A Brief History of Everything Wireless: 1879-1922
FFrontline Signals IntelligenceThis is the four video series about page 1 in the psinergy pdf. I show the biofield on the NIH in 2015. I will be rewriting the pdf to include this data with a variant articulation to separate, via the sentence structure, the history of wireless measuring electrical signals from muscle tissue with 1877 instead of 1924. Thank you for the query - it gave me a chance to go back over some things I have not read over in a while to the psinergists - bc a lot of this telephony and wireless i discovered from a high school year book in my home in Milwaukee, WI in 2004. Liberace went to school with his older sister Anglika and the lady’s house we lived in had all of her old books including her high school year book where her love of music and literature translated into excitement over the ‘new radio’ in 1933 in west allis milwaukee. So reading all of this aloud this evening is not new. This is what I mean when I thunder out the phrase ‘attaching your ass to the cloud in 1922’ Bc 1922 was the year that Einstein won the award and everyone took away knowledge of wireless anything. Tesla went broke. Edison got rich. Marconi was excellent at taking the money with his mouth shut. Where did the wireless go? Military industrial shut up and lie about physics and biology complex with electrical engineers writing the code for our body electric and wirelessly fucking with our muscle tissue as JOBS and ongoing R&D. Why didn’t they tell? I don’t think there is an awakening. I think we are stuck enduring their war - it’s evident they are land grabbing and jockeying for dominance; so those of us stuck in the middle have our faith, our body part and our perseverance for our children and family members, four legged inclusive; or finned for our home: I WILL DO BETTER. I WILL STAND FOR GOD AND EVERY HUMAN TO RETAIN CHOICE. I WILL CONTINUE TO EJECT THESE SIGNALS AND I WILL ENDURE. I DO NOT CONSENT. There is a video on bitchute about aether by marcia ramalho. I skipped the mit physics materials bc it’s pretty obvious they just shuffle board who gets to research what so feel free to visit those links and potentially that lady’s info on the bitchute. It’s about tartary and obelisks and the ‘aether’ or water molecular natural quantum tunneling it all does and we ourselves are 80% water. Interesting potential perspectives. Thanks again commenter for asking after this. I’m going to update the pdf and continue painting the long form. I am quite clear that the offensive biofield practice I have utilized life long is what folks have been most in need of bc it is the one unique component I offer; but there ARE already some trained psinergists out there that know from my classes AND their own utilization of their body part as a life art. If we could get the hackers and energy workers to communicate; what an incredible stand we could make. Unfortunately the constant lying about these electronic weapons have left people unable to pay attention and comprehend basic human anatomy theft and so they are waiting on ‘the flash’ and the aliens to take them home to their planet. /~s Sabrina Wallace https://t.me/psinergists https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/compiledpdf-05-25-23:f Biological radio communication - measuring the bioelectric field biofield - nih - 2015 - body part of study w multiple disciplines in an unchanged biology component that has now updated ~ I will write in an update to the psinergy pdf and have a repost soon. Thanks everyone. ~610 views 1 comment