SG Sits Down w_ Estate Expert and Living Man Sui Juris Todd Duell to Discuss
David Mahoney Charlie Ward Nesara Gesara Tucker Carlson Dan Bongino Show(7_10_2024) - SG Sits Down w_ Estate Expert and Living Man Sui Juris Todd Duell to Discuss Jurisdiction of the Human Being614 views -
Bill Cooper's Radio Show (Best Audio) of his FULL PREDICTION of 9/11 & Osama Bin Laden
Truths UnlimitedBILL COOPER'S FULL PREDICTION (BEST QUALITY) June 28, 2001 with TRANSCRIPTION. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLHVQUTrgvM Source: Mar 10, 2012 -This the best version of Bill Cooper's "9/11 NWO prediction" about a coming attack that would be blamed on Osama bin Laden. The Illuminati killed him 2 months later on November 5th. Just like they killed the Director of "Gray State" who was making a movie about the Illuminati police state. TRANSCRIPT 0:26 how about that they're doing the same 0:28 thing today with Osama bin Laden and 0:30 that's where I've been getting 0:32 at can you believe what you have been 0:35 seeing on CNN today ladies and 0:39 gentlemen can you believe 0:42 it supposedly a CNN 0:47 reporter found Osama Bin Laden took a 0:52 television camera crew with him went 0:56 into Osama Bin Laden's 0:58 hideout in interviewed him and his top 1:03 leadership his top lieutenants and 1:06 Colonels and 1:08 Generals in their 1:10 Hideout this is a CNN reporter with a 1:13 camera crew and he came out and told 1:16 everybody within 3 weeks Osama Bin Laden 1:20 is going to attack the United States and 1:23 Israel now don't you think that's kind 1:25 of strange 1:28 folks you because the largest 1:31 intelligence apparatus in the world with 1:35 the biggest budget in the history of the 1:37 world has been looking for Osama Bin 1:40 Laden for years and years and 1:42 years and can't find him the FBI also 1:47 under the leadership of Lewis free has 1:49 been looking for Osama Bin Laden for 1:51 years and years and years and years and 1:53 years and many years and can't find 1:56 him some doofus jerk off report quarter 2:01 with a camera crew mosses right into his 2:04 Hideout and interviews 2:10 him and you know what his budget 2:13 is zip zil 2:18 nothing now that tells us two things 2:21 either everyone in the intelligence 2:24 community and all of the intelligence 2:26 agencies of the United States government 2:28 are blithering idiots and incompetent 2:31 fools including the entire apparatus of 2:34 the FBI and all of their 2:37 personnel are they're lying to us 2:40 they're not looking for him at 2:44 all and the second is the truth you see 2:49 the CIA created Osama Bin 2:52 Laden they recruited him they trained 2:56 him they found his leadership they 2:59 brought them all all together they 3:01 showed him them how to fight the Soviet 3:04 Union in Afghanistan and when that was 3:08 over they still continued to fund him 3:11 and train him and they're now using him 3:14 to help bring about world government by 3:17 making him the big Boogeyman because 3:19 they can't 3:21 use Saddam Hussein 3:24 anymore do you ever hear of Osama bin 3:28 Laden 3:32 before you heard of Saddam Hussein when 3:35 did you start hearing of Osama bin Laden 3:38 it was after Saddam Hussein and Iraq 3:40 were supposedly neutralized in the Gulf 3:44 War because they needed a new 3:48 Boogeyman but they're not looking for 3:51 Osama Bin Laden because I'm telling you 3:53 right now if I were the head of the 3:55 Central Intelligence Agency within 2 3:58 weeks I would have him dead are in 4:00 custody without fail without 4:08 fail if I had those assets and that 4:11 money he would be 4:13 mine I would own his terrorist ass 4:17 within two weeks without 4:25 fail a reporter from CNN and his little 4:29 camera crew got in to Osama Bin Laden's 4:33 secret 4:35 hideout and conducted an interview if 4:38 you don't believe me tune in to CNN 4:39 they're probably running it right now as 4:41 I'm 4:43 speaking and if you believe it you are 4:46 one of the stupidest jerks that ever 4:48 lived on the face of this 4:53 Earth and whatever is going to happen 4:55 that they're going to blame on AMA Bin 4:57 Laden don't you even believe it 5:21 another social illusion social 5:23 engineering 5:24 project to 5:27 change the minds and the attitudes and 5:30 the beliefs of the people of the world 5:32 and especially the United States to 5:34 bring about one world socialist 5:36 totalitarian 5:39 government can you believe what they 5:41 were saying for a while that Timothy 5:44 McVey the CIA the NSA the FBI the 5:50 