(5)Breasts, Breast-feeding & Baby formula (powder) Nestlé's Darkest Secret: The Disturbing Truth. Its Revolution time baby...
GreatSermonsZadokProductionsBabies of course cannot protest (as an organised political action) or go on strike but the uprising baby revolution is real. Billions of babies around the world are saying they aint going to take it anymore, its in their face and now they demand Breasts Kernodle clinic 2024 “6 Reasons Breast Milk Is Considered A “Superfood For Babies” https://www.kernodle.com/obgyn_blog/6-reasons-breast-milk-is-considered-a-superfood-for-babies/ Why this mom is still breastfeeding her 9-year-old kid https://nypost.com/2018/11/08/why-this-mom-is-still-breastfeeding-her-9-year-old-kid/ Bawany, Afsha University of Nevada 2024 “steamed, dehydrated o r raw, placentas may help mums post partum health” https://www.unlv.edu/news/article/steamed-dehydrated-or-raw-placentas-may-help-moms-post-partum-health#:~:text=While%20nearly%20all%20non-human%20primates%20and%20mammal%20mothers,very%20little%20evidence%20for%20it%20among%20human%20mothers BARBARA O’NEILL: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BABY MILK OPTIONS! [DEC 10, 2024] https://old.bitchute.com/video/qoYV6cyimMwB/ FLO March 2019 “Eating Placenta: Why People Practice Placentophagy” https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/lifestyle/diet-and-nutrition/eating-placenta-why-people-practice-placentophagy Barnes, Courtney June 2018 “4 Reasons to Consider Delayed Cord Clamping” Healthcare website https://www.muhealth.org/our-stories/4-reasons-consider-delayed-cord-clamping Popkin Barry M., Latham Michael C. Volume 26, Issue 9, September 1973, Pages 1015-1023 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition “The limitations and dangers of commerciogenic nutritious foods” Science Direct website https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002916523333744 DOES SOURDOUGH BREAD HAVE TO DO WITH BREAST FEEDING? (it is very positive) https://www.bitchute.com/video/rJT7TVVq32rG/ ANOTHER FLUORIDE STUDY HIGHLIGHTS THE IMPACT ON CHILDREN, PREGNANT MOTHERS https://www.bitchute.com/video/bnC48Tp1GnUo/ Tulleken, Chris van Dr, June 2023 “Ultra-Processed People: The Science Behind Food That Isn't Food” W. W. Norton & Company https://www.amazon.com/Ultra-Processed-People-Science-Behind-Food/dp/1324036729 or again here on Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62586003-ultra-processed-people. Magnesium and natural hard spring water and its benefits with magnesium https://www.bitchute.com/video/4E0EwxCyXt9Z/ A youtube video of a debate with Dr Tullken included is here “Ultra-Processed People: The Science Behind Food That Isn't Food | Dr Chris van Tulleken FULL EVENT” https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Ultra-Processed+People%3A+The+Science+Behind+Food+That+Isn%27t+Food+%7C+Dr+Chris+van+Tulleken+FULL+EVENT%E2%80%9D (2023 How to academy website) … and also “‘This is an emergency’ - Chris van Tulleken on how our diet is killing us” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3U_xd5-SA8 (channel 4 news) Baby milk scandal: Nestlé knew what it was doing https://www.ft.com/content/3ad94d6e-2d00-11e8-a34a-7e7563b0b0f4 1. Pfizer vaxx risk to pregnant woman https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/pfizer-failed-to-disclose-risks-of-preterm-birth-and-neonatal-death-to-pregnant-women-in-rsv-vaccine-trial-5534185?utm_source=healthnoe&src_src=healthnoe&utm_campaign=health-2023-12-07&src_cmp=health-2023-12-07&utm_medium=email&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcecqcRIex8LBzLQDv2xVRbd1xjnoYu4pyJIpScZFP7IZdQQ%3D 2. AND CAUSES CANCER settling 10,000 lawsuits https://rumble.com/v4u4lf2-breaking-pfizer-settles-10000-lawsuits-for-hiding-cancer-risks-stay-free-36.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Russell%20Brand Nestlé Saleswomen Dressed As Nurses 'Counseled' Mothers About Formula's Benefits https://www.ranker.com/list/nestle-baby-formula-boycott/melissa-sartore 10 Outrageous Nestlé Scandals https://listverse.com/2018/01/03/10-outrageous-nestle-scandals/ Flannery, Shelley 2024 "What we know about ADHD in food” Child mind institute website https://childmind.org/article/what-we-know-about-adhd-and-food/ Plotkin, Stanley 2018 deposition “Dr. Stanley Plotkin Reveals What Horrific "Ingredients" are Added to the Childhood Vaccines” https://rumble.com/v1phne2--dr.