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Dr. Lawrence Palevsky: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 34]

8 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Not many topics are as polarizing as vaccines. But with more children and more adults in a chronic state of disease, does the idea that health must come through a needle the right one? This podcast is dedicated to asking questions and reviewing the data, science, and experience surrounding vaccines. To help answer these questions, we’re turning to a medical doctor who has been studying vaccinations for over 30 years and speaking on them at events worldwide. This is the Story Behind Vaccines with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky.
  1. The Story Behind Vaccines with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky
  2. The Six Psychological Steps of Cognitive Dissonance
  3. A Brief History of Vaccination
  4. What’s In a Vaccine and What Does it Do?
  5. Was Measles Really Eradicated?
  6. Terrain Theory: How Viruses Actually Spread
  7. Viraling: How the Body Rids Itself of Waste
  8. How Vaccines Change Our Immune Systems