defense intelligence agency could not 5:53 find Osama Bin Laden in their wildest 5:56 dreams but Timothy McVey and Terry 5:59 Nichols could and recruit him to be 6:02 their partner in blowing up the Alfred 6:04 PE mural Federal Building 6:06 [ __ ] how stupid can you be these 6:10 guys didn't have a nickel between 6:13 them not a nickel between 6:17 them how 6:21 dumb can you how stupid can you 6:27 be put me in charge of the CI I 6:30 guarantee you I will have him in custody 6:32 in 2 weeks flat or 6:35 dead take your 6:37 pick take your 6:40 pick give me that budget those resources 6:43 those Personnel I guarantee you he will 6:46 be mine in two 6:51 weeks and you know what if I had a few 6:55 loyal good Americans who were willing to 6:57 donate enough money certainly not even a 7:00 drop in the bucket compared to what they 7:01 really have in these intelligence 7:03 agencies to really go after 7:05 him I could still have him in two 7:20 weeks piece of 7:28 cake so why why do all these fools 7:31 believe this 7:33 shirro that a CNN reporter and his 7:36 little camera crew can 7:40 do with all the money and all the assets 7:42 and all the eaves dropping and all the 7:44 intelligence and all the satellites and 7:46 all the undercover operatives in the 7:52 world can never 7:56 do it's because they're not trying the 7:59 they don't want to Osama Bin Laden is 8:02 their creation and he is serving them 8:08 well when in 8:10 hell are all you people going to wake 8:16 up are you kidding 8:20 me I mean is this some kind of 8:22 incredible joke that people are so 8:25 stupid they fall for this do you know 8:28 how much money the CIA and the National 8:31 Security Agency and the FBI has at its 8:34 disposal each year do you know how many 8:36 agents they have that they can devote to 8:38 this do you realize the technology that 8:41 they have to be able to EES drop on 8:43 every single conversation in the 8:49 world no matter how it's 8:55 transmitted and pinpoint the location of 8:58 every one of those 9:00 transmissions and they can't find Osama 9:03 Bin Laden but some CNN reporter he just 9:07 Wes right on in there with his camera 9:13 crew just like he knew where they were 9:15 all the 9:19 time bet you it was the 9:22 CIA they sent him 9:24 [Laughter] 9:25 there I told him where he 9:28 was 9:30 and of course they know where he is 9:31 because they created him they're the 9:32 ones that are funding him and backing 9:35 him and helping 9:37 him to 9:39 create their new utopian 9:45 World Hitler could not have ever come to 9:49 power absolute power in Germany without 9:51 the Reich stag 9:55 fire Hitler was a socialist he 9:57 understood social he understood social 10:00 engineering he knew how to get the 10:04 support of the German people and he did 10:06 it by burning down the re 10:08 stag the re stag 10:11 was well in our country it would be the 10:15 capital building that contains the 10:17 Senate and the House of 10:22 Representatives so if somebody were to 10:24 go and burn down the capital building 10:27 today they would use that as an excuse 10:30 as Hitler did to round up all of the 10:35 enemies of the New World Order which 10:38 would be me and most of you 10:40 listening and throw us into prison or 10:43 execute us declare martial law and come 10:47 to Absolute and total power in this 10:52 country I wonder what Osama Bin Laden's 10:55 targets are supposed to be and if they 10:57 don't you know if this do doesn't 10:59 materialize the next 2 or 3 weeks it 11:01 will eventually materialize because they 11:04 haven't succeeded in getting the guns 11:07 out of the hands of the American people 11:09 nor have they succeeded in taking our 11:11 freedoms away in fact there's been a 11:14 Great Awakening in this country and a 11:16 and a big backlash against these Marxist 11:19 communist puke faac lying subversive 11:22 Nazi jackbooted 11:24 Gusto 11:26 thugs that is gaining momentum 11:30 and so I can tell you with a certainty 11:32 they must do something 11:35 terrible in order to stop this backlash 11:38 and regain the sympathy of the mass 11:42 herds of sheeple out 11:50 there and I'm telling you one of the 11:52 things that we give us the moral High 11:54 gra ground and uh and will'll begin 11:56 Civil War is the day that they begin 12:00 declaring martial law across this 12:01 country taking guns out of the hands of 12:04 the American people and rounding up 12:05 American Patriots the war will start on 12:08 that 12:09 day on that 12:12 day and there will