The Legend of Zelda
9 videos
Updated 2 months ago
This playlist will contain all the videos from my gameplay of Zelda 1 on the NES enjoy watching as I go through the game that started it all for this series.
The Legend of Zelda:Final
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlright now finally at last this little playthrough of mine is at its end and the last level gets done here and boy oh boy if you thought the rest of the game had been easy up to this point well the last level brings out everything this game has and throws it at you, the level is huge filled with many rooms some rooms are trap rooms too with mini bosses inside them, Wizzrobes all over the place, secret walls that lead through secret paths once a bomb is used on them everywhere, Like Like's to steal your magic shield yeah this place will push you to the brink. But there are some sweet upgrades found here as well with one being the Silver Arrow what you need to kill Ganon with and the red ring that further upgrades Link's defense to the max and cuts damage he takes down even more! The red ring is the main attraction to want here as you are gonna want that extra layer of defense as soon as possible. Ganon what can I say about him? Random I cannot for the life of me et a solid pattern down to him since I can't see him so I just stab at the air where a shot comes from and hope for the best but with this ends the original Zelda game ah I hope you all enjoyed this run of this great game! I ended up in the end liking Zelda 1 and glad after all these years I could finally finish this one ah see ya next game!30 views -
The Legend of Zelda:Playthrough 8
Naglfar94 GameplaysWell now getting near the end of this game infact there is so little left that after this level there is only one left and that is the final battle with Ganon! So this level picks up from level 7 and by that I mean in the difficulty yeah level 7 was a nice little breather right before the difficulty ramped right up again with this one it is way tougher than the others and it has gotten to the point where previous bosses of the game are now appearing as mini bosses in rooms and having to be fought so yeah you definitely have to be on your toes when going through this one. The next stop is the final so get ready for that soon!.5 views -
The Legend of Zelda:Playthrough 7
Naglfar94 GameplaysAh the 7th level just this fast with this game and near the end of the game yep folks there is not much Zelda for me to go here! Anyway level 7 is well shockingly not so bad and kinda easy for a later dungeon that is near the end of the game and it was definitely easier than the dungeon I just got done with last video so a good break and breather for what is to come after I say, heck even the boss of this place is real easy it is literally the boss from level 1 rendered obsolete now that I have the blue ring and the magic shield which completely negates its attacks.12 views -
The Legend of Zelda:Playthrough 6
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlright now the next part to my run through this game and it is already off to the 6th level and this is where the difficulty ramps up a bit more at as yet even more new enemies are introduced into the game a very annoying enemy at that and it is Wizzrobe's these guys are magic shooting enemies and there are two types of them there are the orange ones which are not so bad and they warp around random spots of the room and shoot a magic blast where you are standing, then there are the blue ones ah my bane in this game..You see they don't seem so bad at first they just walk around the room doing nothing but they are a menace in disguise as every now and then they will unleash a rapid barrage of magic blasts at you and they can do a lot of damage fast this way and even with the magic shield I still found myself getting hit between deflections of some of these attacks. And what is worse is some of these Wizzrobe enemies appear in rooms along with Like Like's and I already explained why it is bad to get caught by one you can kiss your magic shield farewell and in a dungeon like this one? You don't want that to happen.20 views 1 comment -
The Legend of Zelda:Playthrough 5
Naglfar94 GameplaysNext up in the Zelda journey is the 5th level yep after beating level 4 it is straight off to the next and this is pretty much gonna be the formula of the videos going forward and beyond since I finished damn near everything in the overworld it is nothing but going straight down into the various dungeons or levels scattered throughout. The 5th level is very green haha we went from the orange one to the green one and it introduces a few new enemies such as the Gibdo those mummies that I thought at first came in Ocarina of Time first and a very annoying new enemy I hate so much Blue Darknut's they are like the orange Darknut enemies but way stronger and they also seem a bit faster moving too! And boy do these guys take off a truckload of health when they hit I hate them and what is worse is they take 2 hits even with the magic sword and are not vulnerable to anything but the sword or bombs which used to be super effective against them I could kill the orange ones with a bomb but the blue ones? They seem to not die from bombs so no easy quick way to get rid of them it sucks especially when there are several crammed into a tight room.10 views -
The Legend of Zelda:Playthrough 4
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlrighty folks here we go with some more Legend of Zelda and I am onto the 4th level now a very orange place I might add. A pretty fun level though overall and I like it and this is also where one of the zelda mainstay enemies makes its debut at the Like Like and up to this point if you don't have the magic shield you have nothing much to fear about them outside of taking damage but if you have the shield and they catch you and you take too long to break free then you lose your shield and even if you kill them after you won't get it back unlike in later Zelda games so yeah these guys are to be greatly feared in this game and care really needs to be taken when dealing with them.11 views -
The Legend of Zelda:Playthrough 3
Naglfar94 GameplaysHappy New Year everyone! Ah, my 2025 already time sure does zoom by huh? Anyway, what better way than to relax with some more Zelda 1? Picking up from my last video I go ahead and tackle the 3rd level of the game in this one but before I do I go and buy the candle from the shop and then wander Hyrule for a bit with it why? To uncover more secrets you see on the overworld in addition to having walls and mountainsides able to be bombed some of the bushes can be burned with the fire to reveal secrets so I go ahead and do that and along the way also buy the final vital piece of equipment needed which is upgrading the basic shield to the magic shield so now Link can block more varieties of attacks and most of all block magic based attacks which will become very important later.16 views -
The Legend of Zelda:Playthrough 2
Naglfar94 GameplaysBack with more Zelda 1 gameplay and I move things along further in this video! So a few things of worth to note here one being that after the 1st video I offscreen did some rupee farming to save up enough rupees to buy one of the most expensive but worthwhile items in the game and that is the Blue Ring. What that does is change Link's tunic color which is neat to see happen in the very first Zelda game and it boosts his defense making all attacks do half damage! So trust me that item is worth it and will make surviving the game much more easier, especially in later dungeons! The other item is an upgrade to the sword the White Sword which is way stronger than the sword you start with and you are gonna want that if you want to be able to actually deal with some of these enemies in this game effectively so I pretty much upgrade my stuff and head into the 2nd level after that.14 views 1 comment -
The Legend of Zelda:Playthrough 1
Naglfar94 GameplaysHello all and Merry Christmas! Yes I know a day after it passed by but I meant to get this up on Christmas day but things don't always go as planned! So Jumping into a brand new playthrough series on this channel since I finished Cavern of Dreams not long ago here I jump into Zelda the very first game where it all began at. For a long time I had never beaten this game or even got far for that matter! I had picked this game up and made attempts before when I was younger bit each time I would get confused, not know where to go and of course get killed easily and fast by the enemies everywhere so I put the game down and dismissed it but now with a newfound determination and desire to experience a game I never got to properly I came back to it in recent time and ended up beating it! And man is this game good! And well now I will play a 2nd time for this video series so here we go with the next game here enjoy!24 views 3 comments