The Trip Reports
7 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Welcome to the latest Psychedelic, Educational, Collaboration, from the Temple of Dank & the "POSIJAM" Community. Real Trip Reports..REAL PEOPLE..Real Experiences, upon the Psychedelic frontier, of the Minds Eye, and Beyond...Come along, and expand your mind, as you peer deep, with our own..AI Generated Videos, converted from my Communities, Real Life experiences..Transcribed by Me, Indi-Canna Cones at the Temple of Dank
Trip Report #6 Weekend @ the End of the Universe
TempleOfDankWelcome Famoo, To the Trip Report #6 Weekend @ the End of the Universe, Join us and Psychonaut Spartacus (A Veteran from the Vaults of "BACK IN THE DAY" on a Savage Adventure, with His Buddy "D" .. the HIGH'S ...the low's , and ALL the woah woah WOAH'S! ALL produced by ME @ The Temple of Dank, pls check out the others on my Chan, smash That Thumb, Hit that Follow, and IF you truly want to support the Old SkoOl produce more quality content, please consider Subscribing to the Chan. This is a P.L.U.R. Based Community Peace, Love Unity ,Respect <398 views 2 comments -
The Trip Reports #1
TempleOfDankproject..."THE TRIP REPORT" .REAL Trips, REAL People, Brave enough , to come forward, and share there Psychedelic Journeys, with DMT, LSD, Psylocibin MushroOms, Maoi's, and more... So come..Open your minds, and take a peek into ours with ..."THE TRIP REPORT!" Produced by me, Indi-Canna Cones at the Temple of Dank (ALL rights reserved) ALL Music in the "TRIP REPORT" Video is provided COPYRIGHT FREE by soundcloud.com/jimmy-dents/drop-it-byjimmy-dents70 views 1 comment -
The Trip Report EP 3 Psychonaught 279 Big World
TempleOfDankWelcome to the Trip Reports..Real Trips, Real People..Real Journey's..AI Generated Art..ALL Scripts Transcribed By Indi-Canna Cones at the Temple of Dank 20/1/2024 All rights Reserved40 views -
Trip Report #2 Psychonaught 13 The Summoning Part 2
TempleOfDankReal Trips..Real People..Real Journeys..THE TRIP REPORT. Episode 2. A journey through an Anime, Neo Tokyo, type like Pachinko parlor...into Minecraft type like, Landscapes..To Ancient Mayan, and Olmec/Toltec Temples Deep in the Heart of a Misty, Fog Laden, Ancient, Jungle of Mystery and power..in my BEDRoOM! Fully Transcribed by Indi-Canna Cones and the Temple of Dank, AI generated Vid..All rights reserved.44 views -
Trip Report #2 Psychonaught 13 "The Summoning"
TempleOfDankReal Trips..Real People..Real Journeys..THE TRIP REPORT. Episode 2. A journey through an Anime, Neo Tokyo, type like Pachinko parlor...into Minecraft type like, Landscapes..To Ancient Mayan, and Olmec/Toltec Temples Deep in the Heart of a Misty, Fog Laden, Ancient, Jungle of Mystery and power..in my BEDRoOM! Fully Transcribed by Indi-Canna Cones and the Temple of Dank, AI generated Vid..All rights reserved.45 views -
Trip Report 5 Psychonaut 42 Operation Blasty Blast
TempleOfDankWelcome to the latest Psychedelic, Educational, Collaboration, from the Temple of Dank & the "POSIJAM" Community. Real Trip Reports..REAL PEOPLE..Real Experiences, upon the Psychedelic frontier, of the Minds Eye, and Beyond...Come along, and expand your mind, as you peer deep, with our own..These Tales are converted from my Communities, Real Life experiences..Transcribed by Me, Indi-Canna Cones at the Temple of Dank, with hand picked chosen Scenery, Edited by ME. At this point in the Projects Evolution, the Ai essentially takes a back seat, as i become more confident in piecing these together over time. All the Voice over work is now ME, i also research and record all video samples, from around the net, and edit it all myself...then mix n mash Sound and Sight :) So .come take a Trip and join us on the Wildside of the Mind..66 views -
The Trip Reports Ep 4 The Difficult Trip
TempleOfDankWelcome to the latest Psychedelic, Educational, Collaboration, from the Temple of Dank & the "POSIJAM" Community. Real Trip Reports..REAL PEOPLE..Real Experiences, upon the Psychedelic frontier, of the Minds Eye, and Beyond...Come along, and expand your mind, as you peer deep, with our own..AI Generated Videos, converted from my Communities, Real Life experiences..Transcribed by Me, Indi-Canna Cones at the Temple of Dank46 views