Lets Play Ori and the Blind Forest Part 1 (To the Big Fat Tree) (Streamed on Twitch 12/30/22)
MrCipher077Last Video for 2022, Today we start off to a brand new LP, Ori and the Blind Forest, Played on Switch Egg NS Emulator (Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra), in this episode we start off to head up all the way to the Hollow Grove (Streamed on Twitch 12/30/22)21 views -
Lets Play Ori and the Blind Forest Part 2 (Going up to the Big Fat Coomer Tree)
MrCipher077Been awhile I LPd this so here we are back again for another episode, where we continue off heading to the Ginso Tree Streamed on Twitch 02/20/2351 views -
Lets Play Ori and the Blind Forest Part 3 (Somewhere in the Hollow)
MrCipher077First Livestream on Youtube Folks, so today in this episode we head on and explore or whatever lol This is meant for entertainment purposes only48 views -
Lets Play Ori and the Blind Forest Part 4 (Going Below and Above)
MrCipher077We continue off the game heading to our next destination Valley of the Wind This is meant for entertainment purposes only16 views -
Lets Play Ori and the Blind Forest Part 5 (The Mystic Misty Woods)
MrCipher077In this Part we head on to the Misty Woods, Yea I got nothing to say lol This is meant for entertainment purposes only42 views -
Lets Play Ori and the Blind Forest Part 6 (Oreos up on the Mountain Top)
MrCipher077We are back again yall to another episode of Ori, kinda unexpected to clear stuff fast but here we are continuing off where we were heading up the top of Sorrow Pass This is meant for entertainment purposes only18 views -
Lets Play Ori and the Blind Forest Finale (The Horu Horu Mountain of Hell!!)
MrCipher077You know what I thought finishing this LP off cuz why not lol, so anyway we are here in the finale of this LP where we finish the game off heading off to Mount Horu to free the Element of Warmth. This is meant for entertainment purposes only13 views