SGT Report🍃 Support weight loss with a solution derived from Mother Earth: 🍃 ---> http://trimwithsgt.com/ Click Above ^ To Get UP To 51% OFF!!! Paying tax on your income is 100% voluntary and it's also 100% theft. You trade your time and your labor for compensation (in fiat dollars) which is called your CAPITAL. If you were REQUIRED to pay tax on your capital you would be what is known as a "slave". But sadly, most folks pay the blood money without ever questioning this sick system. Researcher Brian Swanson is NOT one of those people. His website, from which you could learn a great deal, is below. Brian's site: https://capitalvsincome.com/76.9K views 109 comments -
Dr David Martin the Next Terror Campaign on the World Is Already Being Planned
plaguemanDr David Martin the Next Terror Campaign on the World Is Already Being Planned59 views 2 comments -
You Will Wish You Watched This! "THE TWISTED TRUTH.."
Restored Republic. Benjamin Fulford ~ Situation Update!📢📢: Join us in Telegram: https://t.me/breakingnewsU You Will Wish You Watched This! "THE TWISTED TRUTH.."635 views 1 comment -
‘I Don’t Recall’: Fauci Unable to Answer Key Questions in Pandemic Probe
childrenshealthdefenseAlthough a major player in the public health sphere years prior to the onset of the COVID pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci gained much notoriety in 2020 and onward. And he is still making headlines — worshiped as a ‘hero’ by some and condemned for a ‘failed’ pandemic response by others. When questioned by congress and the news about COVID origins and other related topics, what does Dr. Fauci have to say — if anything at all? Join investigative journalist Paul Thacker and ‘Defender In-Depth’ host Michael Nevradakis as they discuss ‘Fauci amnesia’ and what ‘America’s Doctor’ is hiding from citizens and the rest of the world.2.73K views 12 comments -
'Horrific' Child Adrenochrome Market Found in NYC Jewish Tunnels - Media Blackout
The People's Voice- Protect your money with Legacy Precious Metals: https://legacypminvestments.com/gold-ira/?affiliate_source=The_Peoples_Voice - Claim your ownership stake in The People's Voice: https://collective.thepeoplesvoice.tv We have been warning about secret tunnel systems involving prominent members of the global elite for years. Now evidence is emerging linking the illegal tunnel system found beneath Crown Heights in Brooklyn with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation. Disturbing video footage from New York City went viral earlier this week, revealing a small stained mattress being pulled from the tunnel that was discovered beneath a Crown Heights synagogue, where photographs show that, among other things, children’s mattresses and high chairs were located in the underground lair. A riot broke out and a dozen men were arrested at the New York City synagogue that serves as the headquarters of the Orthodox Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch movement when men tried to stop the NYPD and a team of construction workers from sealing off the illegal tunnel system dug beneath the building. While the media reported on elements of the story, they conveniently left out the parts that connect key members of the global elite to the ritual child abuse taking place.566K views 284 comments -
German Pathologist Dr Arne Burkhardt Shows How Vaxx-Spike Proteins Are Replacing Sperm
TheLibertyDaily*** The Liberty Daily benefits when you shop using the following links and Code: TLD _ The Liberty Daily Recommends ONE Honest, America-First Precious Metals Company - Our Gold Guy! https://ourgoldguy.com/tld/ _ MY PILLOW PROMO CODE “TLD” https://www.mypillow.com/tld _ Buy a 3-Month Food Supply and receive gifts worth $200! http://bit.ly/3E5HEYo _ Sign up for The Liberty Daily Gold https://thelibertydaily.com/gold/ _ Get all your conservative swag at The Liberty Daily Store: https://shop.thelibertydaily.com/ _ Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheLibertyDaily Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourLibertyNews Find us at: https://thelibertydaily.com13.4K views 33 comments -
Epstein in-depth: The Israeli Connection
BBrasscheckTVMore content like this at https://www.brasscheck.com/video/50 views -
Reflections & Warnings - The Interview with Aaron Russo, Rockefeller Insider
JSlayUSAIn his historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo describes in depth the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. Russo was told (prior to 9/11) of plans to stage terror attacks, invade foreign nations, and kickstart a high-tech police state control grid that would track the populations' every move with implantable R.F.I.D. microchips. Throughout the film, Alex Jones breaks down the latest activities of the New World Order and how it ties into what Russo predicted. Aaron explains how the elite created the women's liberation movement to break up the family and tax working women. Russo breaks down the deception of democracy — which is nothing more than mob rule guaranteed to produce tyranny. Russo also exposes the IRS & Federal Reserve. He blasts the unconstitutional and predatory institutions that have crippled the American Republic and crushed the people with bogus taxes, inflation and loss of privacy. Russo explains that he himself was persecuted in the late 80s by a criminal retroactive tax scheme that attempted to levy new taxes on years already passed. As night falls on the Republic, Aaron Russo delivers a powerful call for the forces of liberty to rise and crush tyranny. Only then can the Republic be restored. Thanks for watching this From the Vault presentation with Jeremy Slayden.9.16K views 10 comments -
Latest Update Dr Reiner Fuellmich ICIC Guest Cathy O'Brien Victim MK Ultra Mind Control Survivor
jjess93In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dagmar Schoen speak with Cathy O'Brien, a survivor of the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control program, to which she was sold by her father as a young child and from where she was passed on to the White House and to the Pentagon for abuse and blackmail purposes. Based on her long path of suffering and torture, which began with the abuse by her father and grandfather, who was a member of a Masonic lodge to which she was handed over, Cathy O'Brien has gained profound insider knowledge which she talks about in this interview. She has been able to overcome these traumas and now openly speaks about issues such as child abuse and human trafficking to bring these abuses to light, raise awareness and sensitize society. She tells us why a traumatized society is easier to indoctrinate and control, how mind control programs work, and that these programs are applied much more commonly on all levels of life than most people can imagine. It is especially in so-called elitist circles that such traumatization programs are frequently used, with serious consequences not only for the victims but also for the perpetrators, whose crimes make them vulnerable to blackmail and control thus turning them into compliant tools for the Svengalis and their evil agenda, particularly on a global political level. According to Cathy, this form of blackmail based on pedophilia and abuse has become one of the key mechanisms of manipulation in the highest circles of government and the judiciary. Cross-border child, human and drug trafficking is therefore not only the most lucrative business of the so-called elites but also their basis for global blackmail for geostrategic purposes. The now widely known Epstein case is only one piece of the puzzle. Cathy O'Brien does not shy away from providing names of perpetrators she was around, including Gerald Ford, Hillary and Bill Clinton or George Bush, and uncovers many backgrounds and their effects on today's socio-political situation worldwide. She shows us some of the connections between the infiltration of secret services, traumatizing events such as the JFK assassination or the September 11 attacks, and NGOs like the WEF with its Young Global Leaders program. She further explains what all this has to do with the so-called "New World Order," the global agenda of unelected elites to restructure and take total control of the world and enslave humanity. Who is really pulling the strings and manipulating people's narratives and thinking via the mainstream media, and what is the media’s role in these operations? How can we defend ourselves against this takeover by a seemingly superior power? Cathy O'Brien provides encouragement and advice and proves that there is always a way out of trauma towards healing if we are willing to see the truth, regain our human spirit, and take action. Cathy O’Brien has written down her experiences in her book “The TranceFormation of America”, which resulted out of her Congressional hearing in 1995, published by Reality Marketing, ISBN-10: 0966016548, ISBN-13: 978-0966016543. Please like subscribe4.33K views 16 comments