be a war in this 12:16 country a civil war to restore not a 12:19 revolution but a civil war to restore 12:22 constitutional Republican 12:24 government now at the same time that 12:26 that's going on communist and Marxist 12:29 underground forces will begin or try to 12:32 begin a 12:34 revolution in order to Institute a 12:37 Marxist socialist or communist 12:40 government as a result of the Civil War 12:43 so we Patriots will be fighting on two 12:48 fronts on two 12:50 fronts and you'd better understand which 12:53 side you're going to be 12:55 on 12:57 restoration Revolution 13:00 or 13:02 tyranny I'll be 13:05 fighting with the forces of 13:07 restoration and so should you better 13:23 be and supposedly we're not the only 13:26 nation searching for Osama Bin Laden so 13:28 the vast economic resources the vast 13:31 technological resources the vast 13:34 Personnel Resources the vast networks 13:36 and 13:37 intricate web spun over all these years 13:41 by the CIA the FBI and the NSA can't 13:44 find Osama Bin Laden but CNN 13:48 can 13:52 [ __ ] Timothy McVey and Terry 13:55 Nichols could [ __ ] 14:02 so many people in this country have 14:04 their heads so far up their ass I doubt 14:07 very seriously if they will manage to 14:10 extricate it before they 14:19 suffocate what a 14:24 shame what a cry and shame how in the 14:28 world 14:30 could this country of all Nations breed 14:34 such a dumbed down 14:38 unthinking 14:40 illiterate 14:42 uneducated stupid 14:45 ignorant 14:49 population anybody got a clue going to 14:52 open the phones 520 333 14:56 4578 is the number be right 14:59 back good evening you're on the air yes 15:02 good evening Bill how are you this 15:03 evening good uh I had read on the 15:06 internet today a couple of things about 15:07 Osama Bin Laden too um uh with regards 15:12 to the CNN reporter uh getting into uh 15:15 his uh Ultra secret lair uh whatever the 15:18 hell it is you know and I couldn't help 15:20 thinking the same thing must be on the 15:21 moon huh well yeah you know oh well how 15:24 this reporter get there you know it's 15:26 amazing how you have all the American 15:28 intelligence agencies British 15:29 intelligence agencies everybody's 15:30 looking for this guy and all of a sudden 15:32 you know some clown comes in with a 15:34 camera oh now he's on TV oh here he is 15:36 let me tell you something if he's an 15:38 enemy of Israel and the mosad can't find 15:40 him then this thing is the biggest joke 15:43 that you ever heard of in your life yeah 15:45 exactly exactly um I was actually trying 15:48 to explain to some friend this weekend 15:50 uh you know about how the Osama Bin 15:53 Laden is just the next I I even said he 15:55 was the next Saddam Hussein yeah the 15:57 next Boogyman dark skinned guy and 15:59 everybody can go oo we hate dark skinned 16:01 people you know and and and hide behind 16:04 this guy and uh I actually think uh if 16:07 anything does happen which is very 16:08 unlikely it will but there no that's 16:11 that's not true it it is very likely 16:13 that it will believe mean in the next 16:15 two weeks uh if anything does happen 16:18 what about the 4th of July it's the 16:20 225th Anniversary of the Declaration of 16:22 Independence yeah what about it you know 16:24 that's that's a good time for it to 16:26 happen yeah well I I certainly hope not 16:29 but uh I hope I hope not to but I'm 16:31 telling you right now as I told you 16:32 before I I'm telling you that 16:35 something's going to happen if it 16:36 doesn't happen the next two or 3 weeks 16:37 something eventually something terrible 16:40 is going to happen in this country uh 16:42 and it's going to be a terrorist attack 16:44 and we're going to know who did it we're 16:46 watch CNN and whatever and they're going 16:47 to go oh and it's going to be big enough 16:50 that martial law could be declared and 16:53 and it could start the whole thing well 16:55 thank you for uh getting getting the 16:57 truth out and you have a good good 16:58 evening sir you're welcome thanks for 16:59 calling bye good evening you're on the 17:02 air um hello this is uh Marie from 17:06 Colorado and you had posed a question in 17:08 your program why are people so dumb yeah 17:11 when I was in 11th grade my American 17:13 history class Mrs Sheldon was my teacher 17:16 and this was 17:17 1971 and so yes I am approaching 50 and 17:21 she told us she says whenever you read 17:24 the newspaper or you hear anything in 17:26 the news you ask your yourself two 17:29 