An Inconvenient 9/11 Truth [Part I] (2017) HD, 2nd edit
9/11: True CrimesCheck out the most recent film, 'Explosives on The George Washington Bridge: 9/11 Truth or Urban Myth?' https://youtu.be/LlE8LBEdt5w Help us create more films, become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thermaldetonator [Part I] Chapters: 1. Painful Mysteries 2. 3:28 Keepers of the faith (A Zeitgeist) 3. 7:23 The Last Man Out - Meet William Rodriguez 4. 10:34 Un-Mysterious squibs 5. 13:28 Demolitions by Xentris 6. 23:31 Van with Explosives on George Washington Bridge 7. 29:47 Witness’s in New Jersey 8. 32:01 Meet The Dancing Israelis 9. 39:34 Arrested by Sergeant Scott DeCarlo 10. 43:44 King St. Mural Van 11. 52:21 Witness's to Holland Tunnel Van 12. 53:56 Urban Moving Systems owner bails & Kurtzberg fails 13. 55:21 former Mossad spy Chuv Luval on UMS 14. 57:20 Jane Harman on Israeli's arrested 15. 59:55 Israelis w/Sears Tower video in Van + arrests in TX 16. 1:02:23 Fabled Fox News Israeli spy ring report of Dec 2001 17. 1:13:48 Carl Cameron + Israeli Art Students in Utah & FL 18. 1:21:07 Zim shipping and elevator repairs 19. 1:25:20 Denko Mechanical, The Tennessee 5 & Katherine Smith 20. 1:31:52 intrigues of Chief Bernard Kerik + Paul Bremer 21. 1:37:55 the tip from Odigo and the 4000 22. 1:40:48 FBI agent John O’Neill - The Man Who Knew Too Much 23. 1:45:01 Jerome Hauer, Kroll, OEM & Building 7 24. 1:49:25 Airport Security / ICTS & Ellen Mariani lawsuit 25. 1:55:32 Hijacker Introduction 26. 2:01:32 Who Killed Dr. Graham? Man who meet 2 Hijackers 27. 2:10:47 Living hijackers in Florida 28. 2:15:16 Mossad Art Students lived next-door to Mohamed Atta 29. 2:17:10 Hijacker Ziad Jarrah & Cousin Ali The Mossad Spy 30. 2:22:57 who is Mohamed Atta? 31. 2:26:22 Fanatical Heathens? 32. 2:32:11 Florida Flight Schools & INS 33. 2:37:45 Rudy Decker & Arny Krutoff - The Flying Dutchmen 34. 2:40:45 Huffman Aviation, Boehlke & The heir Organized Crime AN INCONVENIENT 9/11 TRUTH [Part II] (2015): Roads from NYC to OKC: https://youtu.be/V1LPoz2f3Gc This was initially reinterpretation of Ryan Dawson's versions of ‘War By Deception’, by DJ Thermal Detonator spliced along with 'Core Of Corruption: In The Shadows' and the Mike Rivero portions of 'Fabled Enemies' and other worthy portions from popular truth documentaries like '9/11: Mysteries', 'Zeitgeist', "Who killed John O'Neill?', 'Zero: 9/11', 'Ring Of Power', 'Welcome To Terrorland: 9/11, Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus' and others including mainline ones in addition to short films, extra archives and bits of satire along with some personal soundtrack work. This film is essentially designated for truth activists, rather than just being a introductory documentary. Its a poorly produced demo concept that's still short of completion due to copyright issues with YouTube. Some text and narration may be taken out of context, and not readable. The sound may not always be on par because of its original rough source. For questions regarding info on how to get a DVD, file or if you'd like to donate and contribute to more film-making and collecting archives, email or Paypal: wacwood@gmail.com Check out the new film: 'WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBING OF 1993 - HIDDEN PATH TO 9/11: RAMZI YOUSEF CHRONICLES AND MISSING LINKS - https://youtu.be/c8ahgduUZkk and 6 on 77: The Dulles Airport 9/11 Cover-Up - https://youtu.be/_omKXktAnVM4.14K views 5 comments -
An Inconvenient 9/11 Truth [Part II](2015): Roads from NYC to OKC
9/11: True CrimesChapters 1. 00:00 From Medellin to Panama to the BCCI 2. 02:47 Meet Barry Seal 3. 03:57 Meet Chip Tatum 4. 08:44 Bye bye Barry 5. 12:58 Freedom Fighters 6. 14:51 Iran Contradiction 7. 26:03 Project for a Neoconservative American Century 8. 36:09 Wolfe 9. 44:10 The “special” offices Douglas Fief 10. 53:09 Patriot Act & DHS 11. 55:57 ANTHRAX! (no, not the Thrash metal band you idiot) 12. 58:06 You've Got Anthrax! 13. 1:03:51 The Anthrax bust 14. 01:08:24 Cipro, yo 15. 01:10:20 Meeting in Prague, WMD's & more Anthrax 16. 01:18:29 Sibel Edmonds 17. 01:20:36 Meet Michael Spring-man 18. 01:25:41 Pakistan ISI connections 19. 01:33:51 Al CIA-duh 20. 01:37:59 The Power of the Mujaheddin Nightmare 21. 01:54:45 From Cuter to Ayman to the Al Farooq Mosque NY 22. 02:02:56 The Blind Sheik & assassination of Kahane by Nossair 23. 02:09:00 Meet Emad Salem 24. 02:14:47 Ramsey Youssef comes to town 25. 02:16:29 The Bombing of the WTC in 1993 26. 02:20:20 Ryder van bomb leads to Mohamed Salameh and 3 others. 27. 02:25:24 Reactivate Emad 28. 02:31:45 The FBI investigates, the FBI... 29. 02:41:59 Kunstler Vs. Kahane from grave: Meet the JDL! 30. 02:47:15 Ramsey bails and bombs away with Uncle KSM. 31. 02:56:34 Family Tradition of Radical Islam, or Mist’Aravim? 32. 03:05:58 The OKC Exodus Apologies for overdubbing and black & white conversion on "The Power Of Nightmares", that was to mend the first upload that had worldwide copyright block. Some text and narration may be taken out of context, and not readable. This is reinterpretation of Ryan Dawson's versions of ‘War By Deception’, by DJ Thermal Detonator, edited along with some of the more mainline documentaries in addition to short films, extra archives and bits of satire along with some soundtrack work. This film is essentially designated for truth activists, rather then just being a 9/11 truth introductory documentary. Part II is now available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1LPo For questions, and info on how to get a DVD, file or if you'd like to donate, email or Paypal: wacwood@gmail.com You can watch the original versions of Ryan Dawson 'War By Deception'. https://www.youtube.com/user/Rys2sense & ANTI-NEOCONS.COM: http://www.ancreport.com/ Keep an eye out for his new film "Empire Unmasked" that is set to surpass this film on 9/11 alone. Also check out: Mike Rivero: http://whatreallyhappened.com/ Also pick a up a book from the late great author and radio host, Michael Collins Piper (RIP):http://www.mikepiperreport.com/2.5K views 2 comments -
FAIR N' BALANCED 9-11: Alex Jones & Michael Moore Expose - AN INCONVENIENT 9/11 TRUTH demo outtake
9/11: True CrimesThis is a documentary outtake from the 2011 demo concept of AN INCONVENIENT 9/11 TRUTH681 views