Dr. Andreas Noack -- Graphene “Nano Blades” Found in the Covid-19 Jabs
WWaking the World upOne of the major stories from late 2021 was that of Dr. Andreas Noak, a well-known German Chemist and one of Europe’s top Graphene Experts who died in very suspicious circumstances after making a presentation on graphene which he said was Graphene Hydroxide, not Graphene Oxide. Dr. Andreas Noack was definitely one of the Top 10 true Experts on Graphene in the World and the top one in Europe. Graphene Hydroxide acted like “Razor Blades” in the blood, cutting it’s way through the Endothelial lining of the blood vessels causing damage, bleeding and the constant need of repair. Dr. Noack was arrested during a live Youtube stream. He died suspiciously on November 26, 2021 not long after he was presenting this new information. One of the last things that Dr. Noack said was: “I am ready to talk to ANYONE about this material.” Dr. Noack said that this Graphene was Extremely Sharp, like Nano-Razor Blades. He said he had converted graphene oxide to graphene hydroxide. He was one of the leading experts in the entire world on Nano-Carbons. Dr. Noack said when you do an autopsy on the victims you will not find anything. Toxicologists do their tests in Petri Dishes. He said that people were bleeding to death from the inside and blood was clotting everywhere. He said the top athletes that we saw in Europe dropping dead was because they had fast flowing blood and the nano-razors were cutting up their insides. He said if you inject this carbon graphene into the blood, you are a murderer. Then there are “Batches” that are way worse than others. It is like playing Russian Roulette. Please read this as it explains that 1 out of every 200 Batches or Lots were DEADLY2 – source #2. The question that every doctor should be asking is why is carbon graphene in the jabs? You would think that the White Coats, the Doctors – would be the ones screaming the loudest. After all, they were the ones who were played as the “Dumbest” of all. The Globalists judged them as dumb, imbecilic, idiots and deemed them as incapable of figuring it out or even questioning. They were right. They literally have the doctors in a brainwashed coma. They can’t even think for themselves as they just follow what their superiors and their orders from the FDA, CDC, NIH, and WHO. They blindly trust convicted criminals who have been sued for Tens of Billions of Dollars for bribing doctors, falsifying scientific data and distributing contaminated products. Hopefully the doctors will eventually wake up and realize just how STUPID the elite believe them to be. They would NEVER have attempted something so daring if they believed the doctors wouldn’t follow unethical orders and investigate. They keep them sleeping and not questioning the narrative by paying them very well. Money is the ultimate silencer. They put their Nazi Doctors on the Medical Boards and in the highest positions to lead the sheep, the doctors that are obedient little non-questioning sheep. The White Coat Sheep – Bahahahaha. Now they want to give this toxic, dangerous sh*t to our children. The CDC has endorsed the ACIP's recommendation that all children 6 months through 5 years of age should receive a COVID-19 vaccine. ACIP -- The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices – Is a committee within the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that provides advice and guidance on effective control of vaccine-preventable diseases in the U.S. civilian population. The ACIP develops written recommendations for routine administration of vaccines to the pediatric and adult populations, along with vaccination schedules regarding appropriate timing and dosage. It is part of the CDC. They are “recommending” the vaccine for children 6 MONTHS old. NO Child should be forced to take a Vaccine prior to entering a school. That is a CRIME! Dr. David Martin explains this and gives you the letters to take to your school board, which I STRONGLY advise you listen to him, unless you believe that nano razor blade graphene toxins are good for a 6 month old.3 You know what’s even worse? The graphene does NOT Degrade!! That’s right, it is Non-Degradable. They are 50 nm long and .1 nm thick. They are “Nano-Razor Blades.” The epithelial lining of the blood vessels are smooth for a reason, so blood can flow without much resistance. When they are cut thousands and thousands of times the bodies repair mechanisms come into to play and that causes resistance. Thus, you saw athletes collapsing all around Europe4 & 5, where most of the bad batches were and some in the USA. It was “strategically” planned that way as they did not want it to be too obvious in the USA where people could put an end to this.2 This is an EVIL act. This is a no brainer Crime Against ALL of Humanity. Can you believe they are ignoring ALL the f*cking evidence? Who in the hell is standing up for the people in ANY Leadership Position? Most of the people are so dormantly hibernating that they cannot even sense something is array. That is how bad it is. The difference between those who are awake and see is NIGHT and DAY compared to those who believe nothing nefarious is going on. Our country is either filled with Cowards or Traitors. Take your choice! Sources: 1. @KarinModerna -- https://odysee.com/@KarinModerna:0/GRAPHENE-NANO-BLADES-FOUND-IN-THE-C-19-JABS---Dr.-Andreas-No:8 2. ***“Hot Lots” – Deadly Batches PROVE that this was Intentional – “1 out of 200 Were Deadly” https://rumble.com/v6f2pty-hot-lots-deadly-batches-prove-that-this-was-intentional-1-out-of-200-were-d.html https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/hot-lots-deadly-batches-prove-that-this.html 3. ***Dr. David Martin – Nuremberg Code is Embraced in US Law & Legal Forms for Vaccine Mandates https://rumble.com/v6caxlj-dr.