elena danaan
1 video
Updated 2 months ago
The current story - covers a lot
Int 958 with Elena Danaan an Archeologist Druidess and Shaman
TheMissingLinkLiveElena Danaan was born in France, lives in Ireland. Graduated archaeologist, devoted twenty years of her life as a field archaeologist, in particular in Egypt for the French and Egyptian governments. Also a certified Druidess and shaman. Abducted at age nine by malevolent extraterrestrials Grays from Zeta Reticuli, Elena was rescued in this process by other extraterrestrials belonging to the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Elena kept in touch all her life with these benevolent beings, who taught her about various galactic races involved with our planet. www.elenadanaan.org May love guide your actions, for fear is not part of your world Please subscribe to all The Missing Link platforms you use listed below!! https://rumble.com/user/TheMissingLinkLive https://youtube.com/@themissinglinklive8 https://www.facebook.com/themissinglinklive https://vigilante.tv/c/themissinglink/videos https://odysee.com/$/invite/@TheMissingLink:8 Telegram Interviews: https://t.me/themissinglinkchannel Telegram Chat Group: https://t.me/themissinglinkjesse Bitchute - The Missing Link Jesse(Love Inspiring New Knowledge) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/RbrISyW2eX2N/ https://twitter.com/TheMissingLinkJ The Missing Link support is welcome at PayPal.me/HVLT, in Canada by etransfer to webcore8@gmail.com, or by sending stars and/or subscribing to our monthly Facebook Page. You can also purchase any of these products below to also help support us. https://IWantMyHealthBack.com/TML Get 10% off Cardio Miracle here: https://cardiomiracle.com/discount/TML https://shoutloudwear.com and use coupon code themissinglink25 for 25% off all of the T-Shirts and mugs. www.teamalkaviva.com/HealthEworld AC50 brown gas hydrogen water machine @ http://eagle-research.com/product/ac50 by entering the code TMLS5 to give a $125 discount AND a free $500 Water Lovers Distiller. #TheMissingLink #TheMissingLinkLive #TheMissingLinkLivePodcast6.82K views 25 comments