#25: The Unprecedented Advent of Hollywood as a Procurement Factory with Troy McLachlan
DivulgenceHello my friends, and welcome to a very specially-extended episode of Divulgence, I am your host, your friend, Jordan Vezeau. I am so excited to welcome back the fringe of the fringe, author, researcher, and former Hong Kong movie star, Troy D. MacLachlan! If he melted your mind last time he was here, we will be melting your face and jaw with this one! We talk, with some great details, about numerous topics surrounding Stanley Kubrick and his movies (especially ‘The Shining’, ‘Lolita’, and ‘Eyes Wide Shut’), including: Kubrick and music (and my new love for classical), Kubrick and alchemy, Scientology and Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman/Vivian Kubrick, Doctor Sleep connections, Rita Hayworth’s troubled past, dirty Kirk Douglas, the rape and murder/disappearance of Natalie Wood, Ryan O’Neal, and (other) greasy dirt bag evils that Kubrick has had to work with, and I share my very first Kubrick experience. We also get deep into my/our enjoyment of decoding his masterpieces, and the importance of inventorying and analyzing all the clues and archives of materials possible that we have been left with to use to decode and understand his works - We also go over the decoding of Kubrick’s movies, and the many themes, both controversial and mind-opening, such as deep-state elites, technology and transhumanism, child abuse and sexual abuse, corruption in Hollywood, politics, and within the royal families/systems, mind-control/MK-Ultra/manipulation, and, plain and simple, death. We also discuss the importance of knowing your friends/teammates and sticking together in this battle of the futures, this was to awaken, and this struggle to understand and come together both as one combined and separately, together collected. Troy shares stories of his history working as an actor in Hong Kong, and we cover so much more great stuff, including gatekeepers, David McGowan, Charlie Manson, organized serial killers, the esoteric and the occult, Timothy Carey, Sydney Greenstreet, and other scene stealers, and much, much, much more in this extra-long episode of Divulgence! It is a wonderful mixture of movies, culture, warfare, and other esoteric and occultic topics that make for a wonderful discussion to be a part of, enjoy! ** ALL support is much appreciated, in any shape or form. PLEASE subscribe and ‘thumbs up/like’ my content on any platforms where Divulgence is available. Please also 5-star rate me on Spotify, Apple and anywhere else audio podcasts are found! It is hard having certain platforms mess with your statistics and logistics when you are lesser known! Thank you all and please enjoy what I want to share with you! Rock on! ** Resources: DIVULGENCE BITCHUTE - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/8QsxZf1nxO0C/ ODYSEE - https://odysee.com/@Divulgencepod:0 YT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCStiGMkq3vDyOU6AW6DyvMg RUMBLE - https://rumble.com/user/Divulgence TWITTER - @divulgencepod Podcast available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple, Amazon Music, Stitcher, Pandora. PLEASE provide a 5 star review! For bookings or promotions, please message on Twitter. TROY MCLACHLAN http://saturndeathcult.com643 views 1 comment -
Naked man appears to climb out of Buckingham Palace window
Mayo77Naked man, appearing to try to escape but, falls out of window in buckingham palace. Fake news claims this video a hoax but looks pretty real to me. You be the judge. Please hit the + rumble, comment or subscribe. Working hard on growing my channel. Please consider donating even a small amount really helps, times are tough: Bitcoin : bc1qhafvl5sq4lx9c4g73m27wp4ustj3argmjyvpz6 Etherium : 0xE9d6346Ea76AbCa2806D1a6b92985D5A1c2585cA DOGE: DGBLPBgvt2NmRfsEVoxuJ5eqFWLGPsJvxG ADA (Cardano) : addr1q9fvlgmm5403mux7etr78e00zkfugayc77p83ldll2faeexj9sk6tshjp29urg6d6kua7gqyj3x3m65ay4p5vrguvnes9w6t9c Thanks for watching!535 views 3 comments -
Opening Ceremony of the Gotthard Base tunnel.
Kathy Reynolds , Music and Spiritual LoveAttended by Europe’s most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is world’s longest and most expensive tunneling project in History. Took 17 years to complete and is said to be a symbol of European unification." Couldn't they have just cut a ribbon with some music and champagne like normal?202 views -
CERN | Occult Ritual Performed On The Grounds Of CERN 2016
TTruth NetworkThe video shows several people, presumably CERN employees, dressed in black cloaks surrounding a statue of the Hindu deity Shiva and apparently stabbing a woman in a human sacrifice. After the video surfaced and was circulating the internet, it was immediately dubbed as a hoax by CERN and those who participated. TODAYS LATEST NEWS AND OTHER VIDEOS TO WATCH https://bit.ly/universaltruth_realinternational_tv The Great Replacement isn't a conspiracy theory https://bit.ly/3yaHtbG Ruthless hidden messages in this old cancelled TV show https://bit.ly/3A0RUzM Fox News reports on how “black” people are SUPERIOR https://bit.ly/3NcT4LI Young Child in Brazil Dies Shortly After Receiving a COVID-19 Vaccine https://bit.ly/3Odr7Vp "Suck My D*ck, B*tch! - Godless Abortion Activist Loses It https://bit.ly/3yh3NjN Uvalde shooting could have been stopped in 'three minutes': Texas police https://bit.ly/3nbKtyf GEORGE SOROS SAYS OUR "CIVILIZATION MAY NOT SURVIVE" AT HIS DAVOS DINNER SPEECH" https://bit.ly/3QHESgs Australian Health Official now admits the vaccinated are now dying from Myocarditis https://bit.ly/3n7e8bI The Vatican Releases Coin Promoting Jabs And Muzzles https://bit.ly/3blA2VS As Lockdown Lifts, Shanghai Swarmed With Termites https://bit.ly/3QQCqVh WHO's Tedros Privately Admits Lab Leak 'Most Likely Explanation' For COVID-19 https://bit.ly/3xENewF Catholic priest jailed for more than 10 years for plying 15-year-old boy with alcohol and raping him https://bit.ly/3QmHSyN . OTHER CHANNELS AND APP TO JOIN MY YOUTUBE https://bit.ly/pondicorner-tv TELEGRAM, JOIN AND SHARE YOUR CONTENTS HERE https://bit.ly/dmixgroup Daily Life is better in the app keep up to date with all we post click here to download our app https://bit.ly/328u17h1.65K views 3 comments -
CERN Human Sacrifice ritual video leaked
ANOApparently, the person that filmed this died, shortly after releasing it...CERN says it was a joke...The LARGEST scientific experiment, attempting to open a portal, that also created a pagan dancing ritual for the opening ceremony, says, they ALSO make "fake" human sacrifice videos on the weekends, for fun...SUUUUURRRE....435 views 1 comment -
Naked man abseils from Buckingham Palace window
schwurbitsNaked man abseils from Buckingham Palace window180 views