JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com OFFICIAL JULIE GREEN TWITTER PAGE: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry tithe.ly: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/5174498 PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/PROPHECY FULFILLED TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled OFFICIAL JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ OFFICIAL TRUTH SOCIAL:https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries OFFICIAL TIK TOK:https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen?_r=1&_t=8ZY4kqL11OF JULIE GREEN MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Today’s Scriptures: Isa. 54:17 Heb. 2:14 Ps. 34:17-19 2 Cor. 5:7 Phil. 4:13 Eph. 6:10 Heb. 13:5 Ps. 56:4, 9 1 John 4:4 Heb. 4:12 Ps. 59:1 Ps. 112:4-8 Deut. 28:13 2 Cor. 2:14 Isa. 60:1-2 Micah 7:8 Hos. 4:6 Matt. 11:28-30 Rom. 10:17 Col. 1:13 Heb. 10:30 Col. 2:15 1 Pet. 2:24 John 10:10 Prov. 3:5-6 God will always give you a good report. He is goodness, life and love. God is the key to your victory. He is the solution to every problem and everything you see in front of you. Don't relate to the negativity- have your heart fixed on God. Get the scriptures down in your heart. His word is a two edged sword Keep your heart firmly and confidently fixed on God. God's Glory will be magnified even more in the midst of darkness. Marching order: Arise! Get up. God will shine His light on His children and He will make a great distinction between His children and the world. Don't be deceived by the enemy. Keep your heart fixed on God. Know the names of God: Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible Jehovah Rapha – The Lord your Healer Jehovah Jireh – The Lord your Provider El Elon-The Most High God350K views 770 comments