This Is Something That Happens - Gabriel Cruz Research - Full Metal Disclosure Thread
41 videos
Updated 2 months ago
Mostly footage shot on-location in Washington State. This series begins by documenting my history with James J Pettigrew, my mother Penny Diane Pettigrew-Cruz's father. I show in detail with documents & supporting evidence surrounding James, The Leon Askin Mafia & cults like The Love Israel Family, Children of God as their 'crisis actors' who play flexible roles in the OLIVE Simulation. What is the OLIVE Simulation? This is an exploit SAIC/Leidos & "The Family" has into the internet/telecom infrastructure. It has allowed them to turn our 'internet' into a 'simulation' as a means of mirroring records to launder vast amounts of money.
I start from my birth in Bothell, Washington near James's two homes and then onto to Eastern Washington where we relocated to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in 1985.
I take you on a tour of both sides of Washington, nuclear industry secrets, connections to human trafficking networks, false flag operations, CIA Counterintelligence & Russias Report on Bioweapons connecting PNNL to these activities. I show the audience where PNNL is. Who works there. What activities have been done since the 80s...including the Directed Energy Weapon being powered by Nuclear Energy (small portable mini-reactors) using Uranium Pellets...a violation of international law...weaponization of Space...I show how it's being done also.
It's all here folks...I'm sure there is more but I need to edit the rest. This is war. This is Full Metal Disclosure...back to the trenches.
James Pettigrew & The Love Israel Cult - Bothell, Washington - Queensgate - Astoria 33° Alignment
Gabriel Cruz ResearchI recorded this footage last year in Bothell, Washington where I grew up. I divided my time between Woodinville & this very neighborhood which is just a few blocks away from the cold case murder of Jodi DePaoli which coincides to the same time James Pettigrew disappeared and evaded to Mexico over child abuse allegations. This new edit of the footage adds maps, my birth certificate showing the address of the neighborhood, and news clippings about the Love Family, including members I believe were living around us while I was a child. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com324 views 1 comment -
James Pettigrew & The S-03-LS Underground Base in Bothell | Cold Case Murder of Jodi DePaoli
Gabriel Cruz ResearchI recorded this footage last year in Bothell, Washington where I grew up. I divided my time between Woodinville & this very neighborhood which is just a few blocks away from the cold case murder of Jodi DePaoli which coincides to the same time James Pettigrew disappeared and evaded to Mexico over child abuse allegations. This new edit of the footage adds maps, my birth certificate showing the address of the neighborhood, and news clippings about the Love Family, including members I believe were living around us while I was a child. Linktree: https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds: https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube: https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com589 views 1 comment -
Tracking The Love Israel Cult - Bothell Suburban Compound 174th near James Pettigrew
Gabriel Cruz ResearchNot far from James neighborhood in Bothell is another enclave where The Love Israel Cult is 'known' to have lived. I say that because I believe this neighborhood is mostly a 'made ya look' to keep people from looking deeper into the known personal friends of James Pettigrew in the 222nd Queensborough region, another 'less known' Love Family enclave. I show some of the way some business records appear to have been crossed 'seemingly by design' to confuse people trying to learn the root/nature of who/where the ownership leads back to...some of it surrounds 174th in Bothell that has matching records to another region in Florida where I found records connected to the Leon Mafia & James Pettigrew's CIA Counterintelligence Cults.351 views 4 comments -
The Love Israel Cult | History Behind Love Israel's Arlington, Washington Compound | Field Report
Gabriel Cruz ResearchI travelled out to Arlington in Rural Washington State to check out whether or not The Love Family still had ownership in the camp. I've felt for some time that they were trying to blur lines on what is what with their names and how that relates to their spiritual journey. Did the Love Israel Cult move? If they did, how many stayed behind? How many are blending in at the Jewish camp that now owns it? Are the current owners aware of the history behind the camp? This is an update to field report I created a year ago but edited with more information to help make it easier to understand. Thank you supporting this research. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com337 views 1 comment -
T.A.G. Program | Talented & Gifted or Modern Lebensborn Plan | Woodinville-Wellington to Hanford
Gabriel Cruz ResearchI take you to my school, Wellington Elementary where I was enrolled in the T.A.G. Program from Grades 3-5. Around March/April of 1985, my family was in the process of moving from Woodinville, Washington to the farm in the Eltopia, about 3 hours away to the east. My brother Joaquin, who had also been enrolled in TAG, in the room next door to me, moved to the farm earlier than the rest of us with James & Martha Pettigrew, my mother's parents. After that, between James & my parents, they made several trips to and from the Seattle-Woodinville area during the process of our move to the farm. I go into more detail about my specific experiences in the TAG program & what I think it's true purpose might have been then, and likely still is today...a modern Lebensborn, more specifically a way to track children of rare blood groups & track their progress relative to being inventors, innovators, scientists...etc...to ensure those innovators & their innovations are 'controlled'. You would be surprised at the level of genius some of my classmates possessed. I frequently felt like dumbest one among them. Their were some kids in that class that were already doing High School level learning by the time they were in 3rd-6th grade.416 views 2 comments -
Underground Bases in Redmond near Musk's Space-X & Starlink HQ - Who is Really Running This?
