6 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Easy acronym to remember for witnessing to people about the Bible and the resurrection.
Presenting the Gospel to the Hard Hearted, John 8 and PATHS
Bible Made ClearThe PATHS method of applying apologetic answers to unbelievers is really a great way to give reasons for faith and provide what is needed for believing in Jesus. However, there are those hard hearted that no matter what you give them regarding the truth, they will resist to their own eternal hurt. Jesus faced some of these kind of people and we will also. How should we respond? It is addressed by pastor Scott in this video.19 views 2 comments -
Scott and Herb Talk Predictive Prophecy
Bible Made ClearPastor Scott and Herb Butterworth talk about predictive prophecy and a number of other related topics that are of note. Predictive Prophecy is the "P" in the PATHS acronym. For more information and to download the PDF for remembering an outline on PATHS, see the video on PATHS for detail and to download the PDF, go to https://www.calvarychapelboston.com/PATHS.pdf .13 views -
Pastor Scott and Herb Butterworth Discuss PATHS for Apologetics
Bible Made ClearScott and Herb have a discussion on the PATHS method of apologetics. Starting with the Bible for apologetics can be difficult, but PATHS provides the opportunity to do just that. If you are looking for a way to easily remember a "path" to sharing the truth of the Bible and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, PATHS may be the simplest way to do just that. To download a copy of the PDF with the PATHS acronym on it and some brief outline features discussed, go to https://www.calvarychapelboston.com/PATHS.pdf and download the file. Or you can email pastor Scott at biblemadeclear@gmail.com and he will send you the PDF via email.35 views 1 comment -
Predictive Prophecy (The P in PATHS), Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearPredictive prophecy has such high value and cannot be underscored enough when it comes to apologetics and understanding the harmonization of the Bible. There is NO other ancient document that enjoys the history of predictive prophecy with its accuracy and consistency, as does the Bible. This video takes a look at the value by examining some of its detail. This is the P in PATHS.22 views -
PATHS! A Simple Way to Defend the Bible and Resurrection, part 2, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made Clear(This is part 2. At the end I offer a PDF for those who want a framework to refer to the PATHS method.) Sometimes when sharing the gospel and witnessing to unbelievers, Christians never get a chance to use the Bible. In this presentation, PATHS is an acronym for remembering a simple method when witnessing to those who challenge the reliability of the Bible or the resurrection of Jesus. It provides Christians the ability to use the Bible as the starting place because it is an evidenced based approach. It focuses on the major evidence supporting the Bible and subsequently the resurrection. It can revolutionize your ability to share the gospel.38 views -
PATHS! A Simple Way to Defend the Bible and Resurrection, part 1, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearSometimes when sharing the gospel and witnessing to unbelievers, Christians never get a chance to use the Bible. In this presentation, PATHS is an acronym for remembering a simple method when witnessing to people wanting to challenge the reliability of the Bible or the resurrection of Jesus. It provides Christians the ability to use the Bible as the starting place, even with atheists. It focuses on the major evidence supporting the Bible and subsequently the resurrection. It can revolutionize your witnessing experience.28 views