13 videos
Updated 8 months ago
"America 🇺🇸 O America" - Giving Biblical Reasons For Judgement
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Discussion of reasons for judgement. Is God just when He judges us? Can we protest and prove a case? Is it fair, and isn't everybody's sin the same? Here is the answer I was given today after I made this video - "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed, nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; in the time of their punishment they shall be cast down" says the Lord. (Jeremiah 8:12) These are grave words, read the full prophecy here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/06/01/america-o-america🇺🇸-🇺🇸-🇺🇸/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.31K views 1 comment -
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Prophecy of the past "love affair" between the Creator and His betrothed, the United States of America (see Ezekiel 16). Losing her love for God made her naked, lewd, and promiscuous, now the punishment for that is revealed through prophecy. Explanation of painful and graphic things shown to me by the Holy Spirit, rape and molestation to come. Let us take these words to heart and remain obedient to Christ so that none of these things will hurt us or our loved ones. Share this information please. Read the full prophecy here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/06/07/the-slavery-chronicles-june-7th-2019/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.89K views 3 comments -
"The Cockfight" - Confrontation Between USA and Iran
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Prophecy of future skirmishes, clash and negative interactions between USA and Iran. Vision of a military conflict which Iran isn't afraid of and doesn't back down from, much to the shock of the USA. Valuable ground is lost politically (by America), and watching enemies are intrigued to see that the "untouchables" aren't so untouchable after all. The full prophecy in this video can be found here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/06/30/the-cockfight-june-30-2019/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.4K views 1 comment -
"Proclamation Against Babylon- Isaiah 13" - Prophecy of Future War in USA
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Prophecy of the USA's future defeat in war using the example of ancient Babylon's defeat by the Persians and Medes. A sudden loud sound, like many soldiers on the hills- a tumult (an upset) takes hold of a nation that God has judged. No mercy will be shown by these soldiers, inhabitants will flee to their own countries and leave the U.S. alone. It is time to seek the safety of Jesus Christ while we can. Hear the word of the Lord. To avoid these judgements you need to be born again by confessing the Lord Jesus as King and son of God, as Lord of your own life and by asking God to forgive all sins and receive you as His child. Visit this page of my blog for more: https://the-masters-voice.com/basics/ The full prophecy in this video can be found here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/11/13/proclamation-against-babylon-isaiah-13-november-13-2020/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.36K views -
"War" - Prophecy Of How Enemies Arise (USA)
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Prophecy of how America made her enemies. No war starts suddenly, no matter how it may seem. First comes disagreements, then tensions, then conflict, then ENEMIES. Brief recap of the USA's fighting style and how other nations perceive her, and why none of this will be good for her in the years ahead. "Many nations have not forgotten" is the general tone of this prophetic word. How can we prepare for these things? By coming to God closer as FRIENDS FIRST, to love Him and learn how to be part of His eternal family. If you aren't born again yet, find out more. Visit this page of my blog to learn about Christianity- (It's not what you think!): https://the-masters-voice.com/basics/ The full prophecy in this video can be found here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/08/17/war-august-17-2019/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.53K views -
"Assignation" - Prophecy of Secret Conspiracy Against The USA
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Prophecy of secret conspirators in America. What is "the unseen hand"? It's usually a term used in market economics to (poorly) explain why markets move the way they do, but in these videos it means 'a hand controlling why America moves the way she does'. People with no love for the nation working behind the scenes to weaken it, pull it down, and hand it over to war. Also exhortation about salvation and why the Lord leaves the choice to us- discussion of morality, right and wrong vs good and evil. God can't choose eternal life for you, each one must choose for himself. After your choice in life comes God's choice "after life", so know that "fair is fair." Thanks for watching! Visit this page of my blog to learn about Christianity- (It's not what you think!): https://the-masters-voice.com/basics/ The full prophecy in this video can be found here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/10/27/assignation-october-25-2019/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.42K views -
"Sedition and The Fall" - Conspiracy to Destroy America/ Decline Because of Sin
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Prophecy of an unseen hand working to collapse America. Who are they? People, societies and organizations hidden in darkness- even their public faces aren't really who they seem. Dream showing how women of power (and connected to power) are actively plotting to take the USA down; vision of how rampant sin has become in America. How does a great nation fall? By sedition, by evil workers who make careful plans to destroy her. The USA will be squeezed by inside and outside forces until she is too weak to fight her enemies. No war starts suddenly- no matter how it may seem- therefore let us pray earnestly about these things. God is waiting to hear our voices raised in repentance and intercession now. Visit this page of my blog to learn about Christianity- (It's not what you think!): https://the-masters-voice.com/basics/ The full prophecy in this video can be found here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/09/02/sedition-the-fall-july-30-2020/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.3K views 2 comments -
"A Nation Under Siege" - Sins of America, Trusting God, Coming Judgements
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Prophecy of coming destruction of America, "the end of an era". More sins of America- abortion and murder (the nation who sits in her blood), the wild life of drunkenness (Bartender), "vapor lovers" (dependence on pharmaceuticals and hard drugs). God will set up a siege against the nation and squeeze her til her life-flow is cut off; He will call foreign armies to trample down the cities and take captives while making others do forced labour. These are JUDGEMENTS. We must examine ourselves, we must realize repentance is not just to preach to others but something to also do ourselves. Noah heard God's warnings and listened- he moved with "Godly fear"- which means respect for what God told him, and that's how he saved his family. Will we do the same? It is time to think deeply and come to Jesus. Find out more about Christianity here: https://the-masters-voice.com/basics/ Read the full prophetic word in this video here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/12/17/a-nation-under-siege-december-9-2019/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.26K views -
"The Eagle Will Fall" - Prophetic Word of The Fall of America
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Vision of predatory birds attacking a fallen, blinded American bald eagle. The U.S.A will be attacked by a gamut of nations and fall from her high places, and here are the reasons why: Idolatry (worshipping man, icons and demonic spirits across America). Defiling children (pedophilia), abortion, sexual immorality, and corrupt government and leaders. There will be future captivity, slavery and stripping of the people of America as judgement for the captivity, slavery and stripping of African and Native American populations long ago. False churches will be closed down by the Lord, if the Temple could fall then these will also. There is a need for repentance and a return to the reverent fear and respect of God. Find out more about Christianity here: https://the-masters-voice.com/basics/ Full prophetic word in this video here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/08/27/the-eagle-will-fall-august-26-2020/ TMV About page: https://the-masters-voice.com/about-2/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.25K views -
"Ezekiel 13: A Great Fall" - Prophecy of Idolatry, Decline and the Fall Of A Nation
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Ezekiel 13 is where God warns and judges false prophets, people who use divination to seed lies into a population. When people receive lies as prophetic truth they fall prey to lying spirits and all manners of deceptions from satan, they play games with the spirit realm and the belt of truth is stripped from their spiritual armor. Not only that, they cry to God in prayer about their imaginary "heart's desires" instead of listening for His Spirit to tell them how and what to pray for. If you have been a part of this type of behavior, it's time to reflect and repent. False prophecy is a danger that has flooded the church and God will not tolerate it anymore. Prophecy of current President; vision of decline and destructions that will afflict America in the future. The full prophecy in this video can be found here: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/11/21/ezekiel-13-prophecy-of-a-great-fall-november-21-2020/ Supporting posts about harm intended: The Unrighteous Decree - https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/09/03/isaiah-101-the-unrighteous-decree-july-31-2019/ America in Turmoil, Pt 3 - https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/07/17/in-quick-succession-america-in-turmoil-pt-3-deep-state-july-16-2019/ POTUS - https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/06/30/potus-june-29-2019/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog1.75K views 2 comments