The Club of Rome – Climate Hoax – UN Agenda 21 – Documentary
WWaking the World up- Birth of the Climate-Change Narrative - Club of Rome - IBM MIT VW - Population Growth - 1972 book 'The Limits to Growth' 2020-2026 - Sustainable Development - Ann Bressington, SA, Australia - Overpopulation - Totalitarianism, Centralization of Power - Senator Malcolm Roberts, QLD, Australia - Lima Agreement - Paris Agreement - World Climate Simulation - Al Gore - WWF & Environmental Groups - United Nations, Agenda 21 - Maurice Strong - United Nations, Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development - Seize & Demolish Private Property - Unnecessary Regulations on Private Land / Land-Owners / Ag - Removal of Humanity from Wildlands to move to Metropolitan areas - Congregate humanity into Smart-Communities - Smart-Growth to take control of all Human Action - Unisef - Wildlands Project - Rural lands off-limits to human beings - One World Government - Globalisation - G. Edward Griffin - Global Climate Government - More laws to regulate and control - Sold to public as "necessary to protect nature & natural resources" - Transfer control of property to global government - Elitists will own everything - Communism - Club of Rome Climate Emergency Plan SOURCES: Mirrored from: Censored Important Videos -- https://rumble.com/v1419gt-birth-of-climate-hoax-club-of-rome-un-agenda-21-documentary.html PDFs to Download: 1. The Limits to Growth, Club of Rome, 1972 https://www.clubofrome.org/publication/the-limits-to-growth/ https://t.me/truthseekerschatgroup/683581 2. The Climate Emergency Plan, Club of Rome, 2018 https://www.clubofrome.org/publication/the-climate-emergency-plan/ 3. The Planetary Emergency Plan, 2019 https://www.clubofrome.org/publication/the-planetary-emergency-plan/ 4. United Nations, Agenda 21, 1992 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/outcomedocuments/agenda21 5. CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 Dr. John Coleman https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/4A/4A92FD2FB4DAE3F773DB0B7742CF0F65_Coleman.-.CONSPIRATORS.HIERARCHY.-.THE.STORY.OF.THE.COMMITTEE.OF.300.R.pdf Related Videos/Posts: https://pennybutler.com/tag/club-of-rome/ https://pennybutler.com/tag/bilderberg/ https://pennybutler.com/tag/united-nations/ https://pennybutler.com/tag/senator-malcolm-roberts https://pennybutler.com/tag/lima-declaration/ END.1.64K views 2 comments -
Laura Aboli Exposes Disturbing Trends at BETTER WAY CONFERENCE 2023 - The End Game!
SierraDeltaUnraveling the Web: Laura Aboli Exposes Disturbing Trends at BETTER WAY CONFERENCE 2023 – Humanity's Battle Against Covert Forces Pushing for a Post-Human Future! At the BETTER WAY CONFERENCE 2023, Laura Aboli passionately unveils a chilling revelation: a clandestine mission to reshape humanity's destiny by eradicating it as we know it. Delving into this disconcerting Final Destination, Aboli guides us through a retrospective lens, revealing the intricate layers of psychological conditioning, biological tampering, cultural grooming, and decades-long educational prepping. The path to accepting a post-human future, she argues, is paved with extensive physical and psychological abuse, a harrowing tactic employed to make an intelligent species willingly embrace its own extinction. Aboli contends that the events of the past 60 years have been meticulously orchestrated to bring us closer to this dystopian reality. In her view, we exist within a hyper-controlled Matrix, where the manipulation of our perception is a carefully managed and executed plan. To pave the way for a post-human world, the powers-that-be first sought to destabilize, dehumanize, and demoralize humanity through multifaceted means: the destruction of the nuclear family, state indoctrination of children, abortion, the removal of God and spirituality from education, urbanization, toxic elements in food, air, and water, the replacement of real human connection with social media, engineered financial crises, taxation, endless wars, massive migration, and a barrage of stressors leading to anxiety and depression. The narrative unfolds with a stark portrayal of how humanity has been systematically steered away from the pillars that provide strength, security, purpose, and meaning. Aboli contends that a weakened, immoral, disconnected, ignorant, and unhealthy population becomes an easy target for the next stage: the creation of an entire generation of androgynous beings. Masculinity, she argues, is under attack psychologically, culturally, and biologically, with women being replaced by men in sports, entertainment, and politics, while children are indoctrinated to believe that gender is a mere choice. Aboli vehemently challenges the grassroots authenticity of the transgender movement, asserting that it is a top-down imposition aimed at advancing a clear agenda – pushing humanity closer to Transhumanism. By sowing doubt about the fundamental notion of human identity, this movement, according to Aboli, becomes a gateway to convincing individuals to become hybrids not just between genders but between human and machine. In a poignant analogy to George Orwell's '1984,' Aboli likens gender ideology to the insistence that two plus two equals five. She contends that it's a final test, a societal challenge to see if we will blindly follow an absurd Party Line toward our own extinction. She emphatically reminds us that, despite how one chooses to present themselves physically or identify, the unalterable truth remains: two plus two equals four. However, the dark reality Aboli uncovers is that, in the gaslighting process designed to bring humanity closer to a post-human future, an increasing number of children and young people are suffering mental and physical harm. This alarming trend, she warns, is escalating, and she calls for immediate action to halt this perilous course. The BETTER WAY CONFERENCE becomes a platform not just for information but a rallying cry to safeguard the very essence of humanity from forces set on reshaping it beyond recognition. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Yyo4uF0P4YKH/582 views