Building 7 - The Biggest Red Pill
Videos by AbsoluteTruth1776In this clip from 9/11 Loose Change, the lies about Building 7 are exposed.2.17K views 1 comment -
Trump Discusses Explosives Used On 9/11
Videos by AbsoluteTruth1776In this clip, DJT discusses the likelihood of explosives being used in the towers on 9/11.1.86K views 2 comments -
The Plane That Didn’t Hit The Pentagon
Videos by AbsoluteTruth1776In this clip from 9/11 Loose Change, the obvious absence of an airplane at The Pentagon is discussed1.91K views 1 comment -
Were Was NORAD?
Videos by AbsoluteTruth1776Where were our air defenses on 9/11? This clip from 9/11 Loose Change dives into that very topic.1.16K views 2 comments -
What Happened In Shanksville?
Videos by AbsoluteTruth1776In this clip from 9/11 Loose Change, the facts around Shanksville are discussed. Such as the glaring fact that it appears as if no plane actually crashed in Shanksville.1.8K views 2 comments -
Was Thermite Used?
Videos by AbsoluteTruth1776In this clip from 9/11 Loose Change, the possibility of thermite being a method of demolition is discussed1.35K views 1 comment -
Jet Fuel & Steel
Videos by AbsoluteTruth1776Jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams. This clip from 9/11 Loose Change shows how planes and jet fuel weren’t the cause for collapse of the towers.1.6K views 1 comment -
9/11: In Plane Sight
Videos by AbsoluteTruth17769/11: In Plane Sight was one of the first documentaries released which began to break apart the official narrative of the days events. It still remains one of the better 9/11 documentaries out there.4.61K views 4 comments -
9/11 - Loose Change
Videos by AbsoluteTruth17769/11 Loose Change is a comprehensive documentary released in 2009. This documentary serves to dispel many of the lies we were told within the framework of the official 9/11 narrative.9.94K views 5 comments -
Where Were You? (9/11 Tribute)
Videos by AbsoluteTruth1776We all know where we were. We all felt the world cease to turn for a good bit. This video honors those heroes that paid the ultimate price on 9/11. Song: Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning by Alan Jackson.7.46K views 11 comments