Ultimate DooM (UV-Max) Guided Walkthrough
2 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Welcome to our Guided Walkthrough series of Ultimate DooM on PS4 Unity Port. This playlist will be covering the PS4 Unity Port of Ultimate DooM only all levels all the way through Sigil II. Like ASMR this is meant to be a relaxing series so grab a snack and enjoy my friends!
1) DooM + DooM II Port (PS5)
2) Pistol starting each map
3) Playing on Ultra-Violence Difficulty
4) Completing all Episodes 1-6 // (5 & 6 are Sigil I & II)
5) Obtaining all Secrets
6) Including all Secret Levels
7) Obtaining all Items
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DooM [E1M1 - Hangar] Pistol Start [UV-Max] Guided Walkthrough
LegendaryEeveeWelcome back to our Guided Walkthrough of Ultimate Doom on the PS5 Unity Port! This is an HD reupload of the original now that we can record in 1080p =================================== 1. Port: -- Doom + DooM II (PS5). 2. No Saves. 3. Pistol Start all maps. 4. Playlist = https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD6JGRq1qYEgUXSrCkv8FGevUwtrn5X28. 5. Playlist of our Bloopers = https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD6JGRq1qYEgCHNjRUbAZXB23yijQQd_y =================================== Please click like & subscribe so I can know these videos are reaching our audience and you can be informed as the new ones are released, Thank you! =================================== Timestamps: Series Intro = 0:00 Secret #1 = 1:57 Guided Walkthrough = 2:13 Secret #2 = 3:11 Secret #3 = 3:26 Final Stretch = 3:3333 views -
DooM [E1M2 - Nuclear Plant] Pistol Start (UV-Max)
LegendaryEeveeWelcome back to our Guided Walkthrough of Ultimate Doom on the PS5 Unity Port! This is an HD reupload of the original now that we can record in 1080p =================================== 1. Port: -- Doom + DooM II (PS5). 2. No Saves. 3. Pistol Start all maps. 4. Playlist = https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD6JGRq1qYEgUXSrCkv8FGevUwtrn5X28. 5. Playlist of our Bloopers = https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD6JGRq1qYEgCHNjRUbAZXB23yijQQd_y =================================== Please click like & subscribe so I can know these videos are reaching our audience and you can be informed as the new ones are released, Thank you! =================================== Timestamps: Secret #1 = 0:00 Secret #2 = 0:48 Guided Walkthrough = 1:27 Secret #3 & 4 = 3:44 Secret #5 = 4:32 Secret #6 = 5:25 Final Stretch = 6:2521 views