Gabriel Cruz ResearchThis is part 6 in the series about underground bases, The Love Israel Cult & James Pettigrew's connection. I take you on location to Redmond, Washington home of many tech companies including Space-X & Starlink, of all things. Why does Musk choose to keep his Aerospace related companies in an IS/IT Tech Industry hub instead of among Aerospace industry professionals where their work would be more in sync? I used to design wireless networks for ground based communication companies...I feel like this connection between Musk & co-locating near these bases...along with the fact that James Pettigrew was also near bases near here...not a coincidence. Part 1 https://rumble.com/v51ot48-james-pettigrew-and-the-love-israel-cult-bothell-washington-queensgate-asto.html Part 2 https://rumble.com/v51s2g4-james-pettigrew-and-the-s-03-ls-underground-base-in-bothell-cold-case-murde.html Part 3 https://rumble.com/v51trls-tracking-the-love-israel-cult-bothell-suburban-compound-174th-near-james-pe.html part 4 https://rumble.com/v520m2z-the-love-israel-cult-history-behind-love-israels-arlington-washington-compo.html Part 5 https://rumble.com/v522c66-t.a.g.-program-talented-and-gifted-or-modern-lebensborn-plan-woodinville-we.html Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Truth Social: @gabrielcruzresearch Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com625 views 1 comment -
Starlink | Not Knowing ActiveDenialSys | Fugazi's Blueprint x Gabriel Cruz Research
Gabriel Cruz ResearchBlueprint | Fugazi x Gabriel Cruz Research I took videos from my Full Metal Disclosure series and edited them together to music. Most of my recent uploads have been these remixes or reboots of that material. I'm doing this for people to get the data quickly without having to watch hours of material. From time to time, these clips are compelling enough to get them to watch the longer form clips which can be found here: https://rumble.com/playlists/ZRx274fqKKU478 views -
Elon Musk in OLIVE World: How CIA Counterintelligence Could Weaponize Starlink|Space-X
Gabriel Cruz ResearchReporting from Redmond, Washington On-location footage recorded Fall 2023 Movie Footage - Real Genius (1985) directed by Martha Coolidge In this report, I give you basic technical details about the Starlink Constellation & explain how the various frequencies can be weaponized. The next question is...'would they'...who is 'they'? CIA Counterintelligence via The Leon Mafia who has historically created the characters as 'cover' for their operations. It would be illegal for the CIA to do what they are doing within American borders let alone to the rest of the world...they need to have a 'character' to blame it on...hence, Elon Musk...a lifelong soap opera made to look like a CEO running a dozen companies. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue431 views 1 comment -
Nike Missile Underground Bases |The Love Israel Cult & OLIVE Organizations | 174th Data Mirror
Gabriel Cruz ResearchReporting on-location near the entrance of Nike Missile Underground Base Entrance S-32-LS. On-location video recorded late 2023. This is a new edit to help explain the connection between The Love Israel Cult & underground bases across the country, but specifically those in Washington State. I keep finding this data mirror of using 174th in 'multiple' locations connected to The Israel Cult...this is hardly ever a coincidence.311 views -
Secret Orders, Nazis, Odd Fellows & Rebekahs: Ohm Eye | Monroe, WA IOOF Cemetery | Tulelake-Merrill
Gabriel Cruz ResearchWhile I was near The Love Israel Cult's compound and passing by Space-X & Starlink last year, I decided to pay a visit to the local IOOF Cemetery in Monroe, WA and learned that it's huge and on a raised hilltop...very interesting geography. Makes you wonder what lies underneath Point is that, I have lots of family with secret Nazi/CIA history & know for a fact that Odd Fellows & Rebekahs are the 'true' secret society that they operate from. I don't know everything about Freemasons. I'm not here to point at them or defend them necessarily but I will say that the Pettigrew's expressed disdain for Freemasons, despite being Odd Fellows & Rebekahs themselves. What is the chess game going on the behind the scenes between Freemasons & Odd Fellows? Why have I never heard anyone else mention this. I was told this by my mother when I was younger. She was (likely still is) a Rebekah. I have to be honest...when I compare symbolism between Masons & Odd Fellows...the IOOF is clearly the 'darker' order of the two. I've always wondered why they get 'zero' attention but frequently everything is blamed on Jews and Freemasons...wait a minute...hold up...who else does that? Nazis...oh DId you know that Nazis exterminated a significant number of Freemasons in concentration camps & that being a Freemason was one criteria? If it's about their occult beliefs...how come the Nazis joined a group that is, in my opinion, doing dark things behind the scenes? When you get down to it, Nazis are stealing all esoteric/occulted learnings and trying to subvert them or hide away for themselves...this just touches on one of the ways they've been subverting Secret Societies from a perspective you might not have heard before. I hear almost no one mentioning Odd Fellows...this is always worth noting...what is 'not' said.648 views 5 comments