The Pilgrims Part 1 - Persecuted Yet Prevailed
AmericasGodlyHeritageThose who wanted to read the Bible for themselves and who didn't toe the line of the official state religion in England in the late 1500s and early 1600s were persecuted for their beliefs. One particular group, which called themselves Separatists (and later became known as Pilgrims), decided they could no longer live in England and sought religious asylum in Holland. To learn more, we highly recommend Kirk Cameron's Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure movie.14 views -
The Pilgrims Part 2 - A New Covenant For A New World
AmericasGodlyHeritageFollow the Pilgrims as they make their way from Leyden, Holland, to the New World, braving financial difficulties, foul weather, verbal abuse, unpleasant surprises, and God's intervention. Learn about the Mayflower Compact, one of the cornerstones of American democracy.4 views 1 comment -
Comparing The Early Colonies In Jamestown And Plymouth
AmericasGodlyHeritageThe colonies in Jamestown and Plymouth were both comprised of courageous seventeenth-century English Protestants and who set out to establish colonies in an unknown wilderness. After a time of great hardship and suffering, both colonies began to succeed and grow. Most importantly, both colonies have left important political and spiritual legacies which still impact us today. Let us learn from their successes and failures.9 views 1 comment -
The Pilgrims Part 3 - Walking In The Light
AmericasGodlyHeritageJourney with the Pilgrims as they explore Cape Cod, get attacked by Nausets, establish a colony at Plimoth, endure a horrific winter wherein over half of their group die, meet Samoset, make a long-standing treaty with the Wampanoags, obey the wise guidance of Squanto, celebrate the first and second Thanksgivings, and become a light for others to follow.14 views