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Johnny Dollar (Radio Drama)

291 videos
Updated 5 days ago
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar is a radio drama that aired on CBS Radio from February 18, 1949 to September 30, 1962. Each case usually started with a phone call from an insurance adjuster, calling on Johnny to investigate an unusual claim: a suspicious death, an attempted fraud, a missing person, or other mysterious circumstances. Each story required Johnny to travel to some distant locale, usually within the United States but sometimes abroad, where he was almost always threatened with personal danger in the course of his investigations.
  1. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 (ep566) The Carmen Kringle Matter
  2. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 ep565 The Happy Family Matter
  3. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 (ep564) The Hapless Hunter Matter
  4. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 (ep563) The Sunny Dream Matter
  5. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 (ep562) The Hope to Die Matter
  6. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 (ep561) The Shy Beneficiary Matter
  7. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 (ep560) The Alkali Mike Matter
  8. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 (ep559) The Model Picture Matter
  9. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 (ep558) The Three Sisters Matter
  10. Johnny Dollar Radio 1957 (ep557) The Mary Grace Matter