Mr. Guns, Waterloo Iowa. (Mom and Pop Shops)
Zeke ShootsAlthough MR. Guns did not respond to my request to film the inside of their establishment or do an on camera interview after my visit, I felt that I would at least do a review of the experience of being in their shop. I was able to tour the facility and the staff was very helpful and I was able to speak to the owners of Mr Guns. Overall I had a wonderful experience. If you are near Waterloo Iowa, or live there, I would recommend you stop in and see if any of their services can help you. Do you have a shop that you would like featured on the channel? Please email me Zeke@zekeshoots.com and I will check it out. Help the channel grow by donating today! SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/zekeshoots Patreon https://www.patreon.com/zekeshoots Don't like YouTube? Follow me on BitChute today! https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zekeshoots/ Sub or follow me on these other media outlets! Vimeo https://vimeo.com/zekeshootstv Full30 https://www.full30.com/channels/zekeshoots UGETube https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@ZekeShoots Backup YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/ZekeShootsTv Join our active Discord community https://discord.gg/4vBPHA7 Would you like to help ZEKE SHOOTS financially? Click on these links below to help! https://teespring.com/stores/zekeshootsmerch https://teespring.com/stores/zeke-shoots-2a-shirts Special thanks to contributors below. Patreon Supporters. *DISCLAIMER* ANY DEMONSTRATION PERFORMED BY MYSELF, OR BY A GUEST ON THE SHOW. SHOULD NOT BE REPEATED BY ANYONE! EVER! To contact Zeke Shoots Directly: Phone (872) 256-4774 (6pm to 9pm central M-F) Email Zeke@Zekeshoots.com © ZEKE SHOOTS 2021 Subscribe! Like! Share! http://www.zekeshoots.com http://www.facebook.com/zekeshoots http://www.patreon.com/zekeshoots23 views -
California Tour Ukiah GI Joes Outdoors Store
Zeke ShootsHelp the channel grow by donating today! SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/zekeshoots Patreon https://www.patreon.com/zekeshoots Don't like YouTube? Follow me on BitChute today! https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zekeshoots/ Sub or follow me on these other media outlets! Vimeo https://vimeo.com/zekeshootstv UGETube https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@ZekeShoots Backup YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/ZekeShootsTv Join our active Discord community https://discord.gg/4vBPHA7 Would you like to help ZEKE SHOOTS financially? Click on these links below to help! https://teespring.com/stores/zekeshootsmerch https://teespring.com/stores/zeke-shoots-2a-shirts Special thanks to contributors below. Patreon Supporters. *DISCLAIMER* ANY DEMONSTRATION PERFORMED BY MYSELF, OR BY A GUEST ON THE SHOW. SHOULD NOT BE REPEATED BY ANYONE! EVER! To contact Zeke Shoots Directly: Phone (872) 256-4774 (6pm to 9pm central M-F) Email Zeke@Zekeshoots.com © ZEKE SHOOTS 2021 Subscribe! Like! Share! http://www.zekeshoots.com http://www.facebook.com/zekeshoots http://www.patreon.com/zekeshoots43 views