questions the first question is who 17:32 stands to make the money from what 17:33 happened and who stands to make the 17:36 power from what happened and she says 17:38 and if you haven't answered your 17:40 question in reading that article or 17:42 listening to the newscast then you're 17:44 not being told the truth and the problem 17:47 is is that teachers don't teach like 17:50 that any longer and I my kids never 17:53 learned that in their class and um I'm 17:56 the one who told them hey kids listen to 17:58 this listen to what mom says my Mrs 18:01 Shelton told me this and that's one of 18:04 the reasons why people like so dumb is 18:06 because they don't analyze and don't 18:09 instinctively think hm this and this do 18:12 not add up well you're right you're 18:15 absolutely correct and Mrs Shelton oh 18:18 you're probably in your 70s by now so 18:20 that anyway here's to you and God bless 18:23 you Mr Cooper for your program and will 18:25 you be re broadcasting this when you're 18:28 taking that week off uh that's up to 18:31 wbcq they're going to determine what 18:33 they broadcast if you have favorite 18:34 programs that you want to hear again 18:36 call them and ask them to play them okay 18:39 we will thank you very much byebye 18:40 you're welcome 520 333 4578 is the 18:46 number um good evening you're on the air 18:49 hello good evening Bill yes hey this is 18:51 David um checking in from Rhode Island 18:53 uhhuh and uh I I want to uh comment on 18:56 your discussion about about when they 18:59 immediately after this uh mirror 19:02 building blew up in a short time after 19:05 they brought the building down and 19:06 destroyed all the evidence yeah and and 19:08 it wasn't brought down with the kind of 19:10 bomb that allegedly Timmy McVey popped 19:12 in front of the building no it was 19:14 brought down with shape charges on the 19:15 columns just exactly like what happened 19:18 when it was brought down first when when 19:20 half of it was brought down it's it's 19:22 just disgusting the way the average 19:25 citizenry looks at this whole issue and 19:28 I'm telling you that most of the calls 19:30 they call when the time comes they're 19:32 going to they're going to turn they're 19:34 going to they're going to turn Trader 19:35 Bill sure they will so I I don't you 19:38 know most most people will but there's 19:40 an infrastructure of dedicated Patriots 19:43 in this country who will not no I and I 19:45 uh I agree with you with that and uh I 19:48 have made my pledge and I continue to 19:50 make it when I don't care what it is who 19:53 it is when you're crossing the line it's 19:55 Lock and Load yep and and and it's going 19:57 to cost somebody that you better believe 19:59 it's not getting done for free anymore 20:01 that's right so if they want to you know 20:03 waste 10 people on some kind of a you 20:07 know an ATF sweep they better have the 20:11 equal amount taken out with them well I 20:13 I don't I don't uh and I and I know that 20:16 that's that's your attitude I I hope use 20:18 this make this time that you're going to 20:20 spend uh you know at your place uh you 20:22 know also for to recharge your batteries 20:25 oh yeah that's ex that's one of the 20:27 purposes oh good well I'm glad to hear 20:29 that and God bless you thank you good 20:31 night yeah cuz I am tired i' I've been 20:34 working for so many years so hard and uh 20:37 rarely if ever even take one day off to 20:40 myself and so uh yeah part of this is 20:43 going to be sort of relaxing for me good 20:46 evening you're on the air oh yes hi uh 20:48 William uh there was an article in the 20:50 New York Times about Daniel Spiegel M 20:52 who supplied the weapons for the 20:54 Oklahoma bombing well he's he's what he 20:58 what what he did um was he was part of a 21:02 of a group of so-called Aryan uh uh 21:05 resistance Army uh that that was robbing 21:09 banks and things and providing funding 21:11 uh for the Alfred P mura federal 21:14 building bombing and part of what he did 21:17 was he went to an American University 21:18 and sto uh historic famous uh historical 21:22 documents and took them to Europe to 21:25 sell them he's Jewish right the article 21:28 was December 30th 1995 page 9 in the New 21:32 York Times uh let me ask you where is he 21:35 today what is the latest on him uh well 21:38 I I don't know he sort of disappeared 21:40 after they discovered that the lawyer 21:42 who defended him when he was convicted 21:44 in court of stealing these documents and 21:47 