The Point, Receive your sight
11959marseVisit our archives at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGw2eEJPMl9XZTN6aVotRUN2Rm5VdFEyUWRxZ3xBQ3Jtc0tremtwcUg3WS1ILWVma0p6d0JCVmcwM1hVOHM3eTlnamhSUVB3ejNwSzRpcmpwSHhQandtUmNONXRrUnBFRnFLNmpwUllISk9mWWFxSFlqZ1FXbmEyOTlGNjVRX1dWcU9ZUG1HNUpVQVpieUhsWmVLMA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fthepointbyjm.com%2F&v=f1FQOHk_XOQ The world is facing a lot of difficulties, but our biggest problem is the spiritual blindness. Like Bartimaeus, we need Jesus to open our sight so we can see the light. Le monde est confronté à de nombreuses difficultés, mais notre plus grand problème est la cécité spirituelle. Comme Bartimee, nous avons besoin que Jésus ouvre notre vue afin que nous puissions voir la lumière.29 views -
The Point: Encountering the Living Christ ? Rencontrer le Christ vivant
11959marseThis broadcast explains that when you encounter the Living Christ, He changes your fear and sadness into faith and happiness.2 views -
the point, Genuine worship / l'adoration sincere
11959marseWorship in spirit signifies a deep, personal connection with God. It involves engaging our innermost being, offering our authentic selves to Him, acknowledging His greatness, and expressing love, adoration, and submission from the depths of our souls.34 views