-david-martin-nuremberg-code-is-embraced-in-us-law-and-legal-forms-for-v.html https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/dr-david-martin-nuremberg-code-is.html 4. Young Athletes are Collapsing and Dying at an Alarming Rate https://rumble.com/v2f0cds-young-athletes-are-collapsing-and-dying-at-an-alarming-rate.html 5. Steve Kirsch - Professional Athletes Collapsing Worldwide https://rumble.com/v2g0zcu-steve-kirsch-professional-athletes-collapsing-worldwide.html Healthy Food – At an Affordable Price! **Where Can You Buy HEALTHY Organic Non-GMO Groceries without the “Added” Toxins? **Food that is actually good for your body? • certified organic • non-GMO • no refined sugar • no artificial colors • no artificial flavors • no artificial preservatives • no artificial sweeteners • no bleached flour • no fluoride • no MSG • no artificial nitrites/nitrates • no pork This store is a one-stop shop for so many things... and you get to shop from the comfort of your own home! ✅ Organic ✅ Affordable ✅ Farm Direct ✅ Non GMO ✅ Earth Friendly ✅ Delicious https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/category?a_aid=99da6b866f HAPPY SHOPPING!!! ________________________________________________________________________________ PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day. Up to 75% OFF! Hope & Tivon’s EMF Protection Products: https://www.ftwproject.com/our-special-offers/ref/528/ Check out the Special Offers on all the EMF PROTECTION Products – including: 1. Phone & Laptop Shields 2. Pyramids 3. Sleeping Pods 4. Charge Plates 5. GardenSets 6. Shungite Tiles 7. Pendants. ***PLEASE FOLLOW My BLOG → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/ END. 2/2/2025 3:00 PM *******************************************************1.81K views 12 comments -
Dr. Mike Yeadon – The Materials Masquerading as Vaccines Designed Intentionally to Harm People
WWaking the World up“I can tell you after spending a career in this industry that you can no more make a baby in 1 month with 9 women than you can make a complicated biological product in 10 months. It cannot be done. It was not done.” Dr. Michael Yeadon was a British scientific researcher and Vice President of Drugs at Pfizer. This is his professional opinion on the mRNA Vaccines. Dr. Mike Yeadon – “The materials masquerading as vaccines were intentionally designed to harm the people who receive them.” “I’m probability the most qualified former pharmaceutical company research executive in the world speaking out on this matter. Since I spent my entire career working with teams designing molecules to be potential new medicines, I think I’m qualified to comment on it.” We were told there was this New Infectious Disease. Then they said they will quickly make a Vaccine. They did so in just 10 months. Dr. Yeadon: “I can tell you after spending a career in this industry that you can no more make a baby in 1 month with 9 women than you can make a complicated biological product in 10 months.” “It cannot be done. It was not done” “They did something else. They created materials that were essentially injected POISONS.” “They were not Vaccines.” “Medicines are not put together Randomly, they are built with Rational Design.” “That was my whole career.” “When I look at the Design of the Medicine, I put myself in the designers shoes and see what they are seeing. I quickly came to the conclusion that they wanted to bring about TOXICITY that would Injure, Kill & Reduce Fertility.” “It was NOT an accident. Mistakes were NOT made.” “So, I tell you, as a Professional who spent his whole honest scientific career in an industry that I did not realize was corrupt, trying to make medicines for respiratory and allergy diseases, my experience tells me that there are multiple independent unnecessary and obvious mechanism of toxicity built into these so called vaccines.” “They are making intentionally dangerous material, passing them off as vaccines, jabbing you and your children.” Not only what Dr. Yeadon is saying but for the Pharmaceutical Companies of the world to ALL come up with “Novel mRNA” Vaccines which were NEVER tested on humans. What are the chances that this wasn’t planned? ZERO! Source: United Voice Australia -- https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=944919083838621 Healthy Food – At an Affordable Price! **Where Can You Buy HEALTHY Organic Non-GMO Groceries without the “Added” Toxins? **Food that is actually good for your body? • certified organic • non-GMO • no refined sugar • no artificial colors • no artificial flavors • no artificial preservatives • no artificial sweeteners • no bleached flour • no fluoride • no MSG • no artificial nitrites/nitrates • no pork This store is a one-stop shop for so many things... and you get to shop from the comfort of your own home! ✅ Organic ✅ Affordable ✅ Farm Direct ✅ Non GMO ✅ Earth Friendly ✅ Delicious https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/category?a_aid=99da6b866f HAPPY SHOPPING!!! ________________________________________________________________________________ PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day. Up to 75% OFF! Hope & Tivon’s EMF Protection Products: https://www.ftwproject.com/our-special-offers/ref/528/ Check out the Special Offers on all the EMF PROTECTION Products – including: 1. Phone & Laptop Shields 2. Pyramids 3. Sleeping Pods 4. Charge Plates 5. GardenSets 6. Shungite Tiles 7. Pendants. ***PLEASE FOLLOW My BLOG → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/ END. 2/2/2025 6:00 PM *******************************************************2K views 1 comment -
A MASSIVE Covid Jab Mandate Victory! Robert Barnes v. Tyson Foods! Tyson Finally Does Right!
