9 videos
Updated 3 months ago
this section has documentaries either a platform wouldn't allow at the time like the plandemic, or subjects that the media or other channels won't cover, or can't.
I or j for the year of our Lord Jesus slowly removed from coins back in 17-18 century
WelshmanstudiosThis YouTuber discovers and highlights on coins where the i or j was slowly merged into a 1 hiding the real year and fudging a thousand years if true. But why.12 views -
Man with 2 degrees lives off grid, found moving ribbons in mask, PCR and jabs with chips
WelshmanstudiosMan finds moving ribbons in disposable masks, found in the death fluid and assembling chips, he puts his own blood into the solution and it quickly kills off his blood, plus he breathed on a mask fibres and the mask fibres moved towards his breath, a neighbour also observes what happens amazing interview and tips how to go off grid28 views -
Endtimes productions book of revelation and the anti-Christ Welshmanstudios
WelshmanstudiosA look at some of my channels I’ve recorded and want to share the word of God, this channel looks at various topics and clues in the bible and what the bible says. A great channel I thought I’d share this for you28 views -
UPDATE woman gets ARRESTED for praying in her head Thought crimes now exist in the UK
Welshmanstudioswoman in December 2022 got arrested for praying, & having the wrongs thoughts, this an update on the case, this a worrying trend here in the UK where "thoughts are now a crime" even if they're your private thoughts in the street at "BUFFER ZONES" there more within this report, it shocked the world, I'm following her case this is an update and includes FOX News tucker Carlson, BlackBeltBarrister on legality where you stand and where this is going "this will affect even you soon wherever you live in the west and beyond" theres more cases in this report please share copy just please keep my channel name for others, it's also on Welshmanstudios YouTube where theres more videos on there, please email me for anymore reports at www.welshmanstudios@gmail.com thank you.23 views -
The authority you have in GOD, SLEEP PARALYSIS and 3 dreams vision I’ve had
WelshmanstudiosBiblical prayer and how to pray, what I’ve seen spiritually, more to come on that, 3 visions I’ve had and more27 views -
How To SPOT Propergander 1946 school educational film
WelshmanstudiosPost war in American schools and the UK school education "used to really educate students about life and the world they REALLY lived in, this is why when you even go back to young boys sometimes 12 years old, their vocabulary and handwriting was like poetry, now we see the result of the globalist agendas, and how they've tried to dumb down children and parents, luckily people have woken up, and not only re-learning what was once was, but are now educating themselves, "did you know ALL educational books, science, history even the frequency of music is all from not only once source, but from one elite globalist family? LOOK that one up, but please floor, in 2025 I'll be putting more out there,5 views -
is technology taking out people
Welshmanstudiosthere is a theory and is backed up by science that what people were pressured to take "vaccine" actually is killing people. the question remains, what happens if hackers begin to use this technology to kill people, it seems to be people are seeing something, turning their heads reaching or seeing something, and then turning and collapsing, having seizures then sadly in some cases dying. please share like and comment, it help so much more than you know.24 views -
666 patent number NWO 2020 THE PURPLE PILL
WelshmanstudiosThis was on YouTube but was taken down, it didn't have a strike due to the fact I've used what people have referenced their own research, patient numbers and more, lets take a deep dive into the real stories. why is the truth so hard to share, this is why my platforms don't grow, I've seen what's trending and there's complete rubbish, no wonder youngsters and this generation hasn't got the discernment people had 100 years ago. please subscribe share and comment,37 views 3 comments