Capt. Kyle Truck Talk - QFS Part Two-9-9-2024
CaptKylePatriotsCapt. Kyle answers more questions that were sent in on Telegram about the Quantum Financial System. (QFS) It's time to learn more about QFS and prepare for what is right around the corner. Please join our Telegram channel so you can listen live and take part in the Q and A discussion segments where Capt. Kyle and his guests answer questions from our members. Join our telegram channel with this link: https//t.me/CaptKylePatriots Capt Kyle Renegade Matrix Warrior A member of family of light Warriors for altering systems of consciousness within the free will universe. More places to find Capt Kyle CaptKyle Patriots Telegram channel https//t.me/CaptKylePatriots CaptKyle Patriots Twitter (X) page https://twitter.com/CaptKylePatriot13.3K views 99 comments -
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ALPHAVETS 9.12.24 ~ THE WORLD IS CHANGING ~ Maerox & Echox
AlphaVetsJoin our Youtube AV shorts channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnev0jOnWR8mBK0iY2btIig Midas Gold Group: Text the word ALPHAVETS to 232425 (Silver and gold) https://www.midasgoldgroup.com/ Tell them Alphavets sent ya! SPECIAL OFFERS for Alphavets listeners. Support MyPillow & Alphavets https://www.mypillow.com/alphavets PROMO CODE --- ALPHAVETS UP TO 80% OFF! AMMO SQUARED ~ GETTING AMMO EASY! https://ammosquared.com/alphavets?rfsn=7934986.8d0acb&utm_source=alphavets&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=affiliate https://harleys-doggy-dog-world.myshopify.com/collections/all ALPHAVETS PROMO CODE ALPHAVETS MERCH https://www.god1stgear.com/alphavets-official WEBSITE https://www.alphavets.online/ TELEGRAM Https://t.me/alpha_anon TWITTER @_AlphaAnon @Dunbizz47 TRUTH SOCIAL @ALPHAVETS @DUNBIZZLE12.1K views 13 comments -
AlphaVetsJoin our Youtube AV shorts channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnev0jOnWR8mBK0iY2btIig Midas Gold Group: Text the word ALPHAVETS to 232425 (Silver and gold) https://www.midasgoldgroup.com/ Tell them Alphavets sent ya! SPECIAL OFFERS for Alphavets listeners. Support MyPillow & Alphavets https://www.mypillow.com/alphavets PROMO CODE --- ALPHAVETS UP TO 80% OFF! AMMO SQUARED ~ GETTING AMMO EASY! https://ammosquared.com/alphavets?rfsn=7934986.8d0acb&utm_source=alphavets&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=affiliate https://harleys-doggy-dog-world.myshopify.com/collections/all ALPHAVETS PROMO CODE ALPHAVETS MERCH https://www.god1stgear.com/alphavets-official WEBSITE https://www.alphavets.online/ TELEGRAM Https://t.me/alpha_anon TWITTER @_AlphaAnon @Dunbizz47 TRUTH SOCIAL @ALPHAVETS @DUNBIZZLE10.9K views 24 comments