GrimDaggz IRL: So... This Happened
7 videos
Updated 4 months ago
Life can be as rewarding as it is unexpected. And some of it could be missed if one isn't paying attention.
This is a new series of random occurrences presented in chronological order as they happened and not necessarily when they were uploaded (or numbered for that matter). Please enjoy all the subtle nuances that this strange thing called life has to offer.
Hello'ween 2021 (So... This Happened #7)
GrimDaggzWhat Happened on Halloween 2021? Grim was once part of a paranormal group (GHIG: Ghost Hunters Investigation Group) based in Indiana, and investigated the paranormal for over 3 years. Needless to say, those days are missed, as well as those around him showing extreme interest in starting a paranormal group of their own. 'What Happened on Halloween 2021' provides the opportunity to flex old investigative muscles. This is an old video that was intended to be posted last Halloween, but unforeseen developments kept holding it back. Since it was among the videos that survived the PS4 passing, it was imperative to finish and post the project as intended. Especially since both GrimDaggz and HereWithYou are engaging on a massive project for THIS 'Spooktober', and this video seemed to serve as a perfect introduction to those activities coming this fall. If this video is a success, perhaps similar videos can be posted, all containing rich historical backstories and actual EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) captured on actual investigations. The privacy of all those involved will also be respected. Grim and Daggz were participating in special collaboration video with HereWithYou for her Spooktober '21 Series. Which can be seen here: • October 31st, 2021. Also: The sign vi... The collab was not completed because they ran late and wanted to go hand out Halloween candy to the kids of the neighborhood, and encourage everyone to return back to normal. The turnout was fantastic and reminiscent of how all Halloweens should be. What was captured on video was both unexpected and exciting, and what follows is a total breakdown of the events of that night. ▬▬▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 00:00 - Intro 00:04 - Story Time With HereWithYou 03:56 - So... This Happened: Sunday, October 31st, 2021 17:32 - Investigation with Mom Bonus Clip 20:06 - We Go Back... Saturday, November 20th, 2021 22:09 - Outro DEVELOPERS NOTES: This video was a perfect opportunity to use brand new techniques that could be used in future videos. As paranormal investigators, we would have various experts to converse with in regard scientific aspects, and no less than TWO individuals review the evidence gathered. We did what we could with what he had at the time and these are the results. Please read the pinned comment for THEORIES. HEREWITHYOU CHANNEL: / @herewithyou6075 Original clip from HereWithYou: • Part 2 of October 31st, 2021. Also: T... Original TikTok Halloween clips from GrimDaggz: https://www.tiktok.com/@grimdaggz/video/70... https://www.tiktok.com/@grimdaggz/video/70... https://www.tiktok.com/@grimdaggz/video/70... Original TikTok Return clip from GrimDaggz: https://www.tiktok.com/@grimdaggz/video/70... Audio Tracks: "Echoes of Time" "Measured Places" Outro Music: "Exit the Premises" by Kevin MacLeod ≇Follow Us On TikTok≇ https://www.tiktok.com/@grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Reddit≇ https://www.reddit.com/user/GrimDaggz/ ≇Follow Us On Minds≇ https://www.minds.com/GrimDaggz ≇Follow Us On Facebook≇ https://www.facebook.com/GrimDaggz/ ≇Follow Us On Parler≇ https://parler.com/profile/GrimDaggz ✔ DISCLAIMER: ● I (WE) DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR COMPOSING THE AUDIO USED IN THESE MASHUPS. ► All content hosted on this channel is covered under Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use: All visuals and sound are no more than a few seconds in length, parody the original works, are highly transformative, and are not in any way a substitute for the original. All visuals and sound are used under the Fair Use doctrine of United States copyright law. If you feel your work is being used improperly, please contact us via YouTube Private Message or via email at nerdychick.sidekick@gmail.com. #SoThisHappened #HereWithYou #GrimDaggz45 views 5 comments -
They're Baaaaaack! (So... This Happened #6)
GrimDaggzFriday, June 21st 2019 One month later, the strange lights return! DEVELOPERS NOTES: A zoomed-in version of the same clip was added right after Daggz's commentary to help those willing to better examine the footage. "Lightless Dawn" by Kevin MacLeod Outro Music: "Exit the Premises" also by Kevin MacLeod ≇Follow Us On TikTok≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Reddit≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Minds≇ https://www.minds.com/GrimDaggz ≇Follow Us On Facebook≇ / grimdaggz ✔ DISCLAIMER: ● I (WE) DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR COMPOSING THE AUDIO USED IN THESE MASHUPS. ► All content hosted on this channel is covered under Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use: All visuals and sound are no more than a few seconds in length, parody the original works, are highly transformative, and are not in any way a substitute for the original. All visuals and sound are used under the Fair Use doctrine of United States copyright law. If you feel your work is being used improperly, please contact us via YouTube Private Message or via email at GrimDaggz@gmail.com. #SoThisHappened #Daggz #GrimDaggz42 views 1 comment -
Oh Deer (So... This Happened #1)
