Dr. Mark Hyman: Everything You're Eating Is Toxic, and Big Pharma Likes It That Way
Tucker CarlsonBig companies are poisoning Americans. Dr. Mark Hyman has been saying that for thirty years. He’s finally been vindicated. Follow Tucker on X: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson Paid partnerships with: Meriwether Farms: Use promo code “TUCKERCHRISTMAS” to save at https://MeriwetherFarms.com/Tucker Cozy Earth: Promo code “Tucker” for up to 40% off at https://CozyEarth.com/Tucker Eight Sleep: Get $600 off the Pod 4 Ultra at https://EightSleep.com/Tucker Levels: Get 2 extra months free at https://Levels.Link/Tucker #TuckerCarlson #MarkHyman #BobbyKennedyJr #DonaldTrump #food #BigPharma #health #detox #cancer #science #seedoils #doctor #news #politics Chapters: 0:00 Bobby Kennedy as Trump’s New HHS Director 4:04 Obesity and “Ultra Processed Foods” 20:07 Does Junk Food Cause Cancer and Alzheimer's? 40:31 Who’s Funding the Chronic Health Disease Epidemic? 46:39 Healthy Food Decreasing Violence in Prisons 52:51 Vaccines 1:07:14 Why You’re Not Allowed to Sue Vaccine Developers 1:11:31 Bobby Kennedy’s Plans 1:17:05 How to Detox Your Body 1:27:26 Donald Trump and the Medical Awakening428K views 1.26K comments