Yield To God
3 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Yield, trust God with what He is doing. Yield to His Sovereignty.
My Prayer
HeartTOHeartI was walking the beach and just thinking about Jesus and this prayer rose up in my heart, so I shared it with you all my friends at Heart To Heart. My Prayer: Strengthen Us, Encourage Us, Bless Us Lord God. In Your Presence, Power And Glory We Are Blessed. We Yield Ourselves To You, Lord, There Is No Greater Power Or Authority. Jesus, You Love Us Best And Most, You Know Us Like No One Else Does. My Thoughts: Yield! Yes I Embrace Lordship Daily! We should be leaning into the voice of God first, checking in with Him, yielding our lives to Him, giving ear to His Voice. It is the best choice to NOT give others permission to speak into our heart. Only God has that permission to speak into our heart. Living life this way ensures we will thrive on the truth and flourish in our soul. There is so much deception all around us, we need to hear from God. I often say: Listen Up. This spiritual discipline in my life has caused me so much joy, wisdom, and life lived well. When I listen to those voices in my head that say: You are not good enough. You are not wanted. You are not loved. Then I open the door of my soul to the chaos of my enemy. I need to boot out all those thoughts the moment they hit my mind, say NO to them and no, enemy of my soul, you do not have permission to speak to me. Get out! I can’t tell you have this will help you so much, I pray you listen up to what God is saying in this moment and change it up. Truly, we should not yield our soul over to anyone else but Jesus, because Jesus has not abdicated His power to the enemy of our soul, He still reigns in the fullness of His authority over us. My Prayer: We yield our lives to You, Jesus. Yes, I, Embrace, Lordship, Daily. You are not just my Savior, Jesus Christ, You are my Lord. I lean my understanding into You and acknowledge You in all my ways. You, Lord God are my Navigator and I trust You more than I do any other voice. Father God, no other voices have permission to speak into my life first. It is Your voice I listen up to You, first, that I lean my heart and soul into Your way, truth and life. Jesus, My Savior, Lord, King, I yield my life to You, Guide me, direct me by Your Holy Spirit. I love You Lord God. I love You. AMEN Recently I heard a song called: As you find me. It truly touched my soul and I heard God say to me: You are wanted! https://music.apple.com/us/album/as-you-find-me-live/1510435179?i=1510435191 I stood tall and crumbled in the same breath. Yet, every time I look, You are still there with me and for me. You still wear the scars for all my mistakes. You are faithful and You are gracious and I am so grateful. I was Yours before I was not. There is grace to spare for all my mistakes, and I know I don’t deserve this kind of love, but this is Who You are, Jesus, You love me as You find me. I am still someone You want, Your love is too good to leave me. You still want me. I need Your love more than anything! Have a great day Heart To Heart! God bless ya Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/vb2zl1-limitlessly-loved.html We are wanted and loved like no other could love us. https://thebridegroomscafe.com/our-1st-valentine/ https://thebridegroomscafe.com/loved-family-prayer-7/179 views -
God Is Not Done
HeartTOHeartWe have so many grandiose expectations for how we “think” our life should turn out. When you look at your life right where you are right now, does it look like anything you thought it would look like? I know mine doesn’t, there are things in my life I never imagined I would be growing through, never thought my life would go that way. But, in relationship with God, things are not as they seem. Wait For It! God’s Not Done What we see now, isn’t how it will end. God has an endgame in mind. It is good for us not to presume on God’s Will by what we “see” in our life. Faith isn’t about what is seen, it is about believing in the unseen. We may not have written our life story this way, but He does things in unconventional ways, but they always have a good endgame. So if things are not going the way you planned for your life, the best thing to do is lean into God’s Sovereign Sway. The worst thing to do is buck up your will against God’s Will, that won’t work out so well. Believe me. I know. What is happening right now is for our best and His glory, it may not feel that way, but it is true. Our plans are not His, our way is not His. It is hard to wrap our mind around God’s methods of writing our life story. But… bucking up our will against God’s will, does nothing for us, just makes things harder. God’s will is going to be done. Could it be that what is happening right now is for our best and His glory. It may not feel that way, but things are never about how they feel. Feelings are fickle, but God is not. God is faithful, God is trustworthy and if we look back on our lives, we see that handiwork of His good and glory. We can trust God with our lives, we can trust Him with the pen. God is writing a fantastic story, He is just not done yet. Let God Work. The Best Is Yet To Come! God bless ya.161 views 2 comments -
Ever Ask Why?
HeartTOHeartWhy? Why God Why? Sometimes you feel like you are just stuck without an answer and you don’t know what your next step is. How do you deal with that? You ask and it seems like… oh my… just quiet… You don’t get a no. You don’t get a yes. You get nothing. What do you want me to do Lord? Usually He wants us to wait, and go with what we already know. Because if God is not answering, there is a good reason for Him purposefully withholding an answer. He does hear us. No doubt about that. His answer is usually Yes, No, Wait. I don’t like the wait one. We are so used to getting what we want, when we want it. We live in that kind of a world, the instant gratification kind of world Sometimes we can get so bent out of shape waiting on God to show us what to do and our attitude really is not good, this is probably why we are waiting, He is shaping our character. I sometimes I can’t understand why God does things, like I don’t understand His methods and definitely don’t like them, but I yield to Him. Why? Why do I yield to Him, because He has always finished well. It blows me away at times what He can do with a situation that is completely out of control and it got worse and worse the more I prayed, the more I tried to wrap my mind around what was happening, nothing worked for me, until it did. God finishes what He starts and He finishes so well. Why? Why? Because He can. Why? Then He says: Because I AM. There are times I just smile and praise Him, thinking… I can’t believe what God just pulled off, how He made this, out of this, and did that out of that. I could never have done it that well, it ended so well. Way-Maker GOD! So now I don’t say “Why” I just pray, seek Him, listen up, and watch and wait for Him to lead and me to follow. If we buck up our will against God, He will still move us forward because we will come full circle to that place where we have steeled our will against His methods and until we follow after His lead, we will continue to come full circle around. When we yield, we realize that God all along knew what we needed. He knew what was best for us. We do learn to trust God. He is trustworthy. He is faithful to finish what He started. God knows why... purposefully so, He knows! We learn to trust Him, to yield our way to Him and in the end, it is so good, more than we could have hoped for or imagined. That good!!!! This is our God! Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/wont-he-do-it/ https://rumble.com/v4yy070-thwarted-dreams.html https://rumble.com/v4l23do-miraculous-methods.html163 views 1 comment