The Best Enemies Money Can Buy. Antony C. Sutton Interviewed by Dr. Stanley Monteith (1980)
TheWarAgainstYouAntony C. Sutton Interviewed by Dr. Stanley Monteith - The Best Enemies Money Can Buy (1980) *** TheWarAgainstYou: - The Entire Cold War Was Completely Fake. The Ruling Elite of the City of London Established the Bolsheviks and the USSR was Secretly Supported by the UK, USA and the Commonwealth Nation Leadership. Communism was also Supported in North Korea, Vietnam and China. - The Military Industrial Complex Never Could Have Established Itself as the World's Largest Superpower, Actually Controlling the Russia and China. Put Simply, Every Nation is the Bitch of the City of London Banksters. - Even Trump is Still in Debt to the Banksters. Unless Trump Ends the Federal Reserve, you will know He Still Serves the City of London Ruling Elite. That Still Includes and Crypto or Digital Currency. Trump's Plan to have a Public Private Partnership for a US Dollar Crypto Currency IS ACTUALLY FAR WORSE THAN CBDC, and Will Create a New Monopoly that is Not Beholden to Government Laws or Regulations, that is Free From Public Oversight. - 100% FASCISM *** Dialectics, Rockefeller's and Population Control Dennis L. Cuddy Ph.D NewsWithViews Nov 27, 2006 A Rockefeller Timeline https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_rockefeller09.htm - fromIlluminatiNewsWebsite http://www.illuminati-news.com/ * The CFR, the North American Union and the 2008 Presidential Candidates by Jim Paulson, July 29, 2007 http://www.illuminati-news.com/2007/0730b.htm * TheGLOBALISTS:The Power Elite Behind theRisingNew World Order by Dennis L. Cuddy, PhD More relevant today than ever! First posted June 24, 2009 ~ Updated September 4, 2013 http://crossroad.to/articles2/009/cuddy/1-power-elite.htm *** FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: EnigmaVideos https://www.youtube.com/@EnigmaVideos4.46K views 3 comments -
Bad News, The Problems Are Bigger Than Trump
Peak ProsperityJoin the discussion at Peak Prosperity: https://peak.fan/2p9xd527 Use coupon code PEAK20 for 20% off access to premium content: https://peak.fan/ajjpdm5r My podcast with Dave Collum, author of the "2024 Year in Review," covers economic valuations, market predictions, social dynamics, trust in institutions, and conspiracy theories. Will the markets fall 66% or even 90%? Can Trump pull off what needs to be pulled off? Tune in to find out!15.1K views 27 comments -
Ian Carroll Breaks Down "Meme Stocks" and the GameStop Debacle
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