Come out Come out where ever you are Ready or Not Martial Law HERE I COME
The Sixth Seal Ministrieshttps://www.infowars.com/posts/republic-in-peril-the-democrats-are-openly-preparing-to-steal-the-election-institute-martial-law-trump-must-respond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOSVA2po91g https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodd/524001p.PDF?ver=UpTwJ66AyyBgvy7wFyTGbA%3d%3d https://therebelpatient.substack.com/p/the-dod-quietly-reissues-dod-directive https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-22-104714.pdf154 views 2 comments -
The Sixth Seal Ministrieshttps://nationalfile.com/obama-appointed-judge-ruling-says-illegal-aliens-can-carry-firearms/ https://www.infowars.com/posts/obama-judge-says-illegal-aliens-can-buy-and-own-guns-alex-jones-exposes-the-truth/232 views 7 comments -
Civil Disobedience and 10 Ways to Escape the Corrupt System
The Sixth Seal MinistriesWe will discuss in "Theory" what disconnecting from the Long Arm of the Law would look like in the event that S.H.T.F happens in the next few months Link to my Prepping Channel on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVBeKFVlmKpmTM1kHhM3Qpg133 views -
Do you have a Brain and a Moral Compass?
The Sixth Seal MinistriesAfter wandering the streets and watching Legacy media for the past 2 years I want to take this opportunity to respond to a very popular cultural movement that is taking place among many progressives and liberals......here are just a few of my thoughts concerning your YARD SIGN, bumper sticker and colorful and cute ideologies.139 views 3 comments -
I sense a shift is coming within this country
The Sixth Seal MinistriesYes we are picking up some strange occurrences in the universe... within just a few short years will we see a shift happening within the LEFT leaning Lunatics? Read this story and look at how much TDS has infected this country? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/that-motherfker-is-hitler-actress-jenifer-lewis-has/127 views 2 comments -
We have just woken up the BOGEYMAN
The Sixth Seal MinistriesLet's go back 45 years ago and remind those who vote for DEMOCRATS what happens. Will we finally see ( in light of this major event that happened last night ) the end of the Democrat National Party? Want to save the PLANET? VOTE TRUMP170 views 3 comments -
Protesting in America - How to FIX STUPID
The Sixth Seal MinistriesYes the media is having a field day with you face diaper wearing kids who tote Rubber Maid riot shields wrapped in your fancy Kufiyas all while taking out your aggression towards the very ones who gave you the right to protest......You do realize that in a true Sharia Law society that all Homosexuals would be shot and women who don't walk around in black robes will be beaten? Are you positive these are the PEOPLE you want to defend? I have a better idea.....join the Patriot movement and save yourselves. Watch this video and refocus your aggression.145 views 3 comments -
Free Speech says Whoopi will be GONE under TRUMP if elected in 2024
The Sixth Seal MinistriesI know intelligent women don't watch The View, but when I see all of these single crying women on X and tik tok complaining that they are unwanted by MEN because they are WOKE....you must wonder why this is happening...could it be that these women need to truly wake up? Anyone still watching THE VIEW today is lacking intelligence and the FACTS. The REAL truth is under JOE BIDEN freedom has never been more under attack then NOW. Whoopi is lying to You and only Democrats are causing a threat to Democracy. You know its bad when Tucker Carlson can't be WISHED HAPPY BIRTHDAY....what's next 4th of JULY events will now become Insurrection Events too? God bless our Troops and those who died protecting this great LAND. Happy and Safe Memorial Day Weekend.150 views -
Donald J Trump "A Convicted Felon"
The Sixth Seal MinistriesNow that "King George III" has ruled that Mr. Trump is a felon what is our next move? Bigger question... has this ever happened before in HISTORY and what does the Bible say about this Political Lawfare? Links for this message. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/gop-senators-revolt-eight-lawmakers-halt-cooperation-citing/ https://rumble.com/v4cqtdw-what-4-major-events-are-coming-in-2024.html137 views 3 comments -
If they steal another election what can we do?
The Sixth Seal MinistriesI believe there is a much stronger message to send than simply stacking a body count. If the Democrats want to take over our CONSTITUTION here is my PLAN to SAVE AMERICA.65 views 1 comment