Best Handgun Safes for Bedroom Quick Access [Review]
Pew Pew TacticalA quick access bedside safe is a great way to keep your pistol secure, but also readily accessible! Not all secure handgun storage methods are created equal, however. Follow along as John talks about what to look for in a small pistol safe, and points out the pros and cons of the four safes we've tested! Peep the article below for our full review of even more rifle and handgun safes for all budgets! ► http://pew.link/BestGunSafes Pew Pew Tactical swag? Check out our tees & more from Shall Not Comply: ► https://www.shallnotcomply.com/collec... Fort Knox FTK-PB Simplex ► https://amzn.to/2HH76YA GunVault SpeedVault ► https://amzn.to/2JGzk7F High-Tech Vaultek Safes! ► https://amzn.to/2UV00m8 GunVault NanoVault Series ► https://amzn.to/2JDEJft Subscribe for more Pew Pew! ► / subscription_c. . Laugh at dumb stuff with us on Facebook! ► https://www.facebook.com/pptactical/ Follow us on Instagram! ► https://www.instagram.com/pewpewtactical Vaultek MXi Review ► http://pew.link/VaultekMXi Best Biometric Safes! ► http://pew.link/BiometricSafes Hidden Gun Safes! ► http://pew.link/HiddenSafes708 views