Malachi Sermons
10 videos
Updated 2 months ago
A ten-sermon look into the last book of the Old Testament. We hope this series will bless you.
Malachi 1:1-3 (Jacob and Esau)
The Superior WordThe first of a ten-part series on the book of Malachi. We do hope this sermon and series will bless you abundantly. PDF of this sermon: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/1110241445476537.pdf?ts=1731263042&language=eng&stats=false937 views 2 comments -
Malachi 1:4-8 (Where Is My Honor?)
The Superior WordIt is a sobering lesson right from Scripture concerning our obligation to honor the Lord. Failing to do so means things will not go well. Let us learn the lesson as put forth by the prophet Malachi. PDF of this sermon: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/111724123745561.pdf?ts=1731867296&language=eng&stats=false700 views -
Malachi 1:9-14 (For a Great King, I)
The Superior WordStrong words from the Lord to the priests and people of Israel. Will we learn the lesson set forth here in Malachi 1? Let us hope so. PDF copy of this sermon: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/1124241621206639.pdf?ts=1732471225&language=eng&stats=false818 views 3 comments -
Malachi 2:1-9 (My Covenant With Levi)
The Superior WordSobering words from the Lord through Malachi. It would be good for all to pay heed, even though they are words to the priests of the law. God is holy. This is the lesson that must be learned by His people. PDF copy of this sermon: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/113024202550580.pdf?ts=1733076766&language=eng&stats=false721 views 1 comment -
Malachi 2:10-17 (Violence Upon His Garment)
The Superior WordWe all need to wake up to the vows we make before the Lord. How much more when it is a covenant between ourselves and our spouse? Let us heed the words of Malachi and be attentive to what is on the Lord's mind. We hope this sermon will bless you. PDF copy of this sermon: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/128241745272942.pdf?ts=1733686548&language=eng&stats=false705 views 1 comment -
Malachi 3:1-4 (Behold Me – Sending My Messenger)
The Superior WordThe Message of the Lord is the Lord Incarnate. It is a certain truth that is contained in His superior word. We really hope you will enjoy this sermon and be blessed by its contents. Sermon PDF: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/1215241725536847.pdf?ts=1734286331&language=eng&stats=false658 views 1 comment -
Malachi 3:5, 6 (For I, Yehovah! Not Transmuted)
The Superior WordThis is a rather amazing set of verses that explain much about the Lord, His nature, His relationship with Israel and with individuals, and so much more. Please enjoy this sermon. PDF of this sermon: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/122624614164997.pdf?ts=1735500548&language=eng&stats=false574 views 2 comments -
Malachi 3:7-12 (The Tithe and the Oblation)
The Superior WordWhat do you think about tithing? It is probably not what the word of God says. We hope this sermon will be instructive and a blessing to you. PDF of this sermon: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/1525187323729.pdf?ts=1736100692&language=eng&stats=false891 views 2 comments -
Malachi 3.13-18 (And Hearkens, Yehovah, and Hears)
The Superior WordThis is such a marvelous passage that perfectly describes Israel in her state of disobedience and, thus, us in our state of the same. PDF copy of this sermon: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/112251526405253.pdf?ts=1736705277&language=eng&stats=false405 views 1 comment -
Malachi 4:1-6 (The Day is Coming)
The Superior WordIt is a marvelous end to this wonderful book, and it is a surprising end to the Old Testament canon. We do hope this final Malachi sermon will bless you abundantly. PDF notes: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/1192519214603.pdf?ts=1737316765&language=eng&stats=false718 views 1 comment