GrimDaggzLife can be as rewarding as it is unexpected. And some of it could be missed if one isn't paying attention. This is the beginning of a new series of random occurrences as they happen. So, share what you can. Wednesday, May 2nd 2018 On a damp dreary day, we thought it was the best time to edit some videos, then a herd of deer decided to visit us. When nature literally comes knocking, please take time to appreciate the splendor she has to offer. Please subscribe, like, and share. Click the bell 🛎 icon for notifications of new videos! "The Forest and the Trees" "Hidden Agenda" are by Kevin MacLeod Outro Music: "Exit The Premises" is also by Kevin MacLeod ≇Follow Us On TikTok≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Reddit≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Minds≇ https://www.minds.com/GrimDaggz ≇Follow Us On Facebook≇ / grimdaggz ✔ DISCLAIMER: ● I (WE) DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR COMPOSING THE AUDIO USED IN THESE MASHUPS. ► All content hosted on this channel is covered under Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use: All visuals and sound are no more than a few seconds in length, parody the original works, are highly transformative, and are not in any way a substitute for the original. All visuals and sound are used under the Fair Use doctrine of United States copyright law. If you feel your work is being used improperly, please contact us via YouTube Private Message or via email at nerdychick.sidekick@gmail.com. #Nature #SoThisHappened #GrimDaggz60 views -
Ant'mageddon (So... This Happened #2)
GrimDaggzWe're returning to an old series focusing random real life events to remind us of the 'OLD NORMAL', and none of this 'NEW NORMAL' crap. Monday, August 7th 2017 If 'THIS' happens to you, you just might live in the sticks... DEVELOPER NOTES: Some of these footage were recorded in the past, found, and just posted now. Outro Music: "Exit the Premises" by Kevin MacLeod ≇Follow Us On TikTok≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Reddit≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Minds≇ https://www.minds.com/GrimDaggz ≇Follow Us On Facebook≇ / grimdaggz ✔ DISCLAIMER: ● I (WE) DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR COMPOSING THE AUDIO USED IN THESE MASHUPS. ► All content hosted on this channel is covered under Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use: All visuals and sound are no more than a few seconds in length, parody the original works, are highly transformative, and are not in any way a substitute for the original. All visuals and sound are used under the Fair Use doctrine of United States copyright law. If you feel your work is being used improperly, please contact us via YouTube Private Message or via email at nerdychick.sidekick@gmail.com. #SoThisHappened #IRL #GrimDaggz76 views 1 comment -
Thunder Strikes (So... This Happened #3)
GrimDaggzWe're returning to an old series focusing random real life events to remind us of the 'OLD NORMAL', and none of this 'NEW NORMAL' crap. Monday, August 14th 2017 We were woken up by three extremely loud explosions in rapid succession just yards away from our house. THIS is what we found... DEVELOPER NOTES: Some of these footage were recorded in the past, found, and just posted now. Audio Track: "Aftermath" by Kevin MacLeod Outro Music: "Exit the Premises" by Kevin MacLeod ≇Follow Us On TikTok≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Reddit≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Minds≇ https://www.minds.com/GrimDaggz ≇Follow Us On Facebook≇ / grimdaggz ✔ DISCLAIMER: ● I (WE) DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR COMPOSING THE AUDIO USED IN THESE MASHUPS. ► All content hosted on this channel is covered under Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use: All visuals and sound are no more than a few seconds in length, parody the original works, are highly transformative, and are not in any way a substitute for the original. All visuals and sound are used under the Fair Use doctrine of United States copyright law. If you feel your work is being used improperly, please contact us via YouTube Private Message or via email at GrimDaggz@gmail.com. #SoThisHappened #GrimDaggz70 views 1 comment -
Welcome to New York (So... This Happened #4)
GrimDaggzSaturday, May 18th 2019 Grim went down to Times Square to meet up with family coming from out of town... Then THIS happened... Avengers... Destruction... Surreal... Audio Tracks: "Cold Funk" "Volatile Reaction" "Darkling" "Sock Hop" are by Kevin MacLeod Outro Music: "Exit the Premises" also by Kevin MacLeod ≇Follow Us On Minds≇ https://www.minds.com/GrimDaggz ≇Follow Us On Facebook≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Reddit≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Parler≇ https://parler.com/profile/GrimDaggz ✔ DISCLAIMER: ● I (WE) DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR COMPOSING THE AUDIO USED IN THESE MASHUPS. ► All content hosted on this channel is covered under Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use: All visuals and sound are no more than a few seconds in length, parody the original works, are highly transformative, and are not in any way a substitute for the original. All visuals and sound are used under the Fair Use doctrine of United States copyright law. If you feel your work is being used improperly, please contact us via YouTube Private Message or via email at nerdychick.sidekick@gmail.com. #SoThisHappened #crissaeGRIM #GrimDaggz72 views -
The Victorian Lights (So... This Happened #5)
GrimDaggzMonday, May 20th 2019 Daggz was about to get ready for bed until some strange lights caught her eye. This is what follows... DEVELOPERS NOTES: A zoomed-in version of the same clip was added right after Daggz's commentary to help those willing to better examine the footage. "Lightless Dawn" by Kevin MacLeod Outro Music: "Exit the Premises" also by Kevin MacLeod ≇Follow Us On TikTok≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Reddit≇ / grimdaggz ≇Follow Us On Minds≇ https://www.minds.com/GrimDaggz ≇Follow Us On Facebook≇ / grimdaggz ✔ DISCLAIMER: ● I (WE) DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR COMPOSING THE AUDIO USED IN THESE MASHUPS. ► All content hosted on this channel is covered under Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use: All visuals and sound are no more than a few seconds in length, parody the original works, are highly transformative, and are not in any way a substitute for the original. All visuals and sound are used under the Fair Use doctrine of United States copyright law. If you feel your work is being used improperly, please contact us via YouTube Private Message or via email at GrimDaggz@gmail.com. #SoThisHappened #Daggz #GrimDaggz40 views 1 comment