vivafrei24.4K views 52 comments -
mRNA distribution and toxicity
Dr. John CampbellmRNA "vaccine" biodistribution, persistence, and adjuvant toxicity library https://zenodo.org/records/14559625 Biodistribution Research collection presents 54 peer-reviewed studies documenting, the wide distribution of “vaccine” mRNA and the associated spike protein, throughout human beings and animal test subjects. These articles confirm that “vaccine” mRNA and spike protein can reach tissues and organs including, heart, liver, brain, lungs, placenta, umbilical cord, breast milk, lymph nodes, thymus, kidneys, spleen, bladder, large intestine, eyes, adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, bone marrow, skin, lacrimal glands, appendix. Australian Government Department of Health—Therapeutic Goods Administration https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/foi-2389-06.pdf The concentration of radioactive lipid marker reached the peak level in plasma between 1 – 4 h post-dose and distribution mainly into liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries over 48 h Also listed as tissue distribution positive Adrenal glands, bladder, femur, brain, eyes, heart, kidneys, colon, small intestine, liver, lungs, lymph nodes, ovaries, pancreas, pituitary gland, spinal cord, spleen, stomach, testes, thyroid, uterus Other useful section from TGA publication Journal of Immunology https://journals.aai.org/jimmunol/article/207/10/2405/234284/Cutting-Edge-Circulating-Exosomes-with-COVID-Spike Results demonstrated induction of circulating exosomes expressing spike protein on day 14 after vaccination Intramyocardial Inflammation after COVID-19 Vaccination: An Endomyocardial Biopsy-Proven Case Series https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/13/6940 A comprehensive histopathological analysis of EMBs from 15 patients with reduced ejection fraction and the clinical suspicion of myocarditis following vaccination with, Comirnaty® (Pfizer-BioNTech) (n = 11) Vaxzevria®(AstraZenica) (n = 2) Janssen® (Johnson & Johnson) (n = 2). Immunohistochemical EMB analyses reveal myocardial inflammation in 14 of 15 patients, with the histopathological diagnosis of active myocarditis (n = 2), severe giant cell myocarditis (n = 2) and inflammatory cardiomyopathy (n = 10). Importantly, infectious causes have been excluded in all patients. The expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within the heart and the dominance of CD4+ lymphocytic infiltrates indicate an autoimmunological response to the vaccination. Long-lasting, biochemically modified mRNA, and its frameshifted recombinant spike proteins in human tissues and circulation after COVID-19 vaccination https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/prp2.1218 It was also originally estimated that recombinant spike proteins generated by mRNA vaccines would persist in the body for a few weeks. In reality, clinical studies now report that modified SARS-CoV-2 mRNA routinely persist up to a month from injection, and can be detected in cardiac and skeletal muscle at sites of inflammation and fibrosis, while the recombinant spike protein may persist 187 days in blood. Understanding the Pharmacology of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Playing Dice with the Spike? https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/18/10881 Both vaccine-derived SARS-CoV-2 S protein mRNA and the resulting S protein exhibit a complex pharmacology and undergo systemic disposition. Taken as a whole, evidence strongly supports the possible link between inappropriate expression of S protein in sensitive tissues and subsequent tissue damage. Case of a woman suffering from Moderna-COVID-19-vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia with 10 ng/mL vaccine-induced S protein levels in plasma 10 days after vaccination, nearly 100 times higher than those reported previously, suggesting excessive vaccine-induced production of S protein as a determinant of vaccine toxicity. A comprehensive review of the literature recently discussed the role of COVID-19-mRNA-vaccine-induced S protein in adverse effects following vaccination, a major explanation of adverse effects following COVID-19 vaccination could well be that mRNA vaccines induce in selected individuals’ excessive production of S protein, for too long and/or in inappropriate tissues and organs, and this occurrence is at present unpredictable.42.7K views 228 comments