid, a soul scalped person or a hidden invading evil race of Reptilian type (parasitic) aliens as the intermediary interdimensional medium to possess controlled victims (who sold their souls) obviously do. Goal to change all human DNA so that these soulless demonic entities can own us, possess us and so escape their prison realm, plus terraforming our world for them (eg. blocking out the sun). These Godless soulless psychopaths are all pedophiles and will continue eating our children (adrenochrome) for all time to exist here. Why do you think they want open borders and FF events - to grab the kids. Wake up! Pray and protect your God-given DNA and the future of our children. Absolutely no amnesty for these soulless nutjobs. Marcum) When I had a demonic attack with an evil entity in a spiritual showdown back in 2019, it projected all it’s evil, dread, total darkness and its absolute total hopelessness in my mind. I believe God wanted me to experience this to actually be in the mind of one of these demons. Hard to describe in words – there is absolutely zero redeeming qualities to the pure hatred these entities have for humans and God and are totally soulless devoid of any humanity. The bible teaches that the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”. The second is this: “Love your neighbour as yourself”. These demonic entities, who are totally separated from God, have no concept of love. It was a simple gesture of love that I projected in my mind that drove this entity nuts, and in my final struggle with all my physical and metal strength spent, I cried out to God for help and lost consciousness at that point. Awakened with ambulance personal administrating me as I laid naked on the cold bathroom floor, the demonic entity was totally gone never to return. I mean like being reborn in a sense. Holy scriptures that refer to loving your neighbour, loving your enemies or turning the other cheek was perhaps meant for humanity who lost there way and by demonstrating love towards them they can always find there way back to God. Sorry, but something happened at least since the 2WW era, humanity has been infiltrated or hijacked by what I believe are physical entities (Reptilians) that are not supposed to be here and have zero connection to God. You can forgive a neighbour or a fellow human being, but most of these demonically possessed psychopathic elites that control this world are devoid of a soul. Absolutely no amnesty for these monsters. Let God judge them. We must use the rule of law and truth to get justice and free us from this evil. Only then can we heal. Pray! Marcum THE WRATH OF THE GUILLOTINE - Q / 1746 "WE HAVE IT / THEM ALL“ (Absolutely NO Amnesty!) https://rumble.com/v3c8pqe-the-wrath-of-the-guillotine-q-1746-we-have-it-them-all-absolutely-no-amnest.html SGT REPORT - "THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL YOUR FAMILY!!!" https://rumble.com/v3chj78-sgt-report-theyre-trying-to-kill-your-family-related-links-in-description.html The STORY Of PFIZER Inc. (A Case Study in Pharma Empire Corporate Corruption) https://www.bitchute.com/video/7xvrLRXKeXbR/ https://rumble.com/v3dcfqc-the-story-of-pfizer-inc.-a-case-study-in-pharma-empire-corporate-corruption.html Gene Decode Huge Intel 8.31.23 - u.s Military Bringing It All Down https://www.bitchute.com/video/EWfydoE2GHXj/ https://rumble.com/v3e5sow-gene-decode-huge-intel-8.31.23-u.s-military-bringing-it-all-down.html https://rumble.com/v3eip5x-plandemic-3-the-great-awakening-full-unedited-documentary.html https://rumble.com/v3evkx8-plandemic-2-indoctornation-full-documentary-related-info-and-links-in-descr.html https://rumble.com/v3evy4u-plandemic-part-1-documentary-the-hidden-agenda-behind-covid-19.html https://rumble.com/v3ffedk-gene-decode-us-military-bringing-it-all-down-942023.html https://rumble.com/v3ffr1q-floridas-surgeon-general-dr.-joseph-ladapo-explaining-face-masks-do-nothing.html https://rumble.com/v3fgovq-doctor-loraine-day-the-true-reason-for-the-vaccine-related-links-and-info-i.html https://rumble.com/v3fppg4-president-trump-warns-the-vaccine-pushers-related-info-and-links-in-descrip.html https://rumble.com/v3g9xey-complete-denial-dr.