22 Words - Amanchukwu - The Loss of Decency in American Education
NeptuneMike22 Words - Exposing the Loss of Decency in American Education - John Amanchukwu230 views -
The Frontier Boys
TimelessChristianMoviesThe story of four high school boys whose undefeated basketball season and friendship are threatened after a drive-by shooting leaves one of them in a coma and one of them with a secret. Brent Fencett, Jed Bracken, and T.J. Lewis are star players on the Charlevoix High School Basketball team; Jackson Carlson is their most obnoxious fan. They are unbeaten on the court and inseparable off it - until Brent gets caught up in his older brother's mixed up life. The consequences of Brent's choice leave T.J. in the hospital, and Brent's soul in turmoil.702 views 1 comment -
Dog Jack
TimelessChristianMovies"Dog Jack" is the story of a slave boy and his dog who escape the master's plantation, join the union army, and have to face their former master on the battlefield. The story is inspired by the historical true-life adventures of the beloved mascot of the Pennsylvania 102nd, who was so prized by his regiment for his skills in battle that he was twice exchanged for a Confederate prisoner of war.745 views 4 comments -
TimelessChristianMoviesAfter a dangerous kidnapping, hanging on the edge of death, spoiled John, who took his entire life for granted, faces the biggest challenge he's ever experienced. Will he find redemption at last?1.93K views 8 comments -
The Father I Never Knew
TimelessChristianMoviesGo on a journey with 4 inner city guys from Chicago, and 1 from St. Louis, who never had a father, or lost their father at a young age, as they share their stories of what happened to each of them, from getting involved in gangs, guns, drugs, violence, and finally, incarceration for major crimes, and then in the darkest place, they found hope, as they discover the Father they never knew.1K views 3 comments -
Ashes Of Eden
TimelessChristianMoviesWhen a police officer is facing financial ruin, her troubled teenage son decides to steal from a local drug dealer to save the last remnant of his family. It doesn’t take long for him to land in trouble, as his checkered past seems to be waiting for his return, and he is soon drawn back into his former ways. And after being expelled from high school prior to graduation, he descends deeper and deeper into the darkness of the drug world. Increasingly desperate for enough cash to escape his tortured life, he endures unthinkable conditions while being pursued by police, hunted by ruthless criminals, and tormented by the demons of his own addictions. ASHES OF EDEN is a gripping and gritty tale of addiction, betrayal, love, and redemption.773 views