-stanley-plotkin-reveals-what-ingredients-are-added-to-childhood-vaccin.html or longer 9 hour full testimony here “Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath - (9 Hour Full Video)” https://rumble.com/v2v9ohv-stanley-plotkin-vaccines-deposition-under-oath-9-hour-full-video.html (religious or not there are obvious terrible practices occurring) DON'T LET THE MEDICAL MAFIA TAKE OUT YOUR GALLBLADDER. IT HAS A FUNCTION https://www.bitchute.com/video/Nl8zeSBDpnzl/ Meet Your Strawman! it begins at birth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME7K6P7hlko Sovereign Citizen Training for Law Enforcement HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALPs_n0WQaY Dr. Makis : babies having myocarditis https://www.bitchute.com/video/ARXS95t0Q9lc/ Shocking: NEW Vax For BABIES In The Womb; Pfizer Hucksters Injecting RSV Vaxx In Expecting Moms https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=babies%20vaxx&kind=video&sort=new Wu, Katherine J Oct 2020 Crispr Gene Editing Can Cause Unwanted Changes in Human Embryos, Study Finds New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/31/health/crispr-genetics-embryos.html Bill Gates confesses to 'misinformation' mRNA/DNA Vaccinations change DNA,maim & kill. 'DNA patents' https://www.bitchute.com/video/YkkRGcxiF5vE/ These Jabs Are NOT Safe People !!! Pregnant Woman Loose Their Babies After Taken The Vaxx...https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZxnE92Ta2HBX/ Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism https://www.bitchute.com/video/mtwRK2w7TL3k/ Trump began all of this under the orders of the WEF, the biggest cull against babies and woman in history vaxx daddy https://www.bitchute.com/video/Vtt02vanAJk4/ How peoples rights were removed.Remember in March 2020 Trump began it "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. ! " https://rumble.com/v2z28b8-who-and-how-peoples-rights-were-removed..html THE TEDROS FILE 12.08.2023 https://www.bitchute.com/video/OcCZWMKmMRTq/ (this vid taken from Nestlé's Darkest Secret: The Disturbing Truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMgpUqugtOU1.75K views 4 comments -
NETFLIX Pulls Documentary on Root Canals Causing CANCER ☤ After Dentists Threatened to Sue
TheWarAgainstYouNETFLIX Pulls Documentary on Root Canals Causing CANCER ☤ After Dentists Threatened to Sue - A documentary film called Root Cause has been removed from the streaming service Netflix after being widely criticised by dental organisations worldwide. The feature length documentary film revived the theories promulgated by the now discredited Weston Price whose focal infection theory questioned the safety of root canal treatments. - In the 1920s, Weston Price blamed endodontic treatment for a variety of systemic diseases and argued it was preferable to extract teeth. - From time to time his theories have been resurrected and then swiftly debunked. The decision by Netflix to create and air their programme has been condemned by many organisations. The British Endodontic Society responded by adding information to the news page1 of its website under the heading Exploding Endodontic Myths and linking to a position statement from the European Society of Endodontology. This said the movie put forward 'unfounded and malicious' claims and that root canal treatment is one of the best documented and safest procedures for preventing and curing oral infections and thus prevent and treat rather than cause systemic complications. - The BDA sent an email to members in which it warned the film was 'propagating misinformation about systemic health problems supposedly caused by root canal treatment.' - The BDA advised its members that if they encountered any concerns from patients, they could refer them to a patient leaflet.2 - References 1.https://britishendodonticsociety.org.uk/news/current-news(accessed March 2019) - 2. BDA. Patient Leaflets - Endodontic (root canal) treatment (2018).http://bda-mail.org/FS/2323/Documents/Research%20and%20Policy/PL17%20-%20ROOT%20CANAL%20TREATMENT%20WEB.PDF. (accessed March 2019). - Source:https://old.bitchute.com/video/u2au7zY11KYO/ - Thumbnail:https://www.pinterest.com/pin/23643966780880375/ - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://old.bitchute.com/channel/canst/4.11K views 5 comments -
The Matrix is Real
Tate Speech by Andrew TateFirst they try to buy you. Then they try to destroy you. But I refuse to be bought and I refuse to lose. www.cobratate.com/matrix307K views 264 comments