Tax boycott
2 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Stop payin y'all's taxes if they're just gonna give em away to others.!!
TheWarAgainstYouDEAD IN THE WATER - MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW - UCC - Posted January 5th, 2024 - Maritime Admiralty Law – When you are born you come out of your mother’s WATER, you are labeled a maritime admiralty product. Your parents sign a document called a birth (BERTH) Certificate, INFORMING The Authorities a product has just been produced. - This is all regulated under Commercial law, the law of the seas and NOT the Law of the Land. Your parents are being the informer, informing the bankers. When the Ship pulls into the Berth. The captain must produce a document of manifest to inform the Port Authorities of what Product he is bringing into the country and the economy. This is the law of the Seas. - UCC or Uniform Commercial Code is the commercial law that regulates this activity on all four corners of the earth. The captain is being the informer, informing the bankers. Your Birth (BERTH) Certificate (CLAIM OF OWNERSHIP) is a Commercial Document Creating the Corporation known as a PERSON, either it be a Private, Natural, Legal, Juristic or Artificial. This is NOT YOU but a Contract formed between you and the Assumed Corporate entity in which your parents were tricked into Contract. This Contract stays with you until the day you DIE. - You are all considered dead and unclaimed by the crown who laid claim and made you their bitch. You cannot nor are you allowed to speak for yourself as dead persons cannot speak and is why you need a lawyer to speak for you in a court. The dead have no rights. This is all based upon ancient ecclesiastical or canon law at its root and core. - When you board a ship called a church, which is also considered a bank under maritime Admiralty and embarked upon it, the licensed and registered pastor or priests must teach and keep you obedient to the monarch, the crown because he who wears the crown which is the monarch is the head of the ship called church. He is the king, the Lord and captain of the ship called church and the pastor to the priest is an agent of the crown. Maritime Admiralty or rather Universal Commercial Code or UCC is the matrix pulled over everyone’s eyes that governs all because everything has been made into ships on the sea of corporate commerce. Without their one eye, which is money, which is water, all ships are dead at sea and cannot traverse their fictional matrix they created. - We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion on subversion instead of Elections. https://americanstateassembly.com/blog/latest-posts/dead-in-the-water-maritime-admiralty-ucc/ - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - MIrrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themaestro1962/7.79K views 11 comments -
Federal and State Tax Boycott
Loudly Silenced$10,000 credit cards for invaders.. NOT for you SLAVE!! Drastic times, call for drastic measures. I think it is time we cut the head off of the snake. Link to full source below https://rumble.com/v4f2qii-the-collapse-is-happening-in-real-time-and-you-are-paying-for-it-redacted-w.html181 views