Missing $700 (January 2025)
Andrew Ditch Archive on RumbleAndrew's father, Tom, is fuming when he discovers that the $700 intended to pay Andrew's rent is now missing. Andrew plays innocent and says Tom better start making some calls to figure out where it went. Guide: 6:22 – Conversation between Andrew and Tom stalls. Tom then says, “You've got zero in your account and I'm very angry.” 7:35 – Andrew: “Ok well, then how are you gonna pay my rent?” Tom: “You already got my money.” 9:13 - Tom: “Andy, I don't want to talk right now, I'm very very upset now because I can't pay my bills. And I have to do it.” Original title: January 5, 2025 Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: January 5, 2025400 views -
Giving His Mother Chest Pains (June 2022)
Andrew Ditch Archive on RumbleArguing at 1:20. Andrew claims that he did not threaten to overdose on his medication, when in his video “mom accused me for saying I was going to overdose when I said I going to throw away my pills” (“Your Middle Name is Bitch!” on this channel) he did. Joe also states that Andrew's bad behavior is giving his mother, Jan, chest pains. When police arrive with EMS to take Jan to the hospital, Andrew continues to whine about his safety, playing the recording of his brother and father yelling at him earlier as proof of his abuse. Original title: I am tired of hurting, running away into danger, Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: June 16, 2022571 views 2 comments -
Andrew Ditch's Pedophilic Text to Speech Dialogue (January 2024)
Andrew Ditch Archive on RumbleAndrew begins to create his dialogue at 25:22 and stops at 33:10. Original title: fury entertainment, information abuse, and I want dad to help me and get along [zJPSidGucoA] Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: January 15, 2024249 views 1 comment -
Tantrum Livestream (February 2024)
Andrew Ditch Archive on Rumble2024 February 29 (early morning hours) - Andrew livestreamed a tantrum where he ripped up his diapers in front of a police officer.175 views -
“Maybe I Should Try to Eat My Own Poop” (February 2024)
Andrew Ditch Archive on Rumble1:20 – Andrew has a very strange conversation with Tom regarding a video he reuploaded. 1:30 - “Shit dad, maybe I should try to eat my own poop just to try to show off to these people.” 1:50 – Andrew asks his father for permission to eat his own poop. Please note: The video Andrew is discussing which he reuploaded is on this channel as “WARNING: Andrew Ditch Shows His Open ABDL Diaper Filled With Diarrhea (January 2024)” https://rumble.com/v6d4s37-warning-andrew-ditch-shows-his-open-abdl-diaper-filled-with-diarrhea-januar.html Original title: The people who bully me online are sick and make me wonder what they get into [WgcXPyQOuS0] Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: February 24, 202491 views -
“I Got A Poopy Diaper and Daddy's Gonna Have to Change Me” (February 2024)
Andrew Ditch Archive on Rumble“Who wants to come and see Checker's with me? Who wants to come and see Checker's with me? Who wants to come and see Checker's with me? Who wants to come and see Checker's with me and smell my poopy?” -Andrew Ditch, February 2024 Original title: Andy's Family Life Story is live! [w15Es7A0jpw] Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: February 8, 2024201 views 1 comment -
The Road to Buffalo General Hospital (January 2024)
Andrew Ditch Archive on RumbleDoorbell camera from January 4th, 2024. Tom speaks to an officer while Andrew speaks to his APS worker, Henry, on the phone. 6:50 – Henry lays down a timeline for the officer to understand what's happened over the last day stating that Andrew left Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital against medical advice. 17:00 – Tom carries several Crinklz into the house for Andrew as he prepares to go to Buffalo General Hospital. 22:00 – Ambulance arrives, Tom gives Andrew a few Crinklz for the road. Original title: dads abuse [O_OtOdafpCU] Recorded on January 4, 2024 Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: January 5, 2024157 views -
Tom: “You're the One Who Destroyed Our Family” (January 2024)
Andrew Ditch Archive on RumbleAndrew threw a tantrum, ran away, then waited until Tom was visiting Jan to call the police and tell them that he was locked out of the house. Notes: 4:25 – Andrew claims Michael is mad at Tom for Tom accusing him of sexually abusing Andrew. 4:40 – Tom says Andrew destroyed their family. 19:21 – After a long silence, talking again. Original title: I ask dad why he is like he is the past few days and he explodes I wanted to understand better [H8OsSSQ3rIM] Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: January 6, 2024189 views -
Jealous of Jan (January 2024)
Andrew Ditch Archive on RumbleAndrew is jealous that Jan is getting more care and attention than he is at the hospital. Please note: Many of the stories Andrew tells occur only in his mind. No nurse or any other hospital staff have ever been fired or otherwise disciplined for an interaction with Andrew. It is also highly unlikely that Jan had a room mate who got into bed with her, jumped on her bed, or attacked her as no such incident was ever mentioned by Tom or Joe in any future recordings. Original title: my day today [MimCxxiBxiw] Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: January 1, 2024121 views -
Andrew Wastes an Officer's Time (December 2023)
Andrew Ditch Archive on RumbleAndrew reveals the reason for calling the police: his father will not schedule an appointment for him. 37:54 – Andrew pretends to cry. 58:42 – Officer Washburn leaves, Andrew returns indoors. The video is silent after that. Original title: December 15, 2023 [p1KwIuoooi0] Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: December 15, 202396 views