John Kerry’s Daughter Makes Insane Extreme Climate Hoax Lies. Klaus Schwab's Daughter Too
TheWarAgainstYouJohn Kerry’s Daughter Makes Insane Extreme Climate Hoax Lies. Klaus Schwab's Daughter Does As Well - BEWARE OF CLICKBAIT DISINFORMATION - The People's Voice is NOT a Credible Source. They are a major source of Misinformation. The Clickbait Title below is proof of that. - No evidence is presented to validate the CLAIM that says: - "John Kerry’s Daughter Says BILLIONS of Humans Must Die for the New World Order" - NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU CANNOT VALIDATE FOR YOURSELF - The viewers must Diligently watch and Call Out those who make wild claims without providing any evidence to PROVE those Claims. I just did myself... - Although his video comments below may be correct, his UNPROVEN CLAIMS Made in the Title are Shameless Clickbait... - Indeed, the People's Voice is the Source of a vast amount of the Disinformation that plagues the Alternative Community. They are MORE DANGEROUS than Real Raw News because they are far more believable. 90% Truth. Yet that 10% of Lies causes a great amount of havoc and causes the Truth Community to LOSE a lot of Credibility... * 135,000 views April 4, 2024 The People's Voice - John Kerry’s daughter Vanessa has celebrated her promotion to the World Economic Forum’s board of Agenda Contributors by urging the elitist organization to transform itself into a world government and seize total control of humanity, regardless of whether “we the people” consent. - According to Vanessa Kerry, the time is ripe for a globalist coup d’etat which utilizes the control mechanisms in the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty to create a world government that answers to nobody. - Explaining that humanity has been “softened up” by the Covid pandemic, Kerry outlined disturbing plans to ramp up an agenda of fear-mongering propaganda about climate change to terrorize humanity into giving up the last of our rapidly diminishing freedoms. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://rumble.com/c/THEPEOPLESVOICE5.97K views 57 comments