trying to sell them uh was not a lawyer 21:49 at all and so um I I believe that they 21:54 that they uh um overthrew his conviction 21:58 because of that he he didn't have a 21:59 proper defense and sealed the records 22:02 and he disappeared okay I saw it on your 22:04 internet site where he was convicted but 22:06 apparently he he never went to prison at 22:07 all I guess not that I'm aware of yeah 22:10 they just let him go it's probably the 22:12 Israeli Massad I think I think I I think 22:15 this was a combination of the of the CIA 22:18 the FBI the Israeli mad uh the batf and 22:23 uh several other uh of the German 22:25 intelligence for sure because uh Andreas 22:28 STM was a part of this he's another 22:31 Jewish man who was a member of the 22:33 German intelligence uh structure um who 22:37 who uh was instrumental in planning the 22:40 whole thing right well our government 22:42 may as well be the mide you know Capitol 22:44 Hill is Israeli occupied territory as 22:47 what you have what you have to 22:49 understand is this is not leading toward 22:51 an Israel of the world is leading toward 22:54 a a Marxist socialist utopian or they 22:58 believe it's utopian it's going to be 23:00 like the old Soviet Union World 23:02 Government um whenever yes and whenever 23:05 the media cover something up real well 23:07 like this the way they let Spiel go like 23:09 that uh you know it's the Jews who are 23:11 behind it no we don't know it's the Jews 23:14 behind it and I've never said that and 23:16 neither should you uh George Bush is 23:18 certainly not a Jew but he's a part of 23:20 it right he works for them yeah they put 23:22 him in office no it's not that he works 23:24 for them you don't understand the 23:26 structure of the the organization that 23:28 is actually bringing apart World 23:30 Government the reason that they're able 23:32 to recruit so many Jewish people to be a 23:34 part of this is the Jews have never 23:37 allowed themselves to assimilate as 23:39 Citizens really of any country they're 23:42 always Jewish they always separate 23:45 themselves they always look forward to 23:47 next year in Jerusalem they believe 23:50 themselves to be a part of a world and 23:53 they want to bring about a world 23:55 government so they they sympathetic to 23:58 this whole One World Government ideal 24:01 but the people at the heart and soul of 24:03 all of this and there are a lot of 24:05 Jewish people involved are What's called 24:07 the 24:15 [Music] 24:26 Illuminati 24:28 George Bush is certainly not a Jew but 24:30 he's a part of it uh Rick Sanchez has 24:32 been there throughout this morning for 24:34 us Rick tell us where you are and what 24:35 the latest is well I'm in that area if 24:37 you're familiar with uh this area of uh 24:40 where West Broadway and Hudson come 24:42 together uh right at chambers that would 24:45 put us about a block and a half away 24:47 from uh the site of where the explosion 24:49 was that area has just been uh evacuated 24:53 because uh police have found what they 24:55 described as a suspicious device and 24:57 they fear that it might be something 24:59 that could lead to another explosion 25:02 obviously there there there's a real 25:04 sense of caution here on the part of 25:06 police their fear is that there may have 25:08 been explosive device planted either in 25:11 the building or in the adjacent area and 25:13 that's why they're being so cautious 25:15 we've heard reports of secondary 25:17 explosions after the aircraft impacted 25:19 whether in fact there wasn't something 25:21 else at the base of the towers that in 25:23 fact were the Cuda to bring them to the 25:25 ground people don't understand there may 25:27 be more any one of these [ __ ] 25:28 buildings can blow up this ain't done 25:40 yet I was inside the building waiting go 25:43 upstairs and it just they just let loose 25:46 everything just let loose inside the 25:47 building so what what you tell me is 25:49 that there was plan or whatever hit the 25:51 building then a secondary explosion it 25:52 was like three explosions after that we 25:54 came in after the after the fire we came 25:56 when the fire was going on already we 25:58 was in the staging area inside the 26:00 building could be nothing no more worse 26:03 than this you're in the building trying 26:04 to help people and it's exploding on 26:06 your side the build so I don't think it 26:07 get any worse than 26:13 this3.61K views 1 comment -
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