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Updated 6 months ago
Dark To Light - The Great Awakening
Awakening World - Truth & Secrets RevealedDark To Light - The Great Awakening by EyeDropMedia.com Dark to Light is a visual journey through darkness into the light. As we continue watching the greatest show in history and welcome in a new earth together...always remember - 'Where we go one, we go all'. Please Support Eye Drop Media for his INCREDIBLE Content and buy him lots of coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EyeDropMedia Visit there website: https://www.eyedropmedia.com/ Follow Eye Drop Media: https://rumble.com/c/c-265283 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MGRNYuk92uxQ/ https://odysee.com/@EyeDropMedia:f Please Subscribe, Like and Share The World! Tons Of Real Great Awakening Daily QANON, Trump & PLANdemic News! Join Our Community On Telegram Here: https://t.me/greatawakeningworld @qanongreatawakening It's Time For Everyone To Wake Up! The Globalists Deep-State & Plandemic Secrets You Need To Know ASAP. Visit And Share: https://greatawakening.world/ 👉 Stay Safe, Secure & Anonymous Online. Get Your FREE VPN Here: https://bit.ly/staysecurevpn 👉 Free Trump & Patriots Gifts Here: https://greatawakening.world/freegifts nwo, who, new world order, cabal, cabal deep state, deep state, illuminati, cult, secret society, who runs the world, runs the world, world leader, donald trump, cabal vs donald trump, fall of cabal, fall of deep state, fall of illuminati, illuminati truth, illuminati cult deep state scam, cabal scam, Rothschild, Rothschild family, rockefeller, rockefeller family, globalist, agenda 21, agenda 30, globalist agenda, world domination, conspiracy, qanon, q anon530K views 182 comments -
Brain death is not death
RamthaOfficial“Brain death” is a deceptive manipulation of the word “death” that was chiefly invented to facilitate the extraction of healthy organs from still-living persons, (including babies, children and young adults), because vital organs from a truly dead body (cadaver) are not suitable for transplantation. Brain death is a lie. Every organ donor is killed in the process, Byrne stated. Dr. Byrne is past-President of the Catholic Medical Association (USA), formerly Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at St. Louis University in St. Louis, MO and Creighton University in Omaha, NE. He is author and producer of the film “Continuum of Life” and author of the books “Life, Life Support and Death,” “Beyond Brain Death,” and “Is ‘Brain Death’ True Death?” Although the medical profession declares patients “brain dead,” often following an accident, Dr. Byrne insisted it is not accurate. Dr. Byrne said this term crept into the medical profession following the world’s first heart transplant in 1968. Organ transplant is the reason you have to have brain death. Full interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7NgJJtJ-mI More https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_TUF3hEZXw https://rumble.com/v2nfl4s-86.-question-boldly-dr.-paul-byrne-and-organ-harvesting.html http://www.truthaboutorgandonation.com/Braindeathnotdeath.html2.52K views 4 comments -
The Power of Repentance on the World Around Us
Infowars - BANNED.videohttps://gregreese.substack.com/ https://banned.video/channel/greg-reese https://reesereport.com/#donate76.5K views 30 comments