Trump the CHRIST Rising | @DonnieDarkened | CCR 175 *FIXED*
Canary Cry News TalkOur first attempt to stream this live failed. This is attempt number 2. You can always download the audio RSS feed here: https://www.canarycryradio.com/2024/02/23/trump-the-christ-rising-donniedarkened-ccr-175/ or here: https://www.canarycrynewstalk.com/episodes/trump-the-christ-rising-donniedarkened-ccr-175 Is Donald Trump the Antichrist? The rise of progressivism with a radical leftist agenda has been the target of the conservative right wing for over a decade led by the United States. But as conservative populism reaches critical mass worldwide, the deceptions woven within what we’ve labelled here as the Alt Media Industrial Complex, requires much discernment, especially Christ centered discernment! While the confines of politics provides an arena for the illusion of purpose, the culture wars that spring from such an apparatus are ultimately empty if they are not pointing people to the Way, the Truth and the Life! The true danger for the church is NOT the rise of liberalism, progressivism, and radical leftism. Even groups like the WEF, IMF, UN, NATO and on and on…are now common enemies for “we the people.” Much harder to identify are the satanic forces hiding within the movement that appeals to the average Christian and Conspiracy Theorist alike. On this episode, we speak with Donnie Darkened, an anonymous online preacher, calling out the deceptions of the ecumenical rise of Trump that both the right and left wring participate in perpetuating. The messianic fervor that both the mainstream media, and the Trump supporters share, ought to make anyone with a critical Christ centered mind to stop and be alarmed by the potential set up for a massive deception. In the end, understanding the sovereignty of God and His ultimate providence over creation is what ought to give us hope for the future. It’s not about the red pill, or the black pill. It’s about the Jesus pill! Follow Donnie Darkened on X: https://twitter.com/donniedarkened Episode 156 False Light with Donnie Darkened → https://www.canarycryradio.com/2023/03/31/ccr-156-false-light-with-donnie-darkened/ BestPodcastintheMetaverse.com Canary Cry Radio #175 - 02.23.2024 - Pre-Recorded on 02.20.2024 Declaring Jesus as Lord amidst the Fifth Generation War! The Show Operates on the Value 4 Value Model: http://CanaryCry.Support Join the Supply Drop: https://CanaryCrySupplyDrop.com Submit Articles: https://CanaryCry.Report Submit Art: https://CanaryCry.Art Join the T-Shirt Council: https://CanaryCryTShirtCouncil.com Podcasting 2.0: https://PodcastIndex.org Resource: Index of MSM Ownership (Harvard.edu) Resource: Aliens Demons Doc (feat. Dr. Heiser, Unseen Realm) Resource: False Christ: Will the Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah Tree of Links: https://CanaryCry.Party5.79K views 17 comments -
What's Really Coming: A Counterfeit Beast System and a Real Great Deception (FULL SERIES)
E511MinistriesHere is the entire What's Really Coming series together in one video. The background music has been reduced. For those unfamiliar with or new to my ministry, this is where the content of my book The False Apocalypse and my Road to Antichrist documentary series got started. I had done a few videos before this series, but by mid-2016 I started to see things radically different, and this series is when I presented it for the first time. To be clear, I have long dropped the "counterfeit nwo vs real NWO" terminology. New World Order has largely caught on as the term for global totalitarianism (formerly the "counterfeit nwo" in this video series), and that's how I've been using the term for years. This way, there is less confusion. I call the "real NWO" of this series "New Age" or "real beast of Revelation 13," etc. My views of Bill Cooper have also radically changed since first publishing this series. He was so vehemently against the mystery schools, but yet professed some ideas that came directly from mystery school propagandists (such as Manly P. Hall and Alice Bailey). For this reason, I cannot call Cooper a fellow brother in Christ like I used to, and maybe he was vulnerable to Satanic attacks because he was not truly saved. I hope I'm wrong, though. I've also come to a proper understanding of what "Mystery Babylon" is, which I discuss in a separate video on my channel. While this term is in a way appropriate to describe the spiritual foundation of the Antichrist kingdom (the mystery schools, New Age, etc.), the way the book of Revelation uses it is specifically in reference to Jerusalem/Israel, which lines up with conspiracy theory's focus on the so-called "Jew World Order," which conspiracy theorists like Jordan Maxwell often refer to as the modern Babylonian system. Conspiracy theory is essentially the beast exposing the harlot.113K views 194 comments -
King Jehu’s War Against Baal: A Biblical Prototype of the Great Awakening | Part 3
E511MinistriesPart 3 of a study on King Jehu as a biblical prototype of the false light, "Great Awakening" movement. Jehu may have taken down Jezebel and Baal, but he promoted another kind of idolatry, an idolatry that has many parallels with the false light of patriotism, nationalism, and the New Age. In this part we start looking at some of the pastors and influencers leading the larger "cultural war" against Jezebel, which is deceptively being portrayed as a spiritual war. We also examine postmillennialism a bit and analyze the biblical inaccuracy of the idea that Jesus is currently king and that the millennial kingdom started during the first century. All of these ideas are linked with the overall Jehu movement growing within the church. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e511ministries PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/e511?locale.x=en_US Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/E511Ministries/ https://www.youtube.com/c/E511Ministries/ Email: e511ministries@gmail.com15K views 34 comments -
King Jehu’s War Against Baal: A Biblical Prototype of the Great Awakening | Part 2
E511MinistriesPart 2 of a study on King Jehu as a biblical prototype of the false light, "Great Awakening" movement. Jehu may have taken down Jezebel and Baal, but he promoted another kind of idolatry, an idolatry that has many parallels with the false light of patriotism, nationalism, and the New Age. In this part we'll be taking a close look at the concept of the "Jezebel spirit," and examine how it’s a "Christianized" version of the "matrix" concept within trutherism and the New Age. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e511ministries PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/e511?locale.x=en_US Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/E511Ministries/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/E511Ministries/ Email: e511ministries@gmail.com15.9K views 36 comments -
King Jehu’s War Against Baal: A Biblical Prototype of the Great Awakening | Part 1
E511MinistriesPart 1 of a study on King Jehu as a biblical prototype of the false light, "Great Awakening" movement. Jehu may have taken down Jezebel and Baal, but he promoted another kind of idolatry, an idolatry that has many parallels with the false light of patriotism, nationalism, and the New Age. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/e511ministries PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/e511?locale.x=en_US Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/E511Ministries/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/E511Ministries Email: e511ministries@gmail.com27.2K views 61 comments