No Man's Sky Expeditions
49 videos
Updated 12 days ago
Expedition Videos for No Man's Sky
What You Need To Know Before Claiming Expedition Reward Ship in No Man's Sky
Sgt Hammer's VidsPlaying No Man’s Sky in the Worlds 2 Update. In this Video I cover how to claim you Expedition Reward ship when exiting the expedition if you bring back the reward ship when exiting the expedition. #NoMansSky #NMS #NoMansSkyBeginnersGuide #nomansskytutorial #NoMansSkyWorlds #NoMansSkyWorlds2 #nomansskytitan16 views -
Testing Best Way To End The No Man's Sky Titan Expedition 17
Sgt Hammer's VidsIn this Video I tested how to best extract the Purple Systems Hyperdrive and what ships and multi tools you can extract from the Expedition. I show the results and make some recommendation on how to approach this Expedition when using an existing Save. #NoMansSky #NMS #NoMansSkyExpedition #nomansskytutorial #NoMansSkyWorlds #nomansskyworlds2 0:00 Intro 2:54 Test 1 6:52 Test 2 Starter Ship and Starter Multi-tool 10:04 Test 3 The Wraith and Pillar of Titan Staff 14:05 Test 4 Purchased Ship and Multi-Tool 15:24 Test 5 Ship and Multi-Tool with Upgrades 16:30 Final Test Upgraded Wraith and Upgraded Staff 19:37 Result of claiming Expedition Rewards Before Expedition Wraith 20:12 Final Thoughts on Results45 views -
No Man's Sky TITAN – Completing the Expedition (Expedition 17)
Sgt Hammer's VidsPlaying No Man’s Sky Titan Expedition in the Worlds Part 2 update. In this Episode we finish the final milestone for Phase 5 and the Exit the expedition. Milestones Completed: Legacy, Phase 5, and Expedition 17 #NoMansSky #NMS #NoMansSkyTitan #NoMansSkyUpdate #nomansskyexpeditions #nomansskyworlds2 0:00 Legacy Milestone 10:25 Completion of Phase 5 Milestone and Expedition 11:00 Setting Down A Base 14:45 Claiming The Remaining Rewards 16:05 Exiting the Expedition 22:45 Checking What Bases We Still Have Active 24:45 Claiming Items In Main Save 26:35 Claiming Expedition Rewards 27:35 Claiming The Wraith Starship 29:00 Final Thoughts53 views -
No Man's Sky TITAN – Phase 4 and 5 (Expedition 17)
Sgt Hammer's VidsPlaying No Man’s Sky Titan Expedition in the Worlds Part 2 update. In this Episode we complete phases 3, 4, and all but one of 5. I have added chapters to make it easier to consume. Milestones Completed: #NoMansSky #NMS #NoMansSkyTitan #NoMansSkyUpdate #nomansskyexpeditions #nomansskyworlds2 0:00 Looking for a Submerged Freighter 9:25 Claiming Rewards 11:00 Rendezvous 4 Milestone 14:15 The Chronicle: 4 Milestone 15:40 Fathoms Below and Phase 3 Milestones 19:50 Rendezvous 5 Milestone 27:44 The Chronicle: 5 Milestone 27:55 Reliquary Milestone 32:45 No Place Like Home Milestone 40:40 Wheels of Titan Milestone 41:50 Plasmic Oceans Milestone 44:50 Hazardous Materials Milestone 48:45 Collecting Rewards62 views 1 comment -
No Man's Sky TITAN – Phase 3 (Expedition 17)
Sgt Hammer's VidsPlaying No Man’s Sky Titan Expedition in the Worlds Part 2 update. In this Episode we Complete all but one Milestone for Phase 3. I have added chapters to make it easier to consume. Milestones Completed: Under Pressure, Crush Zone, Hazard Pay, Rendezvous 3, and The Chronicle: 3 #NoMansSky #NMS #NoMansSkyTitan #NoMansSkyUpdate #nomansskyexpeditions #nomansskyworlds2 0:00 Under Pressure Milestone 0:35 Installing Efficient Water Jets and Oxygen Re router 28:40 Crush Zone Milestone 32:30 Hazard Pay Milestone 35:20 Claiming Rewards 37:50 Establishing Deep Sea Base 46:30 Claiming remaining Rewards 49:10 Looking for Crashed Freighter 59:00 Heading to Rendezvous 3 1:00:15 Rendezvous 3 Milestone 1:03:38 The Chronicle: 3 Milestone50 views -
No Man's Sky TITAN – Phase 2 (Expedition 17)
