CDT Live Audio Chat Q&A: Special Guest Michelle Herman: Mar 14, 2025
YouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For PatriotsCDT Live Q&A Video Chat: Special Guest Michelle Herman https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies?videochat When: ⬇️ March 14, 2025 At 5 PM CST Topic: ⬇️ - Chlorine Dioxide Behind the Scenes & Exciting Updates - Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies - Special Offers & New Ways To Help Your Friends Overcome The Fear of Chlorine Dioxide - Live Questions & Answered - The Future of Chlorine Dioxide & How To Enlighten The World Key links to connect To Michelle Herman: ⬇️ Connect On X: https://x.com/snootspray?s=11 Connect On Substack: https://snootspray.substack.com/?r=1megzb&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=profile Connect On Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-m-herman?trk=contact-info Special 4 Day Offer: ⬇️ 50% Off Snoot Product https://www.snootspray.com/CDTestimonies Michelle Herman & Pierre Kory MD, MPA Took Chlorine Dioxide Directly To Robert Kennedy JR Follow Dr. Pierre Kory: https://open.substack.com/pub/pierrekory?r=1megzb&utm_medium=ios How to Join on Rumble: ⬇️ Where can I listen in to the recorded CDT Live Audio Chats? ⬇️ On Telegram: ⬇️ https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies/326701 On Rumble: ⬇️ https://rumble.com/c/YOUTUBETERMINATED FAQ: Can Chlorine Dioxide help with my named disease: ⬇️ https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies/1/482413 Follow Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies to learn more: ⬇️ CDT Telegram 💬 https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies CDT Skool 📚 https://www.skool.com/chlorinedioxidetestimonies CDT Videos 📀 https://rumble.com/c/YOUTUBETERMINATED CDT Live Audio Chats 🎤 https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies?videochat CDT Event Calendar 📆 https://www.skool.com/chlorinedioxidetestimonies/calendar CDT Key Links 🔗 https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies/467524 CDT DONATE 🎗️ https://buymeacoffee.com/chlorinedioxide1.34K views 6 comments -
Cancer Remission Achieved with Low-Cost Drug | Media Blackout
Biological MedicineCancer remission achieved with low-cost drug, more companies nuking DEI, permanent Washington pushing for WWIII and more! View all of the articles mentioned in this broadcast on the Vigilant News Network: https://vigilantnews.com/ Support the sponsors of this show and view Zeee Media’s below: If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate via this link: https://donate.stripe.com/6oEdUL2eF1IAdXibII Website: https://www.zeeemedia.com Visit https://www.kepm.com/maria and consider safeguarding your paper assets using affordable silver and gold bullion bars and coins with minimal premiums and commissions. If you're in Australia, visit Gold Bullion Australia (Gold Stackers) today and consider securing your wealth with Australia's leading supplier of gold and silver bullion: https://www.goldbullionaustralia.com.au/?utm_source_zeeemedia&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=zeeemedia Buy Stockman Steaks' GUARANTEED mRNA-free, non-GMO, hormone-free meat for your family and support Aussie Farmers today: https://stockmansteaks.com.au/maria If you're in the US or Canada, get 10% off high-quality storable food and heirloom seeds with Heaven's Harvest: https://heavensharvest.com/pages/zeee Prepare for cyber attacks, power outages and more by ensuring you and your family have alternate communication means through a Satellite phone! Visit the link below: https://sat123.com/maria/ View Hope & Tivon's EMF protection products and more via this link: https://ftwproject.com/ref/468 To order Dr. Zelenko's products today, visit the below link, and use referral code MARIAZEEE for 5% off your order: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=MARIAZEEE Begin your journey to uncompromised privacy and save up to $500 on Zeee Media Above Phone Bundles. Visit Above Phone: https://abovephone.com/maria/ Mirrored https://rumble.com/v5vd8vh-cancer-remission-achieved-with-low-cost-drug-media-blackout.html662 views 2 comments -
Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Remedy that Drug Companies Hate
redpilluniversityThis is one of the most suppressed stories of all time. It is the story of seemingly miraculous cures of many life-threatening illnesses by a remedy that you can do yourself, has no unwanted side effects, and costs about the same as a haircut. Would you be surprised to learn that the pharmaceutical industry is not anxious for this remedy to be widely known – especially not known for treating symptoms of Covid-19? Would you be shocked to hear medical authorities tell you it is merely laundry bleach that might kill you if you use it? Since you have discovered this video while visiting Red Pill University, your answer most likely is that you would be surprised if it were otherwise. Be forewarned that this documentary is not a high-end Hollywood production but primarily a collection of testimonials by people who have nothing to sell, and nothing to gain. Their motive is simply to share their success stories with the world. Circa 2016 – Source: Genesis II Church of Health and Healing - https://quantumleap.is/ This video is archived here and at other sites to preserve access to it. However, preserved knowledge is useless without action. Join with others of like mind at Red Pill University to convert enlightenment into societal reform. Visit https://www.redpilluniversity.org/ and 'Take the Tour'.105K views 133 comments