-william-makis-related-links-and-info-in-description.html https://rumble.com/v3jyp1c-i-will-totally-obliterate-the-deep-state-liberal-hive-mind-psychopaths-amen.html https://rumble.com/v3kfxbs-bloodlines-and-abominations-of-the-illuminati-nathan-reynolds-must-see.html https://rumble.com/v3knwtd-the-sequel-to-the-fall-of-the-cabal-part-28-climate-crisis-related-links-in.html https://rumble.com/v3ku3g7-15-minute-cities-joel-sussman-related-info-and-links-in-description-you-wil.html https://rumble.com/v3lthkt-aliens-fallen-angels-and-operation-war-seed-dustin-nemos-see-description-li.html https://rumble.com/v3m1lra-dr.-astrid-stuckelberger-lays-out-the-horrifying-secret-agenda-of-the-un-an.html https://rumble.com/v3m2fsy-the-pentagon-controlled-the-covid-19-program-from-the-very-beginning-relate.html https://rumble.com/v3mrywv-lost-videos-ben-swan-pizzagate-reddit-cannibals-hollywood-satanic-rituals-t.html (Explanation of the human Biofield (or chakra system) – “We do not have a body with a biofield, but rather a biofield with a body”. Dr. Robert Young & links) "Zombie Blood Apocalypse" with Dr. Robert Young | Unrestricted Truths Ep. 457 https://rumble.com/v3s0dqy-zombie-blood-apocalypse-with-dr.-robert-young-unrestricted-truths-ep.-457.html Call for Arrests of Bills Gates, GAVI, WEF, WHO, Big Tech in Geneva Switzerland https://rumble.com/v3svi9g-call-for-arrests-of-bills-gates-gavi-wef-who-big-tech-in-geneva-switzerland.html https://rumble.com/v3svskp-brad-olsen-interview-related-links-and-info-in-description-great-interview.html Sleep Paralysis: Physiology or Demons? Expert’s Comment. Shadow Control https://www.bitchute.com/video/Cq9K8QlI3Jid/ https://rumble.com/v3tl4q1-sleep-paralysis-physiology-or-demons-experts-comment.-shadow-control.html JEANETTE ARCHER EXPOSING THE REPTILIAN QUEEN'S SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE AT WINDSOR CASTLE!!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/6cMZXabdaF4a/ https://rumble.com/v3tl6fv-jeanette-archer-exposing-the-reptilian-queens-satanic-ritual-abuse-at-winds.html How Trump used 'The Art of War' to Overcome the Deep State in 2023. (HD 720p) https://www.bitchute.com/video/FnyAkCPnVGD6/ https://rumble.com/v3bt664-how-trump-used-the-art-of-war-to-overcome-the-deep-state-in-2023.-hd-720p.html1.75K views 2 comments -
Disney Illuminati Satanism & Sex symbols Exposed
LLibertarian99You subconscious mind picks up EVERYWHERE but our conscious mind sees just a fraction. Have to wonder how much influence these subliminals in cartoons are affecting young children or even adults. Seems like the high level freemasons all understand the MIND and how to influence with these subliminal messages. Just like they would insert a quick frame in a commercial that your conscious mind could not pick up. Source video- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4nampw And all the PEDOPHILES seem to KNOW (Pedo networks online) that they can get "JOBS" at DISNEY based on all the Pedophile busts at Disney. Just do a search with "Disney pedophile busts" and it goes ON & ON with links to various pedophile busts of DISNEY EMPLOYEES. Disney World Employees Among 17 People Arrested in Florida Child Predator Sting https://www.complex.com/life/a/backwoodsaltar/disney-world-employees-arrested-florida-child-predator-sting Disney employees and former judge among 108 arrested in human trafficking sting, Florida police say- March 17th 2022 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-human-trafficking-sting-disney-employees-former-judge/ Cast Member Arrested in “Horrific” Child Pornography Bust Moved to Florida Just to Work at Disney- June 7, 2023 https://insidethemagic.net/2023/06/disney-cast-member-csam-june-jc1/ Disney worker, 12 others accused of child sex crimes in Polk County sting -September 12th 2022 https://www.wfla.com/news/polk-county/disney-worker-12-others-accused-of-child-sex-crimes-in-polk-county-sting/1.74K views 2 comments