Sgt Hammer's VidsPlaying No Man’s Sky Titan Expedition in the Worlds Part 2 update. In this episode we complete Phase 2. I have added chapters to make it easier to consume. Milestones Surveyor of Worlds, Bottled Lightening, Field Logistics, Genetic Currency, Meal in a Can, Meal in a Can, Rendezvous 2, The Chronicle: 2, and Phase 2 #NoMansSky #NMS #NoMansSkyTitan #NoMansSkyUpdate #nomansskyexpeditions #nomansskyworlds2 0:00 Recap 1:00 About Memory Stone 1:45 New Companion 3:25 Surveyor of Worlds Milestone 4:20 Don't need Hazmat Gauntlets Disclaimer 09:50 Gathering Storm Crystals 19:50 Bottled Lightening Milestone 20:35 Building Nutritional Center 24:20 Field Logistics Milestone 27:00 Claiming Rewards 28:40 Genetic Currency Milestone 31:55 Gathering Facium 37:00 Gathering Gama Root 41:00 Meal in a Can Milestone 42:15 Atlas Encounter 45:40 Claiming Rewards 47:55 By Sky and Sea Milestone 1:04:30 Reaching Rendezvous 2 1:07:20 Rendezvous 2 Milestone 1:09:15 The Chronicle: 2 and Phase 2 Milestones80 views 1 comment -
No Man's Sky TITAN – Phase 1 Part 2 (Expedition 17)
Sgt Hammer's VidsPlaying No Man’s Sky Titan Expedition in the Worlds Part 2 update. In this episode we complete Phase 1. I have added chapters to make it easier to consume. Milestones Completed: Divergent Evolution, Children of Giants, Never Look Back, Rendezvous 1, The Chronicle: 1, and Phase 1 #NoMansSky #NMS #NoMansSkyTitan #NoMansSkyUpdate #nomansskyexpeditions #nomansskyworlds2 0:00 Surveying Frozen Moon Tisug 24/B5 02:10 Gathering Dioxite 6:40 Divergent Evolution Milestone 7:40 Surveying Scarlet Moon Johansson 14:00 Gathering Phosphorus 17:00 Surveying Mutating Relic Moon Resid Prime 17:15 Escape from Titan Milestone Rewards 19:55 Children of Giants Milestone 20:20 Looking for Memory Stones 20:55 Gathering Sodium 22:10 Gathering Uranium 22:20 Gathering Poliashed Stone 26:40 Claiming Children of Giants Milestone Rewards 27:20 Making Hyper-Drive Fuel 31:20 Never Look Back Milestone 32:25 Visiting The Anomaly and Cloning Starship 46:50 Rendezvous 1 Milestone 54:00 The Chronicle: 1and Phase1 Milestone 54:45 Claiming Remaining Rewards67 views -
No Man's Sky TITAN – Phase 1 Part 1 (Expedition 17)
Sgt Hammer's VidsPlaying No Man’s Sky in the Worlds 2 Update. In this episode we start the Titan Expedition 17 and work our way through Phase I. I have added chapters to make it easier to consume. #NoMansSky #NMS #NoMansSkyTitan #NoMansSkyUpdate #nomansskyexpeditions 0:00 Getting Started 01:15 Checking out Expedition Rewards 2:20 Starting Expedition 9:40 Escape from Titan Milestone 13:00 Repairing Ship 16:00 Winds of Change Milestone 17:15 Escape from Titan Milestone Rewards 17:40 Ignition Milestone 24:10 Visiting Abandoned Space Station 28:25 Surveying Paradise Moon Euge 30:25 Gathering Resources 46:05 Strange Creature 42:00 Biosphere Milestone 46:45 Gathering Paraffinium 50:25 Gathering Quartzite 51:55 Returning to Ship 55:35 Collecting reward for Ignition Milestone 56:00 Collecting reward for Biosphere Milestone 57:00 Stone and Fire Milestone 58:00 Surveying Temperate Moon Algin XIX 1:00:00 Surveying Creatures66 views -
No Man's Sky Beachhead Tutorial on Nameless History And Anomalous Research
Sgt Hammer's VidsHow to complete the Milestones "Nameless History", "Historiography Lesson" and "Collective Conscientiousness". I also discuss the Anoumalous Research. All of these Milestones have one planetary chart in common and a similar task. #NoMansSky #NMS #nomansskyexpedition #nomansskytutorial27 views -
No Man's Sky Beachhead Redux Expedition Livestream to complete Phase 5 and Expedition
Sgt Hammer's VidsPlaying the No Man's Sky Beachhead Redux Expedtion. Completing Phase 5. #nomansskyexpedition #nomansskyexpeditions19 views