ADUA crashed helicopter, a GIANT wine bottle, historical bull catchers, 79 series, old planes, Australia's most remote traffic lights and a main street frequented by farm animals. Welcome to Daly Waters! A place where the beer is so good - even Miriam drank one 🍺 🤪 A place where you have no idea to expect or what to think when you see it 😳 It's an absolute MUST-SEE when you're in the NT. This is out final episode and concludes our vlogging travel content. We hope you've loved the series! Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, like the video, and share your thoughts in the comments below. CHAPTERS; 00:00 Introduction 00:30 Driving to Daly Waters 00:40 Arriving at Daly Waters 01:28 Daly Waters Pub 01:48 Happy hour at Daly Waters Pub 02:46 Australia's most remote traffic light 03:35 Tim's Junk Yard 04:04 Old Chevrolet 04:40 Old Holden 04:50 Old Swarts sliding compound mitre saw 05:10 1952 original motor home 07:33 Farm animals - donkey, goat & piglet 07:57 Bucket of KFC 08:16 old Hilux 08:31 Helicopter with toilet seats 08:49 Old plane 09:04 crashed Robinson helicopter 09:14 old Landcruiser 09:24 the original NT Bull Catcher 09:44 The Palace 10:05 A goat in the middle of the road 10:20 the original mail and grog delivery truck 10:43 Kevin the crocodile 11:46 Chris runs away to the pub 12:12 Herbie the Love Bug 13:10 Inside Daly Waters Pub 13:31 Miriam drinks Chris's beer 17:28 Crocodile Feeding at Daly Waters 18:28 Tim, the owner of Daly Waters speech 19:04 Beef and Barra 19:32 Sam Hughes traveling Australia in a tractor 19:45 Bye! This is all part of our journey from Brisbane through Western Australia via New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia then back down to Victoria and back up to QLD! 🔳 INFO AND DISCOUNT LINKS: ▪️ PATREON MIMFIT WORKOUTS: https://patreon.com/MIMFIT ▪️SURVIVAL FIRST AID KITS: https://survivalfirstaidkits.net.au/collections/first-aid-kits DISCOUNT CODE ADUCREW ▪️CAMPEDIA: https://campedia.com.au ▪️TIDY TURF MATS: https://tidyturfmats.com DISCOUNT CODE ADU10 ▪️TITANIUM CARAVANS: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/titanium-caravans-2/ ▪️CARAVANS COFFS COAST: https://caravanscoffscoast.com.au/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ▪️ GMSV: https://www.gmspecialtyvehicles.com/ ▪️ALL DISCOUNTS: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/partnersanddiscounts ▪️NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/mailing-list-signup/ 🌐 FIND US ON: ✔️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️ Web: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/ ✔️ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ8Do24F/ ✔️Patreon: patreon.com/aussiedestinationsunknown ✔️Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ We are full time caravanners who love the van life! We sold everything and now travel Australia in our Titanium Caravan and Chevy Silverado. Road trip Australia? Yes please!44 views