playlist thumnail

🐵 Monkey Madness 🐒

15 videos
Updated 5 months ago
⚠️ WARNING: Viewing this Playlist can cause serious stress to the minds of cognitive dissonant Wokies that are afflicted with the Woke Mind Virus. 👉 Bottom line ... facts don't care about feelings ... get a helmet (AKA:Critical Thinking Cap). 👉 The videos contained in this playlist are chosen to be nothing more than a reflection of the current Worldwide Discourse. 👉 The sources are from a variety of individual contributors, some of which, I'll admit, can be assholes at times. Many are just Proxy Channels that have no "identity" at all. 👉 I prefer to drop the identity politics and focus on the message content, rather than the messenger. 👉 Some things I agree with ... Some things I don't. 👉 Some things I condone ... Some things I don't. 👉 At the end of the day ... It's just what's being said. 👉 You be the Judge.
  1. Monkeypox Vaccine Being Secretly Shipped Around The Country, Warns Trucking Company Owner
  2. Nations Begin Locking Down | WORLDWIDE Airport Testing Starts NOW!
  3. Monkey Pox: The New Scamdemic
  4. Dr. Robert Malone On Monkey Pox
  5. Dr. David Martin Warns That the New Monkeypox SCAMdemic Declaration is a Cover
  6. New COVID vaccine approved by FDA for emergency use, but there's no emergency
  7. WUCN-Epi#234-Dr. Byram Bridle Viral Immunologist With The TRUTH!
  8. Cities start LOCKDOWNS months before the ELECTION over THIS!
  9. Canada seeks bids for next mRNA pandemic vaccine as mRNA platform becomes the new normal