NEW HAMPSHIRE🚨 05/27/2021
ARaisinghellMarylyn Todd alleges that the auditors in Windham reopened the election, wiped the data, and reset the machines. This essentially covered up the tracks for whoever tampered with the machines. This comes after the Gateway Pundit revealed yesterday that two of the three auditors have conflicts of interest with Pelosi and Schumer50 views -
Caught on Video: Auditor Harri Hursti DELETES Memory Card During Windham, New Hampshire Audit
Vigilant News NetworkMaryland Todd: "If I were to do this to a POS (Point of Sale) system, I would immediately go to jail." "So as you will see, it says 'Reset card? Yes. Copy memory card? No.' So they did not make a copy, and they reset it, deleted it at the audit against the law." Watch the Moment of Truth Summit live at https://FrankSpeech.com Support my work: https://thevigilantfox.substack.com Follow the Fox Telegram: https://t.me/VigilantFox Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/VigilantFox Truth: https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox Minds: https://minds.comVigilantFox Get up to 66% off at http://mypillow.com/vfox Conspiracy Realist T-Shirts: https://bit.ly/3tGz2Cq Get Exclusive Content for $1 at http://redvoicemedia.com/subscribe/ref/8/ Avoid Bidenflation: https://www.gcjdjhs3e.com/3N116J/PS824/?uid=19972 views 3 comments