NASA vs Real G-forces
Op FreedomNASA vs Real G-forces Telegram https://t.me/OPFreedom Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/GfDLsQSkt3zX/ 💥LibertyResearch, barbbruce, G5ntl5Giant lengid79, ChrisLaw1, AscendingProof, lib3rty0rd3ath, gravelgrinder1, Theratfink are paid Globe Earth trolls.4.79K views 26 comments -
1965 - Scientist Claims The Moon Is Plasma and Landing On It Is Impossible
Op Freedom1965 - Scientist Claims The Moon Is Plasma Telegram https://t.me/OPFreedom Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/GfDLsQSkt3zX/8.47K views 41 comments -
Historical Interest: The Real Secrets Hidden In Antarctica...Revealed (Documentary)
The Michelle Moore ShowA wealth of mystery lies hidden within the 6 million cubic miles of ice that dominate the surface of Antarctica. It's a continent shrouded in speculation, misinformation and wartime intrigue. The fascinating documentary titled "The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica...Revealed" sets out to expose these potential cover-ups. The Michelle Moore Show 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. CST 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. EST Michelle’s Links: WAVWatch: https://www.wavwatch.com/?aff=rJYurE1ni Enter CODE: MICHELLE100 at checkout to save $100 on your order! *Note: If you’re buying more than one you’ll need to check them out separately so you can get $100 discount on each watch. For Health Supplements and More! http://TruthTalkStore.com Use code TRUTH15 (all caps) for 15% Discount now through Midnight, Sunday Night, July 30, 2023! 1st National Reserve (Gold & Silver): https://www.1stnationalreserve.com/ 1-800-321-8700 *Mention 'The Michelle Moore Show' when you call! Cue Streaming: https://Michelle.Mycuestreaming.com/apply WEBSITE: http://MichelleMooreShow.com or https://linktr.ee/gomichellemoore WHERE TO WATCH: RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TheMichelleMooreShow RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TruthTalkAmerica YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@TheMichelleMooreShow BITCHUTE: https://BitChute.com/TheMichelleMooreShow (REPLAY ONLY) TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/leadershippower TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/gomichellemoore TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gomichellemoore/ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gomichellemoore10.9K views -
Documentary: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Moon
The Michelle Moore ShowAward winning filmmaker Bart Sibrel (Sibrel.com) presents his highly acclaimed controversial documentary "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" which debuts newly discovered behind-the-scenes out-takes from the supposed first mission to the moon showing the crew staging the photography of being "halfway to the moon", conclusively proving that they never left earth orbit, as is still NASA's limit today 50 YEARS later. The CIA is even heard on a private, third audio channel, prompting the crew to respond to Mission Control only after four seconds have elapsed, in order to create the false impression of an increased radio delay, so as to appear farther from the earth than they really were. In Sibrel's second film "Astronauts Gone Wild" a microphone accidentally records an astronaut privately discussing telephoning the CIA to have investigative journalist Bart Sibrel assassinated, something that would not be necessary if Sibrel's discovery of the fraud was not true. To support Bart Sibrel in his endeavors to expose the truth, for his movies and books, you can visit: https://www.sibrel.com/ The Michelle Moore Show 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. CST 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. EST Michelle’s Links: WAVWatch: https://www.wavwatch.com/?aff=rJYurE1ni Enter CODE: MICHELLE100 at checkout to save $100 on your order! *Note: If you’re buying more than one you’ll need to check them out separately so you can get $100 discount on each watch. For Health Supplements and More! http://TruthTalkStore.com Use code TRUTH15 (all caps) for 15% Discount now through Midnight, Sunday Night, July 30, 2023! 1st National Reserve (Gold & Silver): https://www.1stnationalreserve.com/ 1-800-321-8700 *Mention 'The Michelle Moore Show' when you call! Cue Streaming: https://Michelle.Mycuestreaming.com/apply WEBSITE: http://MichelleMooreShow.com or https://linktr.ee/gomichellemoore WHERE TO WATCH: RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TheMichelleMooreShow RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TruthTalkAmerica YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@TheMichelleMooreShow BITCHUTE: https://BitChute.com/TheMichelleMooreShow (REPLAY ONLY) TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/leadershippower TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/gomichellemoore TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gomichellemoore/ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gomichellemoore14.7K views 8 comments