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Dr. Kirsty Washam: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 104]

7 videos
Updated 7 months ago
We spoke to today’s guest in a previous episode about her experience and expertise as an internal medicine clinical pharmacist who turned to the use of nutrition and lifestyle interventions to facilitate healing. But this passion really stemmed from her own challenges with autoimmunity. Today we're going to dive into how she used lifestyle changes to manage her condition, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. This is the Story of Overcoming Hashimotos with Dr. Kirsty Washam.
  1. The Story of Overcoming Hashimoto’s with Dr. Kirsty Washam
  2. Treating Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Functionally
  3. How to Treat Hashimoto’s Conventionally and Holistically
  4. Is Inflammation Behind the Rise of Auto-Immune Conditions?
  5. Why is Health Literacy So Low in the US?
  6. Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s? Try Cleaning Up Your Diet
  7. Why You Shouldn’t Compare